Chapter 3356-1 - Meetings; Board Members

  1. § 3356-1-01 - Bylaws
  2. § 3356-1-02 - Faculty tenure
  3. § 3356-1-02.1 - [Rescinded] Special meetings
  4. § 3356-1-02.2 - [Rescinded] Emergency meetings
  5. § 3356-1-02.3 - [Rescinded] Place of meetings
  6. § 3356-1-02.4 - [Rescinded] Quorum
  7. § 3356-1-02.5 - [Rescinded] Organization of meetings
  8. § 3356-1-02.6 - [Rescinded] Order of business
  9. § 3356-1-02.7 - [Rescinded] Parliamentary procedure
  10. § 3356-1-02.8 - [Rescinded] Procedures for presentation of items to be considered
  11. § 3356-1-02.9 - [Rescinded] Public notice of meetings
  12. § 3356-1-03 - [Rescinded] Powers of the board
  13. § 3356-1-03.1 - [Rescinded] Officers of the board
  14. § 3356-1-03.2 - [Rescinded] Qualifications, election, and term of office
  15. § 3356-1-03.3 - [Rescinded] Chairperson
  16. § 3356-1-03.4 - [Rescinded] Vice chairperson
  17. § 3356-1-03.5 - [Rescinded] Secretary
  18. § 3356-1-03.6 - [Rescinded] Attorney general
  19. § 3356-1-03.7 - [Rescinded] Removal of board officers
  20. § 3356-1-03.8 - [Rescinded] Board committees
  21. § 3356-1-03.9 - [Rescinded] Student trustees
  22. § 3356-1-03.10 - [Rescinded] Permanent vacancies
  23. § 3356-1-04 - [Rescinded] President of the university, faculty, and staff
  24. § 3356-1-04.1 - [Rescinded] Other personnel
  25. § 3356-1-04.2 - [Rescinded] Reports to the board
  26. § 3356-1-04.3 - [Rescinded] Purchasing practice
  27. § 3356-1-05 - [Rescinded] Auxiliary agencies
  28. § 3356-1-06 - [Rescinded] Degrees and certificates
  29. § 3356-1-07 - [Rescinded] Appearances before governmental offices
  30. § 3356-1-07.1 - [Rescinded] Use of university facilities
  31. § 3356-1-08 - [Rescinded] Statement of purpose
  32. § 3356-1-08.1 - [Rescinded] Rules and policies: promulgation, amendment, and repeal
  33. § 3356-1-08.2 - [Rescinded] Amendments to bylaws
  34. § 3356-1-09 - Development and issuance of university policies
  35. § 3356-1-10 - [Rescinded] Development and authorization of institutional procedures
  36. § 3356-1-11 - Development and authorization of administrative policies
  37. § 3356-1-12 - Fifteen-year plan for energy efficiency and conservation projects
  38. § 3356-1-13 - Electronic attendance of board of trustees meetings

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.