Md. Code Regs. tit. 08, subtit. 03, ch. 08.03.10 - General Wildlife Hunting Regulations

  1. § - Repealed
  2. § - Recorded Bird or Animal Calls
  3. § - Crippled Game
  4. § - Repealed
  5. § - Shooting From Unpaved Highways
  6. § - Repealed
  7. § - Baiting
  8. § - Repealed
  9. § - Special Permit - Disabled Persons
  10. § - Guiding on Service Owned or Controlled Lands
  11. § - Repealed
  12. § - Migratory Game Bird Harvest Information Program Permit and Validation
  13. § - Hunter Identification
  14. § - Hunting from a Ground Blind
  15. § - Snow Goose Conservation Hunt Permit and Validation
  16. § - Hunting Near a School


Md. Code Regs. tit. 08, subtit. 03, ch. 08.03.10
Effective date:
Regulations .01-.09 were previously codified as Regulations .12, .15, .17, .45, .48, .56, .08, .27, and .32, respectively, under COMAR 08.03.01 Wildlife Conservation. This recodification was effective June 3, 1985 (12:11 Md. R. 1047)
For the history of these regulations before June 3, 1985, see the Administrative History on the pages following COMAR 08.03.01.
Regulation .06 repealed effective August 8, 1988 (15:16 Md. R. 1913)
Regulation .07B amended effective May 18, 1987 (14:10 Md. R. 1169)
Regulation .08 amended effective June 3, 1985 (12:11 Md. R. 1047)
Regulation .08 repealed and new Regulation .08 adopted effective June 30, 1986 (13:13 Md. R. 1488)
Regulation .08D adopted effective May 18, 1987 (14:10 Md. R. 1169)
Regulation .08G adopted as an emergency provision effective October 7, 1988 (15:22 Md. R. 2547); emergency status expired February 4, 1989
Regulation .09 amended effective June 30, 1986 (13:13 Md. R. 1488)
Regulation .09A amended effective May 18, 1987 (14:10 Md. R. 1169)
Regulation .10 adopted effective May 18, 1987 (14:10 Md. R. 1169)
Annotation: COMAR (f(formerly requires all persons who assist hunters for compensation to have a commercial hunting guide license. Attorney General Opinion No. 84-022 (September 18, 1984)
Regulations .01-.10 under COMAR 08.03.01 recodified to COMAR 08.03.10, with amendments to Regulations .08A and .09, and the adoption of Regulation.11, effective June 26, 1989 (16:12 Md. R. 1333)
Regulation .01 amended effective August 18, 2003 (30:16 Md. R. 1074); August 30, 2004 (31:17 Md. R. 1311)
Regulation .01 repealed effective August 23, 2010 (37:17 Md. R. 1184)
Regulation .01A amended effective July 17, 2008 (35:14 Md. R. 1245)
Regulation .02 amended effective June 3, 1996 (23:11 Md. R. 809)
Regulation .02 repealed and new Regulation .02 adopted effective August 19, 2002 (29:16 Md. R. 1287)
Regulation .02A amended effective August 15, 2016 (43:16 Md. R. 899)
Regulation .02B amended effective May 7, 2018 (45:9 Md. R. 461)
Regulation .04 amended effective July 23, 1990 (17:14 Md. R. 1756)
Regulation .04 repealed as an emergency provision effective July 19, 1996 (23:16 Md. R. 1166); repealed permanently effective January 13, 1997 (24:1 Md. R. 29)
Regulation .07 amended as an emergency provision effective October 1, 1989 (16:21 Md. R. 2256); emergency status expired March 29, 1990; amended permanently effective June 11, 1990 (17:11 Md. R. 1341)
Regulation .07A amended effective October 1, 2015 (42:19 Md. R. 1228)
Regulation .07B, C amended as an emergency provision effective June 29, 1999 (26:15 Md. R. 1145); amended permanently effective October 4, 1999 (26:20 Md. R. 1544)
Regulation .08 repealed effective April 11, 2005 (32:7 Md. R. 676)
Regulation .08D amended effective September 2, 1991 (18:17 Md. R. 1917)
Regulation .09 amended as an emergency provision effective November 4, 1991 (18:23 Md. R. 2481); amended permanently effective March 2, 1992 (19:4 Md. R. 472)
Regulation .09 amended effective March 14, 2016 (43:5 Md. R. 384)
Regulation .11 repealed effective January 2, 2017 (43:26 Md. R. 1443)
Regulation .12 adopted effective August 15, 1994 (21:16 Md. R. 1382)
Regulation .12 repealed and new Regulation .12 adopted effective August 19, 2002 (29:16 Md. R. 1287)
Regulation .13 adopted effective August 28, 1995 (22:17 Md. R. 1317)
Regulation .13 repealed as an emergency provision effective September 15, 1998 (25:21 Md. R. 1571); repealed permanently effective December 28, 1998 (25:16 Md. R. 1920)
Regulation .13 adopted effective September 4, 2000 (27:17 Md. R. 1618)
Regulation .13 amended effective June 25, 2001 (28:12 Md. R. 1105)
Regulation .14 adopted effective August 11, 2008 (35:16 Md. R. 1390)
Regulation .14C amended effective August 23, 2010 (37:17 Md. R. 1184); May 7, 2018 (45:9 Md. R. 461)
Regulation .15 adopted effective August 23, 2010 (37:17 Md. R. 1184)
Regulation .15A amended effective May 7, 2018 (45:9 Md. R. 461)
Regulation .16 adopted as an emergency provision effective October 1, 2013 (40:21 Md. R. 1771); adopted permanently effective November 25, 2013 (40:23 Md. R. 1933)
Regulation .14 amended effective October 8, 2018 (45:20 Md. R. 917)

Authority: Natural Resources Article, § 10-418, Annotated Code of Maryland

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