(A) Article I.
(1) "Board" means the board of
trustees of Youngstown state university.
(2) "University" means Youngstown state
(3) "Chairperson" means
the chairperson of the board of trustees of Youngstown state
(4) "Vice chairperson"
means the vice chairperson of the board of trustees of Youngstown state
(5) "Trustee" means a
member of the board appointed for a term of nine years, or for the remainder of
such a term, by the governor of the state of Ohio pursuant to section
3356.01 of the Revised
(6) "Student trustee" means a
student member of the board appointed by the governor of the state of Ohio
pursuant to section 3356.01 of the Revised
(7) "President" means the
president of Youngstown state university.
(8) "Secretary" means the secretary to the
board of trustees of Youngstown state university.
(9) "Designee" means a member of the
university's administrative office(s).
(B) Article II. Meetings.
(1) Regular meetings.
(a) The board shall meet no less than four
times each year, and at such other times as may be necessary for the best
interests of the university. Meetings shall be called at such times as the
board prescribes, provided, however, that meetings will usually be held in the
months of September, December, March, and June. At the time of the adjournment
of each meeting, the board shall provide, by resolution, the date, time, and
place for holding the board's next regular meeting. No less than five days
prior to the date of a regular meeting, the secretary, or designee, shall
provide written notice of said meeting to every member of the board. Notices
may be hand-delivered or sent via facsimile, electronic mail, or by first class
mail to the residence or business address of a board member.
(b) Any board member may waive notice of a
regular meeting. Attendance of a board member at a regular meeting shall
constitute a waiver of notice of the regular meeting.
(2) Special meetings.
(a) Special meetings of the board may be
called by written request (the "Call") signed by the chairperson, the
president, or by three trustees, and delivered to the secretary. The "Call" for
a special meeting shall specify the date, time, place, and purposes thereof,
although other business than that specified in the "Call" may be considered at
any such meeting. Upon receipt of a call for a special meeting, and no less
than forty-eight hours prior to the time of commencement of the special
meeting, the secretary, or designee, shall provide notice of the special
meeting to every member of the board and to the president. Notice of a special
meeting shall include the date, time, place, and purposes thereof, as set forth
in the "Call." Notice of a special meeting may be given in oral or written form
and may be given directly to the board member by telephone or direct
conversation, or by facsimile, hand delivery, electronic or first-class mail
sent to the board member's residence or place of business.
(b) Any board member may waive notice of a
special meeting. Attendance of a board member at a special meeting shall
constitute a waiver of notice of the special meeting.
(3) Emergency meetings. In the event of an
emergency wherein the best interests of the university require immediate
official action by the board, the chairperson (or in his or her absence or
disability, the vice chairperson) or the president (or in his or her absence,
the provost of the university) may call an emergency meeting of the board. In
such event, all reasonable effort shall be made to schedule the emergency
meeting in order to permit all of the members of the board to attend the
emergency meeting. In such event, all reasonable effort shall be made to notify
all of the members of the board of the date, time, place, and nature of the
emergency requiring immediate official action.
(4) Place of meetings.
(a) All regular and special meetings of the
board shall be held on university property or through YSU supported technology
as provided by law, or on rare occasions off-campus, but with easy access to
the public, if circumstances warrant as determined by the chairperson and the
president and as provided by law. The place of all board meetings shall be
specified in the notice of the meeting.
(b) Emergency meetings of the board shall be
held on university property unless, in the judgment of the person or persons
making the "Call," the circumstances creating the emergency render a meeting on
university property either physically impractical or infeasible.
(5) Quorum.
(a) A majority of the trustees, when duly
convened pursuant to university bylaws, shall constitute a quorum for the
transaction of business at any meeting of the board. Student trustees shall not
be considered in the determination of a quorum. If less than a majority of the
trustees are present at, or at any time during said meeting, a majority of the
trustees present may adjourn the meeting from time to time without further
notice. When, upon reconvening any such adjourned meeting, and with a quorum
present, any business may be transacted which might have been transacted at the
meeting as originally notified.
At any meeting where a quorum is present, a majority vote of those present and
voting shall be required for any official action by the board, except as
otherwise permitted by law or by the bylaws contained in this rule.
(c) A trustee may abstain from voting on a
matter. A trustee that abstains from voting shall be counted in the
determination of a quorum but shall not be counted as voting in favor or
against the matter upon which the vote is taken. Trustees having a direct
personal or pecuniary interest in a matter that is not common to other members
of the board should declare that interest and refrain from discussing and
voting on that matter.
(6) Organization of meetings.
(a) At each meeting of the board, the
chairperson, or in the chairperson's absence, the vice chairperson, or in the
absence of both, a chairperson pro tempore, chosen by a majority of the
trustees present, shall preside. The secretary, or in the secretary's absence,
any person appointed by the chairperson, shall keep the minutes of the meeting,
and otherwise perform the duties of secretary of the meeting.
