Or. Admin. R. 863-020-0020 - Continuing Education Provider Qualifications

(1) An applicant for certification as a continuing education provider must be one of the following:
(a) A main or branch office with a registered business name registered with the Agency under ORS 696.026 and OAR 863-014-0095 or 863-024-0095;
(b) A licensed title or escrow company conducting business in this state;
(c) A real estate trade association as defined in section (2) of this rule or a trade association in a related field as defined in section (3) of this rule, but not the individual members of those associations;
(d) A real estate multiple listing service;
(e) An attorney admitted to practice in this state
(f) A private career school approved by the Agency to teach continuing education courses as defined in section (4) of this rule;
(g) An accredited community college, an accredited public university listed in ORS 352.002, or a private and independent institution of higher education as defined in 352.720
(h) A distance learning provider approved by the Agency as defined in section (5) of this rule; or
(i) A person who does not meet the requirements of section (1)(a) through (h) of this rule but whose qualifications have been approved by the Real Estate Board under OAR 863-020-0025.
(2) "Real estate trade association," as used in section (1) of this rule, means a local, state, regional, or national organization with members that include real estate licensees, licensed escrow agents, or licensed title companies.
(3) "Trade association in a related field," as used in section (1) of this rule, means a local, state, regional, or national organization with members that include licensed, certified, or registered:
(a) Appraisers,
(b) Architects,
(c) Attorneys,
(d) Contractors,
(e) Home inspectors,
(f) Mortgage bankers,
(g) Mortgage brokers,
(h) Professional engineers,
(i) Securities broker-dealers or salespersons,
(j) Surveyors, or
(k) Tax professionals.
(4) "Private career school approