Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 410-9-.10 - Educational Facilities and Clinical Affiliates

(1) Educational facilities, campus classrooms, nursing practice laboratory, and the library for the program shall be available to meet the objectives of the program and the needs of the students and faculty.
(a) The campus laboratory:
1.Shall be separate or screened from the classroom(s).
2.Shall contain sufficient equipment, supplies and resources (such as mannequins, models, textbooks, and audiovisual aids), to permit simulated nursing skill practice.
3.Shall provide a secure location for syringes and needles.
(b) A library located at the instructional site shall:
1.Provide texts, audiovisuals, and periodicals, to include practical nursing journals, no older than five (5) years, on the curriculum being taught.
2.Make available to faculty and students access to the Georgia Board of Nursing's Laws and Rules.
(2) Clinical Affiliates.
(a) All clinical affiliates for a program shall be approved by the board prior to utilization for student experiences. The program shall submit the required materials as provided in Rule 410-9-.12(2)(c)(1).
(b) There shall be a written signed agreement between the program and each clinical affiliate which meets the following criteria:
1.The agreement shall be annually reviewed and revised/renewed as necessary.
2.The agreement shall ensure that the nursing faculty maintains the responsibility for the selection and supervision of student learning activities.
(c) The clinical facility's nursing service department shall maintain:
1.A written organizational chart which indicates a clear chain of command for nursing personnel.
2.A copy of current policies and procedures as they relate to the Licensed Practical Nurse shall be available to the board at site visits or as requested.
(d) An orientation shall be conducted for program faculty and each new group of students at the clinical facility.


Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 410-9-.10
O.C.G.A. ยงยง 43-1-25, 43-26-2, 43-26-5(a)(4) -(6) and 43-26-32.
Original Rule entitled "Educational Facilities and Clinical Affiliates" adopted. F. Aug. 24, 2015; eff. Sept. 13, 2015.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.