(i) The minutes shall be developed as
prescribed by law and include information that provides perspectives regarding
decisions made by the board as well as demonstrate the board is proactive in
its responsibilities to both the state of Ohio and in consideration of the
continuing accreditation of the university.
(ii) The minutes shall be maintained on the
university's board of trustees website in addition to those also maintained via
the Maag library in accordance with laws and/or policies associated with
records retention.
(iii) Minutes
shall be prepared and provided to the board as soon as practicable after each
board meeting in order that members may appropriately review and approve the
Order of business. The order of business at all regular and special meetings of
the board shall be as follows:
(a) Roll
(b) Proof of notice of
(c) Disposition of
(d) Presentation(s) from
the university community (optional).
(e) Report of the president.
(f) Report of the committees of the
(g) Communications and
(h) Unfinished
(i) New
(j) Chairperson's remarks
and requested additional president's remarks as chosen to be offered.
(k) Election of board officers (as
(l) Time and place of
next regular meeting of the board.
(m) Adjournment.
(8) Parliamentary procedure. Questions of
parliamentary procedure shall be resolved in accordance with "Robert's Rules of
Order." The secretary, or designee, shall serve as the board's
(9) Procedures for
presentation of items to be considered.
Any proposed action introduced by a board member which would substantially
affect university policy shall be presented to the chairperson prior to the
meeting at which the matter is to be considered by the board. The proposed
action shall be submitted in sufficient time to allow the chairperson to assign
the proposed action to an appropriate board committee to review such action and
to make whatever recommendations to the full board the committee deems to be
(b) The annual budget
and all other major questions of university policy recommended by the president
shall be presented to each member of the board prior to the meeting at which
the matter is to be considered by the board. The proposed action shall be
submitted in sufficient time to allow the appropriate board committee to review
such action and to make whatever recommendations to the full board it deems to
be appropriate.
(c) Any business to
be presented to the board by other than a board member or the president shall
be submitted in writing to the chairperson, who shall refer it to the
appropriate board committee for consideration and possible action. The
chairperson may direct that such business be placed on the agenda.
(10) Public notice of meetings.
(a) Public notice of all board meetings shall
meet or exceed that required by Ohio law, section
121.22 of the Revised
(b) Any person or news medium
may ascertain the time and place of all regularly scheduled board meetings and
the time, place, and purpose of all special board meetings by contacting
university communications or on the internet at board of trustees website. The
local media, and other interested parties, will be made aware of upcoming
meetings of the board when requesting such notification by contacting the
office of communications.
(C) Article III. Officers and organizations.
(1) Powers of the board. The board shall have
the power, not inconsistent with law or university bylaws, to do all things
necessary for the proper maintenance and successful and continuous operation of
the university. No individual trustee, student trustee, or committee of the
board shall have authority to commit or bind the board or the university to any
policy, action, or agreement unless specifically authorized by action of the
(2) Officers of the board.
The officers of the board shall be the chairperson, the vice chairperson, and
the secretary. The board may appoint such other officers or employees as the
interests of the university require. Such officers and employees shall have
such authorities, and shall perform such duties, as may be prescribed by the
(3) Qualifications,
election, and term of office. The chairperson and vice chairperson shall be
trustees. The qualifications of all other officers shall be determined by the
board. The officers of the board shall be annually elected by the trustees at
the board's last regular meeting of the university's fiscal year. Newly elected
officers shall take office immediately following adjournment of the meeting at
which they are elected and shall hold their offices until their successors are
(4) Chairperson. The
chairperson, when present, shall preside at all meetings of the board and
perform generally all duties incident to the office of the chairperson and such
other duties as may be assigned to the chairperson by the board. Unless
contrary to board policy or the bylaws contained in this rule, the chairperson
may assign any of the chairperson's duties to another trustee.
(5) Vice chairperson. In the event of a
temporary vacancy in the office of the chairperson or at the request of the
chairperson, or in the event of temporary absence or disability of the
chairperson, the vice chairperson shall perform all the duties of the
chairperson and, while so acting, shall have all the power and authority of,
and be subject to the restrictions upon, the chairperson.
(6) Secretary. The secretary, or designee,
shall prepare minutes of all meetings and proceedings of the board. The
secretary, or designee, shall give notice of all meetings of the board, when
required by the provisions of Article II and the appropriate sections. The
secretary, or designee, shall serve as the board's parliamentarian. At the last
regular meeting of the university's fiscal year, the secretary shall submit a
written report of board member attendance at board and committee meetings for
the preceding year. The secretary shall perform such other duties as from time
to time may be assigned to the secretary by the board or the
(7) Attorney general.
