20 CSR 2250-8.090 - Brokerage Service Agreements

PURPOSE: This rule requires that a listing agreement be in writing and that a copy of the agreement be delivered to the owner before a broker may advertise or place a sign on the property. The agreement must contain all terms, conditions, a definite expiration date, and signatures of all parties. All information contained on the agreement shall be carefully investigated for accuracy by the listing agent. In a cooperative listing, the selling broker shall be presumed to be a subagent of the listing broker.

(1) A licensee shall not advertise or place a sign upon any property offering it for sale or lease to prospective customers without the written consent of the owner or his or her duly authorized agent.
(2) A licensee shall not show residential property unless a broker holds a currently effective written seller's/lessor's agency agreement, seller's/lessor's transaction brokerage agreement, or other written authorization to show.
(3) In a commercial real estate transaction, a brokerage service agreement prepared by legal counsel for the client/customer to be represented or assisted shall not be subject to the provisions of 20 CSR 2250-8.090(4)-(7).
(4) Seller's/Lessor's Agency (Sale/Lease Listing) Agreement.
(A) Every written listing agreement or other written agreement for brokerage services shall contain all of the following:
1. The price;
2. The commission to be paid (including any and all bonuses);
3. A definite beginning date;
4. An expiration date;
5. The licensee's duties and responsibilities;
6. A statement which permits or prohibits the designated broker from offering subagency;
7. A statement which permits or prohibits the designated broker and/or affiliated licensee from acting as a disclosed dual agent and if permitted, the duties and responsibilities of a dual agent;
8. A statement which permits or prohibits the designated broker and/or affiliated licensee from acting as a transaction broker and if permitted, the duties and responsibilities of a transaction broker;
9. Specification of whether or not the designated broker is authorized to cooperate with and compensate other designated brokers acting pursuant to any other brokerage relationship as defined by 339.710 to 339.860, RSMo, including but not limited to buyer's agents and/or transaction brokers;
10. A statement which confirms that the seller/lessor received the Broker Disclosure Form prescribed by the commission:
a) on or before the signing of the seller's agency agreement, or
b) upon the licensee obtaining any personal or financial information, whichever occurs first;
11. The signatures of all owners and the listing broker or listing agent as authorized by the broker;
12. The type of listing;
13. The legal description or the complete street address of the property, which includes the city where the property is located; or, in the absence of a legal description or address, a clear description which unmistakably identifies the property; and
14. All other terms and conditions under which the property is to be sold, leased, or exchanged.
(B) The agreement shall contain no provision requiring an owner to notify the broker of intent to cancel the listing after the expiration date.
(C) Any addendums, riders, endorsements, attachments, or changes to the listing agreement or other written agreement for brokerage services must contain the initials of all parties.
(D) The licensee shall give a legible copy of every written listing agreement or other written agreement for brokerage services to the owner of the property at the time the signature of the owner is obtained.
(E) A licensee shall not negotiate or enter into a brokerage service agreement with an owner if the licensee knows, or has reason to know, that the owner has a written unexpired exclusive brokerage service agreement as to the property with another broker, unless the owner initiates the discussion and provided the licensee has not directly or indirectly solicited the discussion, in which case the licensee may negotiate and enter into an agreement which will take effect after the expiration of the current agreement.
(F) No licensee shall make or enter into a net listing agreement for the sale or lease of real property or any interest in real property; this agreement is defined as one that stipulates a net price to be received by the owner with the excess over that price to be received by the broker as commission.
(G) A listing agreement or other written agreement for brokerage services may not be assigned, sold, or otherwise transferred to another broker without the express written consent of all parties to the original agreement.
(5) Buyer's/Tenant's Agency Agreement.
(A) Every written buyer or tenant authorization shall contain all of the following:
1. A description of the type of property sought by the buyer or tenant;
2. The commission or fee to be paid (including any and all bonuses);
3. A definite beginning date;
4. An expiration date;
5. The licensee's duties and responsibilities;
6. A statement which permits or prohibits the designated broker from offering subagency;
7. A statement which permits or prohibits the designated broker and/or affiliated licensee from acting as a disclosed dual agent and if permitted, the duties and responsibilities of a dual agent;
8. A statement which permits or prohibits the designated broker and/or affiliated licensee from acting as a transaction broker and if permitted, the duties and responsibilities of a transaction broker;
9. Specification of whether or not the designated broker is authorized to cooperate with and compensate other designated brokers acting pursuant to any other brokerage relationship as defined by 339.710 to 339.860, RSMo, including but not limited to seller's agents and/or transaction brokers;
10. A statement which confirms that the buyer received the Broker Disclosure Form prescribed by the commission:
a) on or before the signing of the buyer's agency agreement, or
b) upon the licensee obtaining any personal or financial information, whichever occurs first;
11. The signatures of the buyers or tenants and the broker or agent as authorized by the broker;
12. The type of agreement; and
13. All other terms and conditions prescribed by the buyers or tenants.
(B) The agreement shall contain no provision requiring a buyer or tenant to notify the broker of intent to cancel the agreement after the expiration date.
(C) Any addendums, riders, endorsements, attachments, or changes to the agreement or other written authorization must contain the initials of all parties.
(D) The licensee shall give a legible copy of every written agreement or other authorization to the buyer or tenant at the time the signatures are obtained and a copy of the written authorization shall be retained in the broker's office.
(E) A licensee shall not negotiate or enter into a brokerage service agreement with a buyer or tenant if the licensee knows, or has reason to know, that the buyer or tenant has a written unexpired exclusive agreement with another broker, unless the buyer or tenant initiates the discussion and provided the licensee has not directly or indirectly solicited the discussion, in which case the licensee may negotiate and enter into an agreement which will take effect after the expiration of the current agreement.
(F) A buyer or tenant agency agreement may not be assigned, sold, or otherwise transferred to another broker without the express written consent of all parties to the original buyer or tenant agency agreement.
(6) Transaction Brokerage Agreement Between Broker and Seller/Lessor.
(A) Every written seller's or lessor's transaction brokerage agreement shall contain all of the following:
1. The price;
2. The commission to be paid (including any and all bonuses);
3. A definite beginning date;
4. An expiration date;
5. The licensee's duties and responsibilities;
6. The signatures of all owners and the broker or affiliated licensee as authorized by the broker;
7. The type of agreement;
8. The legal description or the complete street address of the property, which includes the city where the property is located; or, in the absence of a legal description or address, a clear description which unmistakably identifies the property;
9. All other terms and conditions under which the property is to be sold, leased, or exchanged;
