Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 620-11-.01 - Treatment of Schools

(1) Pesticide applications may be made to schools consistent with the following:
(a) All pesticide applications shall be made in a manner that minimizes the exposure of children or students to the pesticide.
(b) Pesticide application may be made to a room only if children or students are not expected to be present in the room for a minimum of three (3) hours after application. If the products label directions specify a longer reentry interval then the longer reentry interval shall apply except as specified in Rule 620-11-.01(1)(c).
(c) Insecticide baits and rodenticide baits in tamper-resistant containers or bait stations as well as botanical insecticides, insect growth regulators and insecticidal soaps may be applied at any time children or students are not present in a room. No reentry interval is required except if specified by the products label directions. These products may be applied to any open area or multi-purpose room if the area within ten (10) feet of the location is secured and no children or students are present within the secured area during the time of application.
(d) Pesticide applications may be made to outdoor school grounds if children or students are not expected to be present within twenty (20) feet of the application site at the time of application except as specified in Rule 620-11-.01(1)(e). These areas must be clearly marked to discourage entry, and secured by a fence or other similar barrier stating the reentry interval. If the application site is not secured by a fence or other similar barrier, pesticide applications may be made to an outdoor school grounds only if children or students are not expected to be in the area for a minimum of three (3) hours after application. If the products label directions specify a longer reentry interval then the longer reentry interval shall apply except as specified in Rule 620-11-.01(1)(c). Such areas shall be clearly marked to discourage entry. All signs required by this section to discourage entry shall be consistent with the requirements of Rule 620-3-.02(1)(l)2.
(e) Insecticide baits and rodenticide baits in tamper resistant containers or bait stations as well as botanical insecticides, insect growth regulators and insecticidal soaps may be applied to outdoor school grounds anytime children or students are not present in the area. No reentry interval is required except if specified by the products label directions.
(f) All pesticide use dilutions must be prepared outside child or student occupied areas of buildings.
(g) All contracts for pest control service and all services provided must be consistent with any published pest management policy of that school system or licensed child daycare facility.


Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 620-11-.01
O.C.G.A. Secs. 43-45-8, 43-45-16.
Original Rule entitled "Treatment of Schools" adopted. F. Mar. 11, 2014; effective Mar. 31, 2014 .

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.