N.J. Admin. Code § 7:14A-23.13 - Wastewater treatment plants

(a) Adequate treatment shall be provided for all wastewater before discharge into the waters of the State.
1. The minimum level of sewage treatment shall be as specified by the Department in the applicable NJPDES permit.
2. The design of the proposed treatment system shall be adequate to meet all NPDES or NJPDES permit requirements, and shall take into consideration the topography of the plant site, receiving waters, operating costs and effects of any industrial waste component.
(b) Treatment plants shall be designed to produce an effluent which will consistently meet the limitations specified in the applicable NPDES or NJPDES permit and be conducive to the attainment and maintenance of such water quality criteria for the various classifications of surface and ground waters of the State.
(c) Siting requirements for wastewater treatment plants are as follows:
1. Treatment plants shall be located as far from existing or future residential structures as practical;
2. To the extent possible, the treatment plant units shall not be situated within 500 feet of the plant property lines. If this is not possible the Department may impose additional requirements concerning plant design, location, landscaping and operation;
3. Treatment plants shall be raised above the flood elevation level, or adequately flood proofed. For the purposes of this requirement, the flood elevation level is considered to be one foot above the 100 year flood elevation for non-delineated waterways and up to the Flood Hazard Design Flood Elevation for delineated waterways (see N.J.A.C. 7:13); and
4. The plant layout shall be designed for ease of operation, safety and accessibility.
(d) A suitable operating building shall be provided meeting the following requirements:
1. The building shall be heated, ventilated and lighted and contain an office, workshop, laboratory, storage space, drinking water, toilet, lavatory, and shower facilities;
2. An adequate supply of water under pressure shall be installed. Any domestic service connection shall be protected by an approved backflow prevention device acceptable to the Department; and
3. Taps supplying non-potable water shall be clearly labeled "Unfit for Drinking."
(e) Treatment plant sites shall be appropriately landscaped and graded.
(f) Drains shall be installed and soil stabilized to prevent washing into tanks, basins or filters and to prevent erosion.
(g) The following safety features shall be incorporated into the treatment plant design:
1. At a minimum, railings, guards, and handrails shall be provided;
2. Flame traps at all gas outlets, a blower and hose, and adequate ventilation of enclosures shall be provided;
3. Non-slip treads on stairs shall be provided;
4. Warning signs shall be posted in hazardous locations;
5. A readily accessible first aid kit shall be provided; and
6. The plant site shall be secure and enclosed by a fence with lockable gates.
(h) Treatment plants shall be provided with an adequate auxiliary source of power that is capable of maintaining the necessary plant functions to assure compliance with the facility's NJPDES permit.
1. When a plant is not staffed on a 24-hour basis, the auxiliary source of power shall have the ability to be automatically activated.
2. Emergency generators shall be tested regularly and maintained in proper working order at all times.
(i) An alarm system operating on an independent source of power shall be provided for all treatment plants when 24-hour supervision is not provided.
1. The alarm system shall extend to a police station or other location where competent 24-hour assistance can be obtained in an emergency.
(j) All electrical equipment work shall comply with the Fire Underwriters' regulations and with the National Electrical Code.
(k) Adequate means shall be provided for dewatering all treatment units for inspection and maintenance while still maintaining NJPDES permit compliance.
(l) Piping located under plant units shall be encased in concrete.
(m) Plant designs which propose the use of bypass lines that would circumvent treatment units and allow untreated or partially treated wastewater to be discharged will not be approved by the Department. The need for such bypassing is to be eliminated by providing adequate auxiliary treatment facilities.
(n) Treatment units should be designed for the population and wastewater flow that is anticipated 10 years or more after the completion of construction.
(o) Unless accurate data justifying a lesser design are submitted and approved by the Department, the hydraulic design of piping, channels, flumes and pumps shall be based on not less than 250 percent of projected flow, and treatment units shall be designed so as to provide adequate treatment to meet all NJPDES permit effluent conditions.
1. Where recirculation is employed, the resulting additional flow from this source shall be considered in the design.
2. Organic loading shall be based upon a minimum five-day B.O.D. content of 250 mg/l for domestic sewage, to which B.O.D. values for industrial wastes shall be added. For existing sewer systems, higher B.O.D. values may be used if an analyses based on composite samplings indicate a higher actual B.O.D.
3. For systems designed to treat wastewater from proposed or recently constructed buildings which have been equipped with water conservation devices or designed to be served by wastewater treatment and recycling systems, appropriate adjustments for higher B.O.D. values and reduced volume of wastewater should be considered in the treatment unit design.
(p) Flow equalization at the treatment facility is suggested in cases where the ratio of peak (maximum instantaneous) to average daily flow exceeds 2.5.


N.J. Admin. Code § 7:14A-23.13

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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