10. Specification of whether or not the designated broker is authorized to cooperate with and compensate other designated brokers acting pursuant to any other brokerage relationship as defined by 339.710 to 339.860, RSMo, including but not limited to buyer's agents and/or other transaction brokers; and
11. A statement which confirms that the seller/lessor received the Broker Disclosure Form prescribed by the commission:
a) on or before the signing of the transaction brokerage agreement, or
b) upon the licensee obtaining any personal or financial information, whichever occurs first.
(B) The agreement shall contain no provision requiring an owner to notify the broker of intent to cancel the agreement after the expiration date.
(C) Any addendums, riders, endorsements, attachments, or changes to the agreement must contain the initials of all parties.
(D) The licensee shall give a legible copy of every written agreement to the owner of the property at the time the signature of the owner(s) is obtained.
(E) A licensee shall not negotiate or enter into a brokerage service agreement with an owner if the licensee knows, or has reason to know, that the owner has a written unexpired exclusive brokerage service agreement as to the property with another broker, unless the owner initiates the discussion and provided the licensee has not directly or indirectly solicited the discussion, in which case the licensee may negotiate and enter into an agreement which will take effect after the expiration of the current agreement.
(F) No licensee shall make or enter into a net agreement for the sale or lease of real property or any interest in real property; this agreement is defined as one that stipulates a net price to be received by the owner with the excess over that price to be received by the broker as commission.
(G) Transaction brokerage agreements may not be assigned, sold, or otherwise transferred to another broker without the express written consent of all parties to the original transaction brokerage agreement.
(7) Transaction Brokerage Agreement Between Broker and Buyer/Tenant.
(A) Every written buyer's or tenant's transaction brokerage agreement shall contain all of the following:
1. A description of the type of property sought by the buyer or tenant;
2. The commission or fee to be paid (including any and all bonuses);
3. A definite beginning date;
4. An expiration date;
5. The licensee's duties and responsibilities;
6. The signatures of the buyers or tenants and the broker or affiliated licensee as authorized by the broker;
7. The type of agreement;
8. All other terms and conditions prescribed by the buyers or tenants;
9. Specification of whether or not the designated broker is authorized to cooperate with and compensate other designated brokers acting pursuant to any other brokerage relationship as defined by 339.710 to 339.860, RSMo, including but not limited to seller's agents and/or other transaction brokers; and
10. A statement which confirms that the buyer received the Broker Disclosure Form prescribed by the commission:
a) on or before the signing of the transaction brokerage agreement, or
b) upon the licensee obtaining any personal or financial information, whichever occurs first.
(B) The agreement shall contain no provision requiring a buyer or tenant to notify the broker of intent to cancel the agreement after the expiration date.
(C) Any addendums, riders, endorsements, attachments, or changes to the agreement must contain the initials of all parties.
(D) The licensee shall give a legible copy of every written agreement or other authorization to the buyer or tenant at the time the signatures are obtained and a copy of the agreement shall be retained in the broker's office.
(E) A licensee shall not negotiate or enter into a brokerage service agreement with a buyer or tenant if the licensee knows, or has reason to know, that the buyer or tenant has a written unexpired exclusive agreement with another broker, unless the buyer or tenant initiates the discussion and provided the licensee has not directly or indirectly solicited the discussion, in which case the licensee may negotiate and enter into an agreement which will take effect after the expiration of the current agreement.
(F) Transaction brokerage agreements may not be assigned, sold, or otherwise transferred to another broker without the express written consent of all parties to the original transaction brokerage agreement.
(8) Other Written Authorization. Written authorization to show residential property without an agency agreement or transaction brokerage agreement with the owner/landlord must contain all of the following:
(A) A definite beginning date;
(B) An expiration date;
(C) The signatures of all owners or landlords and the broker or licensee as authorized by the broker;
(D) The legal description or the complete street address of the property, which includes the city where the property is located; or, in the absence of a legal description or address, a clear description which unmistakably identifies the property;
(E) Permission to enter and show the property;
(F) The commission or fee to be paid (including any and all bonuses);
(G) All other terms and conditions prescribed by the owners or landlords;
(H) Any addendums, riders, endorsements, attachments, or changes to the written authorization must contain the initials of all parties; and
(I) A statement which confirms that the owner or landlord received the Broker Disclosure Form prescribed by the commission:
a) on or before the signing of the other written authorization, or
b) upon the licensee obtaining any personal or financial information, whichever occurs first.
(9) Every written property management agreement or other written authorization between a broker and the owners of the real estate shall:
(A) Identify the property to be managed;
(B) State the amount of fee or commission to be paid and when the fee or commission will be paid;
(C) Specify whether security deposits and prepaid rents will be held by the broker or the owner;
(D) Contain the beginning date of the agreement;
(E) Provide the terms and conditions for termination of the property management agreement by the broker or the owner of the property;
(F) Include the licensee's duties and responsibilities;
(G) Contain a statement which permits or prohibits the designated broker from offering subagency (not applicable for transaction broker agreements);
(H) Contain a statement which permits or prohibits the designated broker and/or affiliated licensee from acting as a disclosed dual agent and if permitted, the duties and responsibilities of a dual agent;
(I) Contain a statement which permits or prohibits the designated broker and/or affiliated licensee from acting as a transaction broker and if permitted, the duties and responsibilities of a transaction broker;
(J) Include specification of whether or not the designated broker is authorized to cooperate with and compensate other designated brokers acting pursuant to any other brokerage relationship as defined by sections 339.710 to 339.860, RSMo, including but not limited to tenant's agents and/or transaction brokers;
(K) Contain a statement which confirms that the landlord received the Broker Disclosure Form prescribed by the commission:
1. On or before the signing of the brokerage relationship agreement; or
2. Upon the licensee obtaining any personal or financial information, whichever occurs first;
(L) Contain the signatures of all the owners and the broker or affiliated licensee as authorized by the broker; and
(M) Any addendums, riders, endorsements, or attachments to the property management agreement or other written authorization between a broker and the owners of the real estate shall contain the signatures of all the owners and the broker or affiliated licensee as authorized by the broker.
(10) The licensee shall give to the owner or the owner's authorized agent a legible copy of every written property management agreement or other written authorization at the time the signature of the owner is obtained. The licensee's broker shall retain a copy of the written property management agreement or other written authorization and a signed copy of any addendums, riders, endorsements, or attachments to the written property management agreement or other written authorization.


