In 1969, the Cultural Properties Act, NMSA 1978, Sections 18-6-1 to -17 created an official New Mexico register of cultural properties (official or state register). The state register is made up of structures, buildings, places, sites, districts and objects with historic, archaeological, scientific, architectural or other cultural significance that are examples of the historic and cultural heritage of New Mexico. Registered cultural properties are of national, state or local significance and have an inherent value to the people of New Mexico who have an interest in their preservation, protection and enhancement.

A. The CPRC reviews completed New Mexico register nominations and is the sole entity that determines which properties are worthy of registration and listing in the state register. The CPRC also reviews national register nominations and recommends to the SHPO whether the nomination should be forwarded to the keeper of the national register. When a cultural property is nominated for listing in the state register and also recommended for listing on the national register at the same CPRC meeting, an applicant may submit a single nomination on the national register nomination form for CPRC review.
B. The CPRC's decision to list a cultural property on the state register is made at an open meeting held pursuant to 4.10.3 NMAC and the CPRC's current open meetings resolution.
C. The New Mexico register nomination form approved by the CPRC includes the descriptive and analytical information used by the CPRC to determine whether the cultural property meets the registration criteria. Blank copies of the nomination form are available from the HPD offices and downloadable from the HPD website.
D. Any person or organization may submit a New Mexico register nomination to the SHPO for consideration by the CPRC. The applicant identified thereon shall be responsible for completing the nomination.
(1) The SHPO shall not forward any nomination for review and evaluation by the CPRC if the nomination is incomplete, does not meet technical or professional standards, or if the SHPO determines that the property does not meet the criteria specified in this rule. An incomplete nomination will be returned with an explanation of the deficiencies that need to be addressed and corrected.
(2) When a New Mexico register nomination is complete, the SHPO shall:
(a) add the nomination to the agenda for the next appropriate CPRC meeting;
(b) notify the applicant, the owner, and chief elected local official, at least 30 days prior to the CPRC meeting, of the date, time and place where the nomination is to be considered; any person will have the opportunity to be heard, present evidence and provide written comments prior to or at the meeting as set forth in NMAC; and
(c) post the nomination to the HPD website and make the nomination available at the HPD offices a minimum of 14 days prior to the CPRC meeting; information in the nomination concerning the location of archaeological sites and similar properties will be redacted from the nomination made available to the public pursuant to Section 18-6-11.1.
(3) The CPRC shall accept, reject or defer the nomination based on criteria defined in NMAC. The SHPO shall notify the applicant, the owner and the chief elected local official of the CPRC's action on the nomination within 14 days of the meeting.
(a) After the CPRC issues the order, accepting or rejecting the nomination, SHPO shall post the order and the nomination to the HPD website and make them available at the HPD offices for a 30-day review period from the date of posting.
(b) The CPRC shall not take any action on the registration order during the 30-day review period, unless the CPRC votes to waive the review period if requested by the nominating property owner, as described in Subparagraph (c) of Paragraph (3) of Subsection D of NMAC or if a petition is filed pursuant to Paragraph (4) of Subsection D of NMAC. Signing of the New Mexico register nomination form by the chair of the CPRC or his designee constitutes formal registration and listing in the state register.
(c) Before the CPRC may vote to waive the 30-day review period, the owner must either file a waiver request and submit an application to the CPRC to participate in the state income tax credit program for the restoration, rehabilitation or preservation of registered cultural properties simultaneously with the nomination and the CPRC approves the tax credit at the same meeting, or submit an application to the SHPO to participate in the historic preservation loan fund at the same time the nomination form is submitted to the CPRC.
(d) Deferred nominations will be forwarded to the applicant with an explanation of the reasons for deferral and the actions which must be taken before the nomination can be reconsidered.
(e) Rejected nominations will be forwarded to the applicant with an explanation of the reasons for the rejection.
(4) The applicant, owner, chief elected local official or members of the public may petition the CPRC to reconsider the registration order to accept or reject a nomination for registration and listing in the state register. The petitioner shall explain the reason or reasons for the petition and the relief sought from the CPRC.
(a) The petition shall be filed with the SHPO during the registration order 30-day review period.
(b) The SHPO shall provide written acknowledgment to petitioner within five business days of receiving the petition.
(c) The SHPO shall place the petition on the agenda for the next appropriate CPRC meeting and notify the petitioner, the owner and chief elected local official, at least 30 days prior to the CPRC meeting, of the date, time and place of the CPRC meeting where the petition will be heard.
(d) The petitioner, the owner, chief elected local official or the public shall have the right to be heard and present evidence at the CPRC meeting and provide written comments prior to the meeting as set forth in NMAC.
(e) The CPRC shall issue a final registration order to accept or reject the nomination. This registration order constitutes a final decision for purposes of initiating any judicial review. The registration order will be posted to the HPD website and mailed to parties as required. Pursuant to rule 1-075 NMRA, an aggrieved party may file a petition for writ of certiorari in the district court within 30 days following the issuance of the final registration order.
(5) A property in New Mexico listed in the national register that has not undergone CPRC review shall automatically be listed in the state register by the SHPO. No further CPRC review is required.


N.M. Code R. § NMAC - N, 10/1/12

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.