99-346 C.M.R. ch. 16, § 4 - ALLOCATION PROCESS

A. Pre-Application Submission. Each Project must undergo a mandatory Pre-Application review by MaineHousing to assess its feasibility, suitability for housing, and eligibility for Credit. Applicants must submit the information and documents set forth in Appendix B with the pre-application fee specified in Section 4. C. to MaineHousing by Wednesday, July 3, 2024 for the 2025 round and by Thursday, July 3, 2025 for the 2026 round. An Applicant will not be eligible for Credit if
1. it fails to provide a complete Pre-Application submission in accordance with this subsection, or
2. there is any material change in the Project between the Pre-Application submission and the Application unless required by MaineHousing.
B. Application. Applications are subject to the following limitations, conditions and requirements:
1. Existing Housing.
a) Acquisition and Rehabilitation Projects. Projects that involve the acquisition and rehabilitation of Affordable Housing must include the addition of at least 20 new units, or meet the requirements of the Preservation Set-Aside in Section 3. B.
b) Demolition of Existing Housing. Demolition of existing housing that has not been condemned or declared blight by a municipality is not eligible unless approved by MaineHousing.
2. Deadline. The deadlines for submitting Applications are Thursday, September 19, 2024 for the 2025 State Ceiling and Thursday, September 18, 2025 for the 2026 State Ceiling.
3. Format. The Application must be completed and submitted electronically in the form and manner prescribed by MaineHousing. Submitted exhibits must include documentation such as grant award letters, signed documentation on letterhead or evidence of official municipal action to provide evidence of all funding sources and official approvals. MaineHousing may require the Applicant to submit additional information.
C. Fees. Applicants must pay the following fees when due. All fees are non-refundable.

Type of Fee


Due Date

Pre-application Fee


By Pre-application deadline in Section 4. A.

Application Fee


Postmarked for delivery by Application deadline in Section 4. B.2

Allocation Fee

7.5% of Credit

Earlier of Carryover Allocation (Section 8. B.) or Final Allocation (Section 8. A.)

Monitoring Fee*

$1,000 per Credit Unit

Final Allocation (Section 8. A.)

*MaineHousing may charge an additional monitoring fee to cover any increased costs due to income averaging or other extraordinary monitoring requirements during the Compliance Period.

D. Ineligible Applicants. An Application will be deemed ineligible if one or more of the following has occurred:
1. The Applicant, any Principal thereof, or Affiliates of either
a) has an uncorrected IRS Form 8823 in connection with any LIHTC Project to the extent it is correctable unless previously waived by MaineHousing;
b) has been declared in default or has been 60 calendar days or more delinquent on any loan with MaineHousing, unless the default or delinquency has been cured or there is an approved payment or workout plan in good standing prior to the Application deadline;
c) has ever been the owner of any project in which MaineHousing has foreclosed a mortgage interest or received a deed-in-lieu of foreclosure of a mortgage interest unless previously waived by MaineHousing;
d) is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, or excluded from participation in any federal or state programs;
e) has sought to achieve early termination of an Extended Use Agreement through the written request to a housing credit agency to present a Qualified Contract;
f) has in the last 10 years either commenced or had commenced against it any proceeding in or for bankruptcy, receivership, reorganization or any other arrangement for relief from creditors commenced against it that affected a MaineHousing-funded project that was not dismissed within 90 calendar days; or
2. The tax credit syndicator, investor, or Affiliates of either
a) transferred its interest in any LIHTC Project after March 25, 2014 in violation of the Ownership Transfer Rule;
b) failed to make any required capital contributions with respect to any LIHTC Project, and has not corrected such actions prior to the Application deadline;
c) has sought to achieve early termination of an Extended Use Agreement through the written request to a housing credit agency to present a Qualified Contract; or
d) has sought to undermine the exercise of a right of first refusal or purchase option with respect to any LIHTC Project by:
(i) refusing to honor a right of first refusal or purchase option; or
(ii) involvement in a lawsuit challenging the exercise of a right of first refusal or purchase option.

MaineHousing may reject the Application if it determines the deficiencies are not addressed. MaineHousing may also require financial statements from the Applicant, Principal thereof, or Affiliates of either.

E. Notice to Local Jurisdiction. Upon receipt of an Application, MaineHousing will notify the Chief Executive Officer of the municipality with jurisdiction over the location of the proposed Project. The notice will provide for a 15-day comment period. MaineHousing will consider any comments received.
F. Selection Process. Applications for the State Ceiling with the highest scores will be awarded Credit until the applicable State Ceiling is fully awarded.
1. The preservation set-aside is limited to one Project. If the set-aside is not sufficient to complete the Project proposed in the highest scoring eligible Application, MaineHousing may allocate additional Credit, allocate the Credit under the set-aside to the next highest-scoring eligible Application that does not need more than the set aside, or not allocate any Credit under the preservation set-aside. All Applications that participate in the preservation set-aside and do not win will be placed on a waiting list.
2. The highest scoring Qualified Nonprofit Organization will be the winner of the nonprofit set-aside regardless of its ranking among other Applicants. If the set-aside is not fully awarded to the highest scoring eligible Applicant, MaineHousing may allocate additional Credit to the next highest scoring eligible Applicant for the set-aside, not fully allocate Credit under the set-aside, or require an Applicant that has not indicated that it is participating in the set-aside to participate in the set-aside. MaineHousing may, if necessary, require the Applicant to change its ownership structure. All Applications that participate in the nonprofit set-aside and do not win will be scored with the other Applications.
3. Except as set forth above, MaineHousing will make awards in score order to select threshold-eligible Applications. If the last Application selected for an award of Credit needs more Credit than remains under the applicable State Ceiling, MaineHousing may elect to either (a) not award the remaining Credit to any Application, or (b) award additional Credit under the next annual State Ceiling to the Application. All threshold- eligible Applications that are not selected will be placed on a waiting list. Any Credit that is returned or is otherwise unused will be made available to waiting list Applications using this process.
G. Notice to Proceed. MaineHousing will meet with each Applicant selected for a Credit award. If the Applicant accepts the Credit award conditions, MaineHousing will issue a Notice to Proceed. Applicants must execute and return the Notice within the time period specified.
H. Credit Allocation. Upon receipt of the fully executed Notice to Proceed, MaineHousing will evaluate the Application pursuant to Section 7 to determine the amount of Credit, if any, to be allocated.
I. Termination of Application or Notice to Proceed. MaineHousing will deem an Application withdrawn and any Notice to Proceed cancelled if one or more of the following occur without MaineHousing's written approval after the Application is submitted:
1. The Application or the Notice to Proceed is assigned or the Applicant or any Principal thereof changes;
2. The location of the Project changes from the location identified in the Application;
3. There is any change which would result in a net reduction in the Application's score;
4. There is a change in the Project's design or financing from what was in the Application which results in a substantial increase in the amount of Credit or other MaineHousing funding required;
5. The Project's TDC Index exceeds the TDC Index Cap;
6. Failure to meet the threshold requirements in Section 5;
7. Any event in Section 4. D. occurs and is not cured within any applicable cure period; or
8. There is any other material or substantive amendment or change to the Application.


99-346 C.M.R. ch. 16, § 4

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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