20 CSR 2250-8.090
AUTHORITY: sections 339.730, 339.740, 339.750, 339.755, and 339.820, RSMo 2000 and sections 339.120 and 339.780, RSMo Supp. 2008.* This rule originally filed as 4 CSR 250-8.090. Original rule filed Nov. 14, 1978, effective Feb. 11 , 1979. Amended: Filed Aug. 12, 1982, effective Nov. 11 , 1982. Amended: Filed May 11 , 1983, effective Aug. 11 , 1983. Amended: Filed March 14, 1984, effective June 11 , 1984. Amended: Filed Sept. 7, 1984, effective Dec. 13, 1984. Amended: Filed Oct. 2, 1985, effective Dec. 26, 1985. Amended: Filed Oct. 26, 1987, effective July 1, 1988. Amended: Filed June 16, 1989, effective Sept. 28, 1989. Amended: Filed Sept. 1, 1989, effective Dec. 28, 1989. Amended: Filed Nov. 15, 1991, effective June 25, 1992. Amended: Filed Feb. 2, 1994, effective Aug. 28, 1994. Amended: Filed Dec. 1, 1997, effective Sept. 1, 1998. Amended: Filed Jan. 14, 2000, effective July 30, 2000. Amended: Filed Nov. 3, 2003, effective April 30, 2004. Moved to 20 CSR 2250-8.090, effective Aug. 28, 2006. Amended: Filed Oct. 12, 2007, effective April 30, 2008. Amended: Filed April 3, 2009, effective Sept. 30, 2009.

*Original authority: 339.120, RSMo 1941, amended 1963, 1967, 1981, 1988, 1993, 1995, 1999, 2004, 2008; 339.730, RSMo 1996, amended 1998; 339.740, RSMo 1996, amended 1998; 339.750, RSMo 1996; 339.755, RSMo 1998, amended 1999; 339.780, RSMo 1996, amended 1998, 1999, 2004, 2005; 339.820, RSMo 1996, amended 1998, 1999.

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