94-411 C.M.R. ch. 702, § 17 - Attorney's Fees

1. The System is required by 5 M.R.S. § 17106- B(5) to pay attorney's fees, up to a total of $12,000, if an attorney has represented the appellant on appeal of a disability retirement decision and obtained a favorable result. A favorable result is a reversal of a decision of the Board or Chief Executive Officer that results in the grant of benefits to the appellant or otherwise materially advantages the appellant.
2. Attorney's fees under this section may be awarded by a Court on judicial review of a Board decision or by the hearing officer in the case where a decision of the Chief Executive Officer has been reversed by the Board or the Chief Executive Officer.
3. Application to a hearing officer for attorney's fees must be made no later than 30 days after receipt of the Board decision or the dismissal of the appeal following reversal by the Chief Executive Officer.
A. The application must be accompanied by proof of the fee arrangement and a statement of attorney's fees incurred in the appeal. The statement of attorney's fees shall be accompanied by an affidavit executed by the attorney of record itemizing the attorney's charges for legal services and a statement of the attorney's customary billing rate for similar work.
B. The hearing officer may grant the application based on the proof submitted or may hold a hearing and receive argument orally, in writing, or both.
C. A decision on an attorney's fee application may be appealed to the Board, who shall affirm the decision unless it is not supported by the record as a whole, the Board is advised by Attorney General that the hearing officer has made an error of law, or the decision exceeds the authority or jurisdiction conferred upon the hearing officer.
1. The process for Board review shall be consistent with section 16 above to the extent applicable.
2. The Board's decision constitutes final agency action.


94-411 C.M.R. ch. 702, § 17

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.