248 CMR 10.20 - Swimming Pools

(1) General.
(a) All swimming pools must be installed in full compliance with all provisions of 105 CMR 435.00: Minimum Standards for Swimming Pools (State Sanitary Code: Chapter V).
(b) The issuing of permits, payment of fees, inspection, approval and installation of all swimming pools must also conform to all provisions of 248 CMR 3.00 through 10.00.
(2) Definitions.

Public Pool. Means every swimming, wading or special purpose pool, admission to which may be gained by the general public with or without the payment of a fee.

Residential Pool. Means a swimming or wading pool established or maintained by an individual for his or her own or family's use or for the use of personal guests of his or her household.

Semi-public Pool. Means a swimming, wading or special purpose pool on the premises of, or used in connection with a hotel, motel, trailer court, apartment house, condominium, country club, youth club, school, camp, or similar establishment where the primary purpose of the establishment is not the operation of the swimming facilities, and where admission to the use of the pool is included in the fee or consideration paid or given for the primary use of the premises. Semi-public pool shall also mean a pool constructed and maintained by groups for the purposes of providing bathing facilities for members and guests only.

Special Purpose Pool. Means a unit designed for recreational and therapeutic use which is shallow in depth and not meant for swimming or diving. These pools are not drained, cleaned, or refilled for each user. It may include, but not be limited to, hydro jet circulation, hot water, cold water mineral baths, air induction bubbles, or any combination thereof. Industry terminology for such a pool includes, but is not limited to, therapeutic pool, hydrotherapy pool, whirlpool, hot spa, hot tubs, float tanks, etc. This standard excludes residential units and facilities used or under the direct supervision and control of licensed medical personnel.

Wading Pool. Means a pool of water in a basin having a maximum depth of less than two feet intended chiefly as a wading place for children. It does not include any residential pool as defined in 248 CMR 10.20.

(3) Plan Approval. No person shall construct or install a Public or Semi-public swimming or wading pool or expand, remodel, or otherwise make any change which may affect the compliance of an existing Public or Semi-public swimming or wading pool with the requirements of 248 CMR 10.00: Uniform State Plumbing Code until the plans and specifications for the construction or change have been approved in writing by the Board of Health.
(4) Cross Connection Control.
(a) Cross Connection Potable water supplying any public, semi-public, wading or special purpose pool, either directly or to the recirculation system, shall be supplied through an air gap or reduced pressure backflow preventor. In addition, no piping arrangement shall exist that will permit sewage, wastewater or any water of unknown or questionable quality to enter the pool or pool piping system.
(b) Pool drains or drains from filters, where the re-circulating system is used, shall be indirectly connected to sewers.
1. Such drains should discharge by an indirect connection to a properly trapped sump.
2. Where such indirect connections are not possible, pumping of pool and filter-wash drainage may be necessary.
(5) Pool Discharge.
(a) Pipes that convey wastewater from swimming or wading pools including pool drainage, back wash from filters, water from scum gutter drains or floor drains which serve walks around pools, shall beindirectly wasted.
(b) Circulation pumps may be utilized to lift wastewater when the indirect waste line is below the sewer grade.
(c) Wastewater may discharge to the storm or sanitary systems in cities and towns only with written authorization from the authority having jurisdiction and may need to be treated prior to discharge.


248 CMR 10.20
Amended by Mass Register Issue 1331, eff. 1/27/2017. Amended by Mass Register Issue 1510, eff. 12/8/2023.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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