94-411 C.M.R. ch. 702, § 15 - Recommended decision of the hearing officer

1. Contents. Following the hearing or, if the parties have agreed to waive hearing, following review of the documentary and testimonial record, and following the issuance of the Chief Executive Officer's reconsidered decision, the hearing officer will prepare a recommended decision, which will include:
A. A clear statement of the subject(s) of the appeal and of the issues which must be resolved to decide the appeal;
B. A listing of the date, place of hearing, and participants at the hearing or, if no hearing was held, a statement that the parties agreed to proceed without a hearing or other explanation;
C. A listing of all evidence admitted and upon which the recommended final decision is based;
D. Findings of fact, which must be sufficient to apprise the parties of the basis for the recommended decision;
E. A clear statement of result resolving all issues under consideration; and
F. A clear explanation of the reasoning underlying the result, including references to applicable law and rules.
2. Comments, modification, and delivery to the Board
A. The hearing officer will furnish a copy of the recommended decision to each of the parties for comment. A party's comments must be in writing and must be received within the time period set by the hearing officer.
B. If a party believes that the hearing officer's decision contains one or more errors of law, or that the hearing officer has exceeded their jurisdiction, or that there is no support in the record for the factual findings of the hearing officer, the party shall so advise the hearing officer in that party's written comments. Identification of the error(s) by specific record citation is required.
C. The hearing officer may, but is not required to, modify the recommended decision in response to the parties' comments. If in the judgment of the hearing officer, the previously issued recommended decision is substantially modified, the hearing officer will send the recommended decision as modified to the parties for further comment, as provided in paragraph A.
D. The hearing officer will submit the recommended decision, as originally prepared and as modified, together with the written comments made by the parties, to the Board clerk. Where the recommended decision is not modified, the hearing officer will also deliver to the Board clerk a written response to the parties' written comments. Upon transmittal to the Board, the decision of the hearing officer constitutes the recommended final decision of the hearing officer.
E. If a party believes that the recommended final decision of the hearing officer contains one or more errors of law, or that the hearing officer has exceeded their jurisdiction, or that there is no support in the record for the factual findings of the hearing officer, the party must so notify the Board in writing so that the notification is received by the Board within 10 days after that party's receipt of the recommended final decision, specifying the error(s) by specific citation to the record. In the event no written comments are received by the Board as specified herein, the Board will be compelled to accept the recommended final decision pursuant to 5 M.R.S. § 17106-A and will not schedule consideration of the appeal or permit oral argument by the parties.


94-411 C.M.R. ch. 702, § 15

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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