The attorney general of the state of Ohio shall be the legal advisor to, and
represent, the university and/or the board in all matters civil or criminal
involving the university of the board.
The general counsel of the university is a member of the Ohio
attorney general's office and represents the board of trustees on behalf of the
state of Ohio.
(8) Removal
of board officers. Any officer of the board may be removed as such officer at
any time, either with or without cause, by resolution adopted by not less than
six trustees at any regular meeting of the board. Any officer may be removed as
such officer, either with or without cause, by resolution adopted by not less
than six trustees at any special meeting of the board, provided that such
removal action was indicated on the notices of such special meeting.
(9) Student trustees. Section
3356.01 of the Revised Code
provides for appointments of two students to the board but provides that
student trustees shall have no voting power on the board, that student trustees
shall not be considered as members of the board in determination of a quorum,
and that student trustees shall not be entitled to attend executive sessions of
the board.
(10) Permanent
vacancies. In the event of a permanent vacancy in the office of the chairperson
or vice chairperson, the remaining trustees may elect a successor to fill such
permanent vacancy. What constitutes a "permanent vacancy" shall be determined
by the board.
(11) Board
(a) There shall be at least
annually a board orientation developed specifically for onboarding new members
of the board but will be open to all board members to attend.
(b) The orientation shall include the chair,
vice chair, secretary, and president and the executive officers of the
university as well as any other individual invited to present at and/or attend
the orientation.
(c) The
orientation should be constructed in such a fashion that new board members in
particular can more easily and rapidly engage themselves fully in all matters
before the board as specified in university bylaws and otherwise specified by
(d) Orientation may be
comprised of various types and levels of engagement and interactions that
optimally served the purpose of the orientation session(s).
(12) Ethics training. The board,
executive officers of the university and other invited members of the
administration's leadership will annually engage in ethics training.
(D) Article IV. Board committees.
(1) Membership. All trustees and student
trustees shall be voting members of all board standing committees, unless
otherwise provided by university bylaws.
(2) National/global trustees. In order to
take advantage of the diverse talents, resources, and experiences of friends
and alumni of the university who can contribute to the current and future
success of the university, the position of national/global trustees has been
established in accordance with the following guidelines:
(a) The board may nominate and appoint
persons to the position of national/global trustee. National/global trustees
shall be nominated and appointed by the board of trustees on the basis of one
or more of the following criteria: success in chosen field or business; state
or national prominence; ability to serve as an advocate for higher education;
ability and willingness to offer advice to the board and university president
and/or demonstrated support for Youngstown state university.
(b) There shall be no more than three persons
serving in the position of national/global trustee at any one time.
National/global trustees shall serve staggered terms such that no more than one
such position expires in a calendar year.
(c) Each national/global trustee shall be
appointed for a three year term and shall be eligible to serve a second
consecutive three year term. A national/global trustee that has served two
consecutive terms shall not be eligible for reappointment as a national/global
trustee until not less than one year has passed since the conclusion of his or
her term as a national/global trustee.
(d) National/global trustees shall have no
voting privileges on the board, shall not be considered in determining whether
a quorum is present and shall not be eligible to be an officer of the board,
but may otherwise participate in all activities of the board.
(e) National/global trustees shall not be
compensated for their service but shall be paid their reasonable and necessary
expenses in the same manner that applies to trustees.
(f) National/global trustees shall follow the
Ohio ethics laws, including those set forth in Chapter 102. and sections
2921.42 and 2932.43 of the
Revised Code, the board's bylaws and university policy.
(g) National/global trustees shall be
appointed by board action after nomination by the governance committee of the
board in accordance with the process described for the nomination and election
of board officers set forth in the bylaws contained in paragraph (D)(6)(i) of
this rule.
(h) National/global
trustees may be removed by a majority vote of the board.
(i) A trustee may serve as a national/global
trustee, but cannot be appointed to serve as a national/global trustee until at
least one year after the board member's term as a trustee has ended.
(j) An employee or former employee of the
university may serve as a national/global trustee but cannot be appointed to
serve as a national/global trustee until at least one year after that person's
compensated service to the university has ended.
(k) National/global trustees shall be
entitled to legal defense and indemnification against claims and liabilities
that might arise from the performance of their duties on behalf of the board to
the fullest extent permitted by Ohio law. In addition, the national/global
trustees will be considered a "volunteer" for purposes of coverage under the
university's liability insurance.
(3) Committee chairperson and vice
chairperson. The chairperson shall appoint the chairperson and vice chairperson
of each standing committee, and members of such committees that are not
otherwise composed of all of the trustees or as otherwise set forth herein,
subject to the approval of the board. Committee chairpersons and vice
chairpersons shall be trustees.
