Ohio Admin. Code 5101:14-1-05 - Comprehensive case management and employment program: case management
(B) What are the CCMEP activities
available to program participants?
Activities shall be assigned based
on a program participant's needs as identified in their comprehensive
assessment in order to ensure that program participants receive the appropriate
service(s) and activities. Each activity shall be connected to a service, and
be reasonable and necessary. The available activities for program participants
include, but are not limited to:
(1) Unsubsidized
(2) Subsidized
(3) Work experience;
(4) On-the-job
(5) Job search;
(6) Community
(7) Vocational education
(8) Job skills training directly
related to employment;
(9) Education directly related to
employment in the case of a recipient who has not received a high school
diploma or a certificate of high school equivalence;
(10) Satisfactory attendance at
secondary school or in a course of study leading to a certificate of general
equivalence, in the case of a recipient who has not completed secondary school
or received such a certificate;
(11) Internships;
(12) Summer
(13) Job shadowing;
(14) Pre-apprenticeship
opportunities which include programs or a set of strategies designed to prepare
individuals to enter and succeed in registered apprenticeship programs and have
a documented partnership with at least one, if not more, registered
apprenticeship programs;
(15) Career counseling which
includes a facilitated exploration of occupational and industry information
that will lead to a first, new, or better job for the program
(16) Adult
(17) Entrepreneurial skills
(18) Tutoring, study skills
(19) Job readiness
(20) Parenting
(21) Life skills
(22) Participation in an alcohol or
drug addiction program certified by the department of mental health and
addiction services under section 5119.36 of the Revised Code;
(23) Finding a home in the case of a
homeless assistance group;
(24) Residing in, or attempting to
get admission into, a domestic violence shelter, receiving counseling services,
or treatment related to the domestic violence or participating in criminal
justice or civil legal activities against the domestic violence
(25) Attending English as a second
language course;
(26) Mental health
(27) Rehabilitation
(28) Financial literacy
(29) Other workforce
(30) Activities within
(31) The learning, earning and
parenting (LEAP) program for individuals required to participate in accordance
with rule
of the Administrative Code; and
(32) For veterans with a significant
barrier to employment, a referral to the disabled veterans outreach program
(DVOP) specialist as part of the jobs for veterans state
The lead agency shall provide CCMEP services to a program
participant for the amount of time necessary to ensure successful preparation
to enter unsubsidized employment and/or post-secondary education and training.
There is no time limit on participation in CCMEP or required sequence of
services. Prior to ending an activity
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 5116.06
Rule Amplifies: 5116.01, 5116.02, 5116.03, 5116.06, 5116.10, 5116.11, 5116.12, 5116.20, 5116.21, 5116.22, 5116.23, 5116.24, 5116.25
Prior Effective Dates: 03/24/2016, 10/01/2017
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.