Ill. Admin. Code tit. 62, § 1817.71 - Disposal of Excess Spoil: General Requirements
a) Excess spoil shall be placed in designated
disposal areas within a permit area, in a controlled manner to:
1) Minimize the adverse effects of leachate
and surface water runoff from the fill on surface and ground waters;
2) Ensure mass stability and prevent mass
movement during and after construction; and
3) Ensure that the final fill is suitable for
reclamation and revegetation compatible with the natural surroundings and the
approved post-mining land use.
b) Design certification.
1) The fill and appurtenant structures shall
be designed using current, prudent engineering practices. A qualified
registered professional engineer experienced in the design of earth and rock
fills shall seal the design of the fill and appurtenant structures.
2) The fill shall be designed to attain a
minimum long-term static safety factor of
1.5. The foundation and
abutments of the fill must be stable under all conditions of
c) All
vegetative and organic materials shall be removed from the disposal area prior
to placement of the excess spoil. Topsoil shall be removed, segregated, and
stored or replaced in accordance with Section
1817.22. If
approved by the Department, organic material may be used as mulch or may be
included in the topsoil to control erosion, promote growth of vegetation, or
increase the moisture retention of the soil.
d) Slope protection shall be provided to
minimize surface erosion at the site. All disturbed areas, including diversion
channels that are not riprapped, or otherwise protected from erosion, shall be
vegetated upon completion of construction.
e) The disposal areas shall be located on the
most moderately sloping and naturally stable areas available as approved by the
Department. Fill materials suitable for disposal shall be placed upon or above
a natural terrace, bench, or berm if such placement provides additional
stability and prevents mass movement.
f) Excess spoil shall be transported and
placed in a controlled manner in horizontal lifts not exceeding four (4) feet
in thickness; concurrently compacted as necessary to ensure mass stability and
prevent mass movement during and after construction; graded so that surface and
subsurface drainage is compatible with the natural surroundings; and covered
with topsoil or substitute material in accordance with Section 1817.22. The
Department may approve a design which incorporates placement of excess spoil in
horizontal lifts other than four (4) feet in thickness when it is demonstrated
by the operator and sealed by a qualified registered professional engineer that
the design will ensure the stability of the fill and will meet all other
requirements of this Section.
The final configuration of the fill must be suitable for the approved
post-mining land use. No permanent impoundments are allowed on the completed
fill. Small depressions shall be allowed by the Department if they are needed
to retain moisture, minimize erosion, create and enhance wildlife habitat, or
assist revegetation; and if they are not incompatible with the stability of the
fill as set forth in Sections
h) Terraces may be constructed on the
outslope of the fill if required for stability, control of erosion, to conserve
soil moisture, or to facilitate the approved post-mining land use as set forth
in Sections
The grade of the outslope between terrace benches shall not be steeper than 2h:
1v (50 percent). Terrace(s) are required where the vertical height of the
excess spoil exceeds forty (40) feet.
i) Where the slope in the disposal area
exceeds lv:2.8 h (thirty-six (36) percent), or such lesser slope designated by
the Department based on local conditions, keyway cuts (excavations to stable
bedrock) or rock toe buttresses shall be constructed to stabilize the fill.
Where the toe of the spoil rests on a downslope, stability analyses shall be
performed in accordance with 62 Ill. Adm. Code
to determine the size of rock toe buttresses and keyway cuts.
j) A qualified registered professional
engineer or other qualified professional specialist under the direction of a
registered professional engineer, experienced in the construction of earth and
rockfill embankments, shall periodically inspect the fill during construction.
Such inspections shall be made at least quarterly throughout construction and
during critical construction periods. Critical construction periods shall
include, at a minimum, foundation preparation, including the removal of all
organic material and topsoil; placement of underdrain and protective filter
systems; installation of final surface drainage systems; and the final graded
and revegetated fill. Regular inspections by the engineer or specialist shall
also be conducted during placement and compaction of fill materials.
1) The qualified registered professional
engineer shall provide to the Department a sealed report within two (2) weeks
after each inspection that the fill has been constructed and maintained as
designed and in accordance with the approved plan and 62 Ill. Adm. Code 1700
through 1850. The report shall include appearances of instability, structural
weakness, and other hazardous conditions.
2) The sealed report on the drainage system
and protective filters shall include color photographs of the structure taken
during and after construction, but before underdrains are covered with excess
spoil. If the underdrain system is constructed in phases, each phase shall be
sealed separately.
3) Where excess
durable rock spoil is placed in single or multiple lifts such that the
underdrain system is constructed simultaneously with excess spoil placement by
the natural segregation of dumped materials, in accordance with Section
color photographs shall be taken of the underdrain as the underdrain system is
being formed.
4) The photographs
accompanying each sealed report shall be taken in adequate size and number with
enough terrain or other physical features of the site shown to provide a
relative scale to the photographs and to specifically and clearly identify the
5) A copy of each inspection
report shall be retained at or near the mine site.
k) Coal processing wastes may be disposed of
in excess spoil fills, if such waste is:
Placed in accordance with Section
2) Demonstrated to be nontoxic- and
nonacid-forming; and
Demonstrated to be consistent with the design stability of the fill.
l) Drainage control. If the
disposal area contains springs, natural or manmade watercourses, or wet weather
seeps, the fill design shall include diversions and underdrains as necessary to
control erosion, prevent water infiltration into the fill, and ensure
1) Diversions shall comply with the
requirements of Section
2) Underdrains shall consist of durable rock
or pipe, be designed and constructed using current, prudent engineering
practices. The underdrain system shall be designed to carry the anticipated
seepage of water due to rainfall away from seeps and springs in the foundation
of the disposal area and shall be protected from piping and contamination by an
adequate filter. Rock underdrains shall be constructed of durable, nonacid- ,
nontoxic-forming rock (e.g., natural sand and gravel, sandstone, limestone, or
other durable rock) that does not slake in water or degrade to soil material,
and which is free of coal, clay or other nondurable material. Perforated pipe
underdrains shall be corrosion resistant and shall have characteristics
consistent with the long-term life of the fill.
m) The foundation and abutments of the fill
shall be stable under all conditions of construction and operation. Sufficient
foundation investigation, as well as any necessary laboratory testing of
foundation materials, shall be performed in order to determine the design
requirements for stability of the foundation. Analyses of foundation conditions
shall include the effect of underground mine workings, if any, upon the
stability of the fill and appurtenant structures.
n) Excess spoil may be returned to
underground mine workings only in accordance with the disposal plans submitted
under 62 Ill. Adm. Code
and approved by the Department and MSHA.
o) Excess spoil that is acid- or
toxic-forming or combustible shall be adequately covered with nonacid, nontoxic
and noncombustible material, or treated, to control the impact on surface and
ground water in accordance with Section 1817.41, to prevent sustained
combustion, and to minimize adverse effects on plant growth and the approved
post-mining land use as set forth in Section
p) Face-up operations. Spoil resulting from
face-up operations for underground coal mine development may be placed at drift
entries as part of a cut and fill structure, if the structure is less than four
hundred (400) feet in horizontal length and designed in accordance with this
Amended at 11 Ill. Reg. 8250, effective July 1, 1987
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.