Quorum and conduct of committee meetings.
Five members of a standing committee shall constitute a quorum, unless
otherwise provided. A majority of the members of subcommittee of a standing
committee shall constitute a quorum, unless otherwise provided. The act of a
majority of the members present and voting at a meeting at which a quorum is
present shall be the act of the committee or subcommittee. However, regardless
of the existence of a quorum in number, at least one of the following four
persons must be present at a committee or subcommittee meeting in order for the
committee to conduct business:
(i) The
(ii) The vice
(iii) The
(sub)committee chairperson; or
The (sub)committee vice chairperson.
A committee member may abstain from voting on a matter. A
committee member that abstains from voting shall be counted in the
determination of a quorum but shall not be counted as voting in favor or
against the matter upon which the vote is taken. Committee members having a
direct personal or pecuniary interest in a matter that is not common to other
members of the board should declare that interest and refrain from discussing
and voting on that matter.
(b) A majority of the members of a special or
ad hoc committee, including any student trustees, shall constitute a quorum.
The act of a majority of the members present and voting at a meeting at which a
quorum is present shall be the act of the special or ad hoc
(c) The board and
university administration will mutually develop committee agendas, with the
chairperson having authority to approve all final agendas.
(5) Rules. Each committee may adopt rules for
its own governance not inconsistent with university bylaws or any rule adopted
by the board.
(6) Standing
committees. The board's standing committees, and their respective duties and
areas of responsibility, shall be as follows:
(a) Academic excellence and student success
(i) To consider those matters that
warrant board attention or require board action relating to:
(a) Academic policies which provide for and
govern faculty teaching, research, and service;
(b) Establishment of new academic programs,
changes in or deletions of existing academic programs, and the issuing of
certificates or the granting of degrees;
(c) Policies which provide for and govern
retention, persistence, progress, and graduation, including but not limited to,
diversity issues and general education requirements;
(d) Policies which provide for and govern
student housing and student life;
(e) Institutional mission, strategic and
master plans, or relevant parts thereof, dealing with matters within the
purview of the committee; and
Policies that provide for the acquisition, development, access, and use of
electronic technology within the purview of the committee.
(ii) To assist the board in the exercise of
its oversight responsibilities relating to those academic and administrative
departments within the purview of the committee.
(iii) To exercise on behalf of the board
ancillary jurisdiction as related to the bylaws contained in paragraph
(D)(6)(a)(ii) of this rule, or as assigned by the board or its executive
(iv) Provided that he or
she is a member of the university faculty, the chair of the YSU academic senate
shall be a nonvoting member of the committee. In the event that the chair of
the YSU academic senate is not a member of the university's faculty, then the
faculty member holding the highest-ranking position within the YSU academic
senate leadership shall hold this position. This position shall not count
toward the determination of a quorum of the committee.
(b) Institutional engagement committee.
(i) To consider those matters that warrant
board attention or require board action relating to:
(a) Policies that provide for and govern
student recruitment, financial aid, orientation and enrollment, including but
not limited to, integrated marketing, yield, scholarship optimization, and
(b) Policies that provide for and govern the
external relationships established by or required of the University, excluding
matters assigned to other of the board's standing committees;
(c) Policies that provide for and govern
university fundraising, including but not limited to, institutional advancement
through the YSU foundation, the YSU research foundation, the annual fund,
capital campaigns, special projects and solicitations;
(d) The Youngstown state university
development agreement between the university and the YSU foundation.
(e) Policies that provide for and govern
continuing university relations with its graduates, including but not limited
to, alumni associational activity;
(f) Policies that provide for and govern
university operations directed toward effective communications, public
relations, marketing, and the enhancement of community goodwill;
(g) Policies that provide for and govern
university public service in, and partnerships with, the larger community, or
segments thereof, including but not limited to, those relationships which are
contractual; policies which provide for and govern University intergovernmental
relationships, including but not limited to, those with the city of Youngstown,
Mahoning county, as well as with agencies and departments of state and federal
(h) Institutional
mission, strategic and master plans, or relevant parts thereof, dealing with
matters within the purview of the committee; and
(i) Policies that provide for the
acquisition, development, access, and use of electronic technology within the
purview of the committee.
(ii) The individual identified in
the bylaws contained in paragraph (D)(6)(a)(iv) of this rule, for the academic
excellence and student success committee, will serve a similar role on this
(iii)(ii) To assist the
board in the exercise of its oversight responsibilities relating to those
administrative departments and functions within the purview of the
(iv)(iii) To exercise on
behalf of the board ancillary jurisdiction as related to the bylaws contained
in paragraph
(D)(6)(b)(ii) of this rule, or as assigned by the
board or its executive committee.
(c) Finance and facilities committee.
