Or. Admin. R. 839-001-0490 - Special Provisions for Payment of Wages at Termination for Employees of Businesses Primarily Engaged in the Sale of Motor Vehicles or Farm Implements Who are Paid on a Commission Basis

(1) When an employee of a business primarily engaged in the sale of motor vehicles or farm implements who is paid on a commission basis is terminated, unpaid commissions are not owed to the employee until all the terms and conditions of any agreement between the employer and employee concerning the method of payment of commissions are fulfilled. If no such agreement exists, the commission is due with all other earned and unpaid wages or compensation as provided in ORS 652.140.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of OAR 839-001-0470, when an employee who is paid on a commission basis is terminated by a business that primarily sells motor vehicles or farm implements and there is a dispute between the employer and employee concerning the amount of commission due upon termination, if the amount of unpaid commission is found to be less than 20 percent of the amount of unpaid commission claimed by the employee, the penalty wage may not exceed the amount of the unpaid commission or $200, whichever is greater.


Or. Admin. R. 839-001-0490
BLI 7-2003, f. 12-31-03, cert. ef. 1-1-04

Stat. Auth.: ORS 651.060(4), 652, 653: Other Auth HB 3544(2003 legislature)

Stats. Implemented: ORS 18.838, 652.150, 653.261(1)

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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