A. Records maintained by the program may not be released, disclosed, duplicated, or removed to anyone who is not an ombudsman without the written permission of the state ombudsman. All requests made for ombudsman records shall be referred to the state ombudsman or designee.
B. The state ombudsman or designee shall determine whether to disclose all or part of the records as follows:
(1) The state ombudsman shall require that the request be made in writing and may require a copy of the request before determining the appropriate response. Where the request is made orally by a resident, complainant, or surrogate decision maker of the resident or complainant, the request must be documented immediately and filed as an ombudsman record by the ombudsman to whom informed consent was communicated in order to meet this requirement.
(2) The state ombudsman shall review the request to determine whether the release of all or part of the records would be consistent with the wishes or interest of the relevant resident(s).
(3) The state ombudsman shall notify the department's cabinet secretary and the state ombudsman's immediate supervisor (if the immediate supervisor is someone other than the cabinet secretary) of any public media request for records within 24 hours of the request.
(4) The state ombudsman or designee shall refer any request made by formal legal process to the program's legal counsel. The state ombudsman shall be responsible to ensure that a response is timely filed and endeavor to prevent any release that would be inconsistent with the interests of the resident(s).
(5) Any request for information made under the state Inspection of Public Records Act (IPRA) directly to the program shall be forwarded to the department's records custodian within 24 hours. The department's records custodian shall respond in writing within 15 days to the requestor after consulting with the state ombudsman and the department's general counsel or designee. The ombudsman shall make the final decision whether to disclose records in response to an IPRA request, keeping in mind that program records are not public records and are therefore exempt from IPRA. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the state ombudsman may release records provided they do not name or provide personally identifying information of residents or complainants as it deems appropriate, provided such disclosure is not made pursuant to an IPRA request.


N.M. Code R. § NMAC - N, 2/1/2001; A, 12/30/2010, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXVIII, Issue 24, December 26, 2017, eff. 12/29/2017

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.