(i) To consider those matters that warrant
board attention or require board action relating to:
(a) Financial and budgetary policies,
including but not limited to, the annual operating budget, and the capital
improvement budget;
(b) Policies
governing debt instruments issued by the university;
(c) The financial and budgetary impact of
major agreements, contracts, programs, plans or initiatives to be recommended
to the board by any standing, ad hoc, or special committee, including but not
limited to, recommendations regarding university personnel, insurance, and
(d) The acquisition of
real property by purchase, gift, or otherwise; the disposition of real
property; the acquisition or disposition of significant property broadly
classified as technology;
(e) Major
projects, including but not limited to, the construction, demolition, or
remodeling of facilities, and, as appropriate, the selection of architects and
(f) Institutional
mission, strategic and master plans, or relevant parts thereof, dealing with
matters within the purview of the finance and facilities committee;
(g) Policies as related to the health of the
campus community particularly related to current or emerging health crises;
(h) Policies that provide for
the acquisition, development, access, and use of electronic technology within
the purview of the committee.
(ii) To assist the board in the exercise of
its oversight responsibilities relating to those administrative departments and
functions within the purview of the finance and facilities committee, including
but not limited to, the conduct, and scrutiny of the auditor's work product, of
the annual audit, as well as any special audits, undertaken by:
(a) The university's internal
(b) External auditors;
(c) State auditor.
Auditor's work product includes findings, management letters,
and all other relevant documentation.
(iii) To exercise on behalf of the board
ancillary jurisdiction as related to the bylaws contained in paragraph
(D)(6)(c)(ii) of this rule, or as assigned by the board or its executive
(iv) The finance and
facilities committee will include the following subcommittee:
(a) Audit subcommittee.
(i) The audit subcommittee, chaired by the
chairperson of the finance and facilities committee, will be composed of the
chairperson and four additional trustees who will be appointed annually by the
chairperson of the board. As appropriate, when receiving and considering
certain audit reports, the president may be excused from the subcommittee
(ii) The audit
subcommittee will meet at least once annually and perform those duties as
assigned by the finance and facilities committee relative to the bylaws
contained in paragraph (D)(6)(c)(ii) of this rule. The subcommittee will report
its findings and recommendations to the finance and facilities
(d) Investment committee.
(i) To consider those matters that warrant
board attention or require board action relating to:
3345.05 of the Revised Code, to
exercise the authority and responsibility provided by law including but not
limited to:
(a) Policies governing
investments issued by the university;
(b) Custody and investment of any funds which
are now under or may in the future come under control of the board of
(ii) To assist
the board in the exercise of its oversight responsibilities relating to those
administrative departments and functions within the purview of the
(iii) To exercise on
behalf of the board ancillary jurisdiction as related to the bylaws contained
in paragraph (D)(6)(d)(ii) of this rule, or as assigned by the board or its
executive committee.
Intercollegiate athletics committee.
(i) To
consider those matters that warrant board attention or require board action
relating to:
(a) Policies that provide for and
govern the university's participation in intercollegiate athletics;
(b) Personnel matters; however, approval of
personnel actions will occur in the university affairs committee;
(c) Policies that provide for the
effectiveness of the NCAA compliance program;
(d) Policies that provide for the
effectiveness of ensuring and promoting the academic, health, and social
welfare of student-athletes;
Policies that assure the effectiveness of implementing the committee's endorsed
(f) Academic performance
and progress of student-athletes annually;
(g) Governance policies related to
intercollegiate athletics;
(h) The
president's proposed approach to the selection of and term of service of the
NCAA faculty representative(s);
Comparison of benchmarks that have been mutually agreed upon by the president
and the director of intercollegiate athletics and endorsed by the committee;
(j) The faculty NCAA athletics
representative(s) in serving as a liaison between the academic enterprise and
the intercollegiate athletics department and receives the yearly update
provided to the academic senate.
(ii) The faculty representative(s), as
specified in rules
3356-6-02 and
3356-6-03 of the Administrative
Code (university policies 3356-6-02 and 3356-6-03), shall be a nonvoting
member(s) of the committee. This (these) position(s) shall not count toward the
determination of a quorum of the committee.
(iii) To assist the board in the exercise of
its oversight responsibilities relating to those administrative departments and
functions within the purview of the committee.
(iv) To exercise on behalf of the board
ancillary jurisdiction as related to the bylaws contained in paragraph
(D)(6)(e)(iii) of this rule, or as assigned by the board or its executive
University affairs committee.
