205 CMR 5.27 - Licensed Association

(1) No person under the age of 16 years shall be employed in or about the track of any association.
(2) It shall be the duty of each and every Association licensed by the Commission and the officers, officials and employees of said Association to observe and enforce 205 CMR 5.00. Every license to hold a race meeting is granted upon the condition that the Association therein named shall accept, observe and enforce 205 CMR 5.00.
(3) Each Association shall provide and equip a first aid room within its enclosure.
(4) Each Association conducting a greyhound racing meeting shall keep a separate bank account to be known as the "Kennel Owners' Account" with at all times sufficient funds in such account to cover all monies due greyhound owners in regard to purses, stakes, rewards and deposits. Withdrawals from this account shall be only for such purposes and said account shall at all times be subject to audit by the Commission.
(5) Members of the Commission and its representatives shall have the right to full and complete entry to any and all points of the grounds of the Associations licensed to conduct greyhound racing in Massachusetts. Every kennel that is licensed by the Racing Commission is subject at reasonable times to inspection by the Racing Commission or their designees.
(a) Each Association shall have a "mirror image" installed in connection with the photo-finish camera.
(b) Each Association shall provide that no person shall be admitted to the Kennel area unless he is wearing an identification badge issued to him by the Commission. Each person whose duties or occupation requires their presence in the Kennel area shall wear his identification badge in view at all times.

The Commission will hold the Association to strict accountability for full compliance with the provisions of 205 CMR 5.27(6)(b).

(c) Any licensed person who allows another to use his or her license identification card or badge or any person who used the license identification card or badge of another person for the purpose of transferring any of the benefits pertaining thereto may be suspended, assessed a forfeiture, or both.
(7) Each Association shall install at the finish line at their track, and shall adequately maintain, two photo-finish cameras, to be approved by the Commission, to automatically photograph the finish of races. The official photographer shall furnish promptly to the Commission a print of every photo-finish.
(8) No Association shall permit on its grounds any betting or other operation in contravention of any law of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts or of the United States.
(9) Hand booking shall be prohibited on the grounds and its operators shall be excluded therefrom.
(10) During the term of disqualification of any participant in racing, it shall be the duty of the Association to see to it that the privileges of his admission badge are revoked, and that he is kept out of the grounds unless otherwise permitted to enter under certain conditions and at certain times as may be provided for elsewhere in 205 CMR 5.00.
(11) Each Association shall furnish to the Commission the names and addresses of all persons ejected by the Association from its grounds, together with the offense or offenses alleged against them, and any other material information relating thereto.
(12) Any person ejected from the grounds of an Association shall be denied admission to said grounds until written permission for his re-entering has been obtained from the Association and written notification of such permission shall forthwith he filed with the Commission.
(13) A person ejected from the grounds of an Association licensed by the Commission shall be refused admission to the grounds of all other licensed Associations in Massachusetts until he has been permitted to re-enter the race where he was originally ejected in accordance with the procedure provided for in 205 CMR 5.27(12).
(14) Purse money shall not be paid to the winners thereof earlier than 48 hours (Sundays excluded) following their winning.
(15) No percentage of winnings shall be deducted by an Association for itself or for another person, club, or body, unless at the request of the person to whom such winnings are payable and except that an Association may withhold from the winnings any money due it.
(16) Each Association shall provide within its grounds an adequate office for the use and to be at the disposal of the Commission and all of its officials.
(17) Each Association licensed by the Commission shall notify the Commission prior to the opening of the meeting of the name of the person or persons who will make the selections as they appear in the program. Any change in the person or persons designated by the Association shall be promptly reported to the Commission.
(18) If the Pari-mutuel Manager is to be absent from the track for a complete racing program the Association shall inform the Commission Accountant at the track at least ½ hour before post time for the first race of the name of the person who will perform the duties of the Pari-mutuel Manager during his absence.
(19) Every employee of the Pari-mutuel Department, who, by nature of his employment comes in contact with patrons, shall be designated by name or number, that easy identification may be made by the public.
(20) No minor shall be allowed to place or collect a wager and every employee of the Pari-mutuel Department shall be so instructed by the Association.
(21) Each Association shall provide signs reading "NO RACE" and "REFUND" placed in a prominent position, readable to the public attending, to be displayed when the Judges have ruled "No Race."
(22) Each Association shall keep and maintain during its meeting a card index system of identification of each greyhound racing for the Association. The cards shall show the name of the owner, authorized agent and trainer, breeding, weight, color, sex and the characteristic markings and scars and other identification features not above named. The cards shall be completed and filled out by the Paddock Judge.
(23) It shall be the duty of each Association to install and maintain in good working order a suitable telephone system between the Judges' Stand and the office of the Pari-mutuel plant, the Odds Board, the Paddock Office and the Lure Operator's tower.
(24) Each Association shall print or cause to be printed in heavy type in a conspicuous place in its printed program all of 205 CMR 5.19(9) and may post printed copies of 205 CMR 5.19(9) about the track in such places as it may deem advisable.
(25) It shall be the duty of each Association to see that all owners, authorized agents, trainers and assistant trainers, are licensed before any greyhound in which they hold interest or which they train is allowed to race and it shall be the duty of each Association to see that the application for license is filed and the prescribed fee is paid to the Commission.


205 CMR 5.27

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.