(i) To consider
those matters that warrant board attention or require board action relating to:
(a) Policies that provide for and govern the
internal administrative operations of the university, excluding matters
assigned to other of the board's standing committees;
(b) Policies that provide for and govern
university employment where collective bargaining agreements apply, including
but not limited to, oversight of the collective bargaining process and labor
negotiations with unions representing university employees;
(c) Policies that provide for and govern
university employment exempt from collective bargaining agreements, including
but not limited to, oversight of contractual arrangements with exempt
(d) Policies that
provide for equal opportunity standards and govern equal opportunity practices
in university employment and operations, including but not limited to,
implementation of affirmative action initiatives;
(e) Policies that provide for the
acquisition, development, access, and use of electronic technology;
(f) Institutional mission,
strategic and master plans, or relevant parts thereof, dealing with matters
within the purview of the committee.
(ii) To assist the board in the exercise of
its oversight responsibilities relating to those administrative departments
within the purview of the committee.
(iii) To exercise on behalf of the board
ancillary jurisdiction as related to the bylaws contained in paragraph
(D)(6)(f)(ii) of this rule, or as assigned by the board or its executive
(g) Workforce
education and innovation committee.
(i) To
consider those matters that warrant board attention or require board action
relating to:
(a) Policies that provide for the
optimal utilization and effectiveness of all areas pertaining to workforce
education and innovation;
Policies that provide for optimal alignment of initiatives and activities
associated with job entry and career advancement;
(c) Policies that optimize institutional
engagement with local, regional, statewide and national workforce education and
innovation initiatives;
Policies that optimize the potential to monetize activities and initiatives
across the education for workforce entry and career advancement
(e) Policies that provide
for and govern the university's participation in initiatives related to
education for career entry and work advancement;
(f) Personnel matters; however, approval of
personnel actions will occur in the university affairs committee; and
(g) Annual financial report to the full board
of trustees.
(ii) To
assist the board in the exercise of its oversight responsibilities relating to
those administrative departments and functions within the purview of the
(iii) To exercise on
behalf of the board ancillary jurisdiction as related to the bylaws contained
in paragraph (D)(6)(g)(ii) of this rule, or as assigned by the board or its
executive committee.
Executive committee.
(i) The membership of the
executive committee shall consist of the chairperson (presiding), the vice
chairperson, and the chairpersons of the academic excellence and student
success committee, the institutional engagement committee, the finance and
facilities committee, the investment committee, the intercollegiate athletics
committee, and the university affairs committee. The executive committee will
consider those matters that warrant board attention or require board action
relating to:
(a) Matters relevant to the
employment, assessment and compensation of the president, with recommendation
to the board, as appropriate, for its attention or action; for purposes of this
consideration, the president may be excused from the committee's
(b) Matters relative
to the employment, assessment and compensation of the secretary, if determined
by the board to be necessary, with recommendation to the board, as appropriate,
for its attention or action; for purposes of this consideration, the secretary
may be excused from the committee's proceedings;
Any institutional mission statement, strategic or
master plans, with recommendation to the Board, as appropriate, for its
attention or action;
(d)(c) Matters not within
the assigned purview of any board standing, ad hoc, or special committee; the
executive committee will report on such matters, as appropriate, to the board
for its attention or action;
(e)(d) Special assignments
of particular matters, not clearly within the purview of any board committee,
to one of the board's standing, ad hoc, or special committees; the designated
committee will be instructed to report either to the executive committee or to
the board;
(f)(e) Resolution of
jurisdictional ambiguities between or among the board's standing, ad hoc, or
special committees; and
(g)(f) Other matters as
appropriate to an executive committee, or as assigned by the board.
(i) Governance
(i) The governance committee shall
be chaired by the chairperson, except as otherwise provided herein, and will
meet on an as-needed basis to:
(a) Consider
proposed changes in the bylaws of the board, with recommendation to the board,
as appropriate, for its attention or action;
(b) Consider proposed changes in board and
committee procedures, in full or in part, not stipulated in the bylaws,
including but not limited to, scheduling, administrative staff participation or
assistance, etc., with recommendation to the board, as appropriate, for its
attention or action;
Develop and schedule board advances, workshops,
seminars, orientation programs, and other special events, with recommendation
to the board, as appropriate, for its attention or action;
Develop and schedule board advances, workshops, seminars, orientation programs,
and other special events, with recommendation to the board, as appropriate, for
its attention or action;
(d)(e) Provide for
periodic board self-evaluation and assessment;
(e)(f) Elect officers
annually through a nomination process at its
to last regularly scheduled quarterly meeting of the university's fiscal
year. When the governance committee is engaged in the making of nominations, it
will, at the request of the chair of the committee to avoid a conflict of
interest in the process, be chaired by the trustee whose term is expiring and
is therefore not eligible to serve as an officer. When the governance committee
is engaged in the making of nominations, the president of the university may be
excused from the committee's proceedings;
(f)(g) The chair will
annually survey the trustees regarding their interest, willingness and
qualifications to serve in leadership roles in the forthcoming term, the
results of which will be presented to the next elected chair of the board;
(g)(h) Consider other
matters as appropriate to a governance committee, or as assigned by the
executive committee
of the board.
(7) Ad hoc committees.
The chairperson may appoint from time to time such ad hoc committees as may be
required for the proper and continuous operation of the university; however, an
ad hoc committee shall not be appointed to consider matters which lie entirely
within the purview of a standing committee. The chairperson shall determine the
membership of the ad hoc committee and when the work of the ad hoc committee is
(E) Article
V. Administration of the university.
President of the university, faculty, and staff. The board shall employ the
president of the university; and shall employ, fix the compensation of, and
remove employees as may be necessary. The board shall do all things necessary
for the proper maintenance and successful continuous operation of the
university and may act under such policies and bylaws as it may
(2) Other personnel. The
employment, classification, wage scales, and dismissal of all personnel, not
otherwise under contract to the board of trustees, shall follow the policies
established by the board and the laws of the state of Ohio.
(3) Reports to the board.
(a) Budget. At a meeting of the finance and
facilities committee prior to the board's last regular meeting of the
university's fiscal year, the president shall present to the board the draft
budget for the ensuing fiscal year. The budget shall be presented in a form
showing estimated income and the allocations for the university's major areas
of expenditure in accordance with general account classifications of the state
of Ohio and shall be accompanied by a review describing the major changes.
As may be necessary, the budget may be revised from time to
time by the board. After approval by the board, the budget shall govern
financial transactions. The president shall establish procedures for the
expenditure of all budgeted funds in accordance with the policies of the board.
In administering the budget, the president may make or authorize transfers or
adjustments in individual budget accounts or in local unrestricted accounts
provided that no such action shall increase the total of budgeted expenditures.
Whenever income fails to meet budgeted income, the president shall present to
the board for its review and approval a plan to address any anticipated
shortfalls. The status of the budget shall be reported to the board at each of
its regularly scheduled meetings.
(b) Revisions of fees and other charges. From
time to time, but no less than annually, the president shall recommend to the
board for its approval a continuation or revision of the instructional fees,
tuition, general fees, and other uniform charges.
(c) Service charges. The president may fix
and announce other fees, fines, and rental or service charges. No such other
fees or charges shall be imposed until authorized by the president.
(d) Purchase of insurance.
(i) The president shall cause to have
prepared and submitted to the board, at or before its first regular meeting
after January first of each year, a report that tabulates all insurance
policies in force, including coverage, current premiums and premiums paid
during the previous two years, and agents servicing these policies. This report
shall include, but is not limited to: general, fire, liability, bonds,
property, automobile, comprehensive, officers and directors' liability, medical
and hospitalization contracts, or any other policy for the protection of
Youngstown state university's personnel and property.
(ii) All insurance shall be purchased through
the president or his or her designee.
(e) Inventory of real property. At the close
of each fiscal year, the president shall cause to be prepared and submitted to
the board, at or before its first regular meeting after September first of each
year, an inventory of all real property managed, owned, leased, rented, or
under option to the university. This report shall include acreage held, an
estimate of land and building values, a general statement on the condition of
the physical plant, and such other details as may be directed by the board or
the president.
(f) Obligation of
the university. At the close of each fiscal year the president shall cause to
be prepared and submitted to the board a report describing the obligations of
the university, financial and otherwise, the terms and conditions of repayment
or satisfaction of such obligations and any security given by the university
toward such obligations.
(g) Annual
financial report. At the end of each fiscal year, the president shall cause to
be prepared and submitted to the board, at its first regular meeting after the
audit of the university has been released by the auditor of state, a
comprehensive financial report. The report should summarize all financial
transactions, note changes in fund balances, and tabulate expenditures in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for state
(h) Youngstown state
university development service agreement. At the end of each fiscal year the
president shall cause to be prepared and submitted to the board a report
pertaining to the university's development functions. Said report shall include
detailed information regarding the university's relationship with the YSU
foundation and activities performed by the Youngstown state university
development service agreement entered into between the university and the YSU
Purchasing practice. All purchases by the university shall be made in
accordance with the policies of the board and the laws of the state of
(F) Article VI.
University organizations.
(1) Auxiliary
(a) As recommended by the president
and approved by the board, certain university operations, whose income includes
substantial amounts of other than imposed fees or appropriated revenue, shall
be designated as auxiliary services. For budgeting purposes, an auxiliary
service is a fiscal entity. The president shall cause to be prepared and
submitted to the finance and facilities committee, at or before its first
meeting after September first of each year, an annual report including an
itemization of income and expenditures and a résumé of the operation for the
(b) Except for those
auxiliary activity accounts otherwise restricted, there may be a transfer of
balances among them or to other university purposes as directed by the
president with the approval of the finance and facilities committee.
(c) The rental policies of the university as
approved by the board also apply to all auxiliary activity
(G) Article VII. Instruction and degrees.
(1) Degrees and certificates.
(a) Degrees, titles, and certificates shall
be awarded by the board upon recommendation of the university faculty and
transmitted to the board by the president. All diplomas issued to those
receiving degrees and titles from the university shall be signed by the
chairperson and the president.
Honorary degrees. The board will consider the conferral of honorary degrees
given the recommendations to the provost by the academic senate as stipulated
in its charter and the provost to the president as recommended to the
(c) Commencement speakers.
The board will consider the selection of a commencement speaker given the
recommendations to the provost by the academic senate as stipulated in its
charter and the provost to the president as recommended to the board.
(H) Article VIII.
(1) Appearances before
governmental offices. Subject to specific control by the board, the preparation
and presentation of requests for appropriations from the state of Ohio, and all
appearances, communications, and representations made on behalf of the
university with all federal, state, and local government offices, boards, and
agencies, shall be under the direction of the president. Unauthorized
appearances, communications, and representations before federal, state, and
local government offices, boards, and agencies are hereby prohibited.
(2) Use of university facilities. The use of
university facilities shall be governed by such rules and regulations as may be
promulgated by the president.
Protocol for requests to address the board and/or its committees.
(a) Any and all persons desiring to address
the board shall submit in writing a request for permission to address the
board. Such request shall be submitted not less than three weeks prior to the
meeting of the board at which the party requests to be heard.
(b) All such requests shall be submitted to
the board chairperson through the secretary to the board of trustees, by
submission either directly to the secretary or through the office of the
president of the university.
All such requests shall state the subject of the matter to be addressed to
board, the identity or identities of the person(s) who will speak to the
subject matter before the board, the relationship(s) of such person(s) to the
university and the matter being brought to the attention of the board, the
postal and electronic mail addresses and daytime telephone number of the
person(s) requesting permission to address the board.
(d) As the standing committees of the board
are composed of all of the board's trustees, the board chairperson may in his
or her discretion, refer any request to address the board to such committee of
the board as the chairperson deems appropriate.
(e) Any presentation to the board or a
committee thereof contemplated under this procedure shall not be longer than
five minutes in total length. The board chairperson and/or the chair of the
board committee before which such presentation is to be delivered may at any
time, in his or her discretion, increase or decrease the number of persons
addressing the board or committee, and/or lengthen, shorten, or cancel the time
permitted for any address or presentation.
(f) The format and substance of any address
or presentation to the board or its committees shall at all times remain within
the bounds of relevance, civility, and decorum as shall be determined in the
sole discretion of the chairperson of the body before which the matter is
addressed or presented. The chairperson of that body shall at all times possess
the authority to lengthen, short, or cancel, without notice or action of the
body, the time allotted to any address or presentation.
(g) No request to address the board or any of
its committees shall knowingly be permitted or permitted to proceed if the
substance or purpose of such address is or may be a subject of litigation,
collective bargaining, employment relations involving the university, its
employees, and/or students, or any other matter which is not properly within
the public interest or the interest of the university.
(4) Protocol for handling letters, petitions,
or other such forms of communication submitted to the board.
(a) Any such communication of a personnel
nature will be considered by the appropriate committee of the board at the next
regularly scheduled meeting.
Communications other than personnel matters will be considered for appropriate
disposition at the next agenda setting meeting for the upcoming regular meeting
of the board.
If considered to be an urgent matter by the president, the
board chair will be consulted to determine the appropriate next steps regarding
the matter.
(I) Article IX. Bylaws, rules, and policies
(promulgation, amendment, and repeal).
Statement of purpose. University bylaws, including additions or amendments,
outline the major administrative and governing functions of the board. Detailed
rules, policies, and ordinances for the operation of the university may be
enacted or amended by action of the board or may be promulgated by the
president, provided such shall not conflict with policies or bylaws of the
(2) Rules and policies:
promulgation, amendment, and repeal. Detailed rules and policies for the
organization, administration, and operation of the university may be
promulgated, amended, and repealed by the board, in consideration of
recommendations of the president.
(3) Amendments to bylaws.
(a) Bylaws may be altered, amended, or
repealed, and new bylaws may be adopted, by affirmative vote of not less than
six trustees at any regular meeting or special meeting of the board. Any
proposed alteration, amendment, repeal, or adoption of all or any part of the
bylaws shall first be announced at a meeting of the board (regular or special).
Action on the proposal may not be taken until the next meeting of the board
(regular or special).
Amendments to the bylaws shall be effective upon adoption by an affirmative
vote of not less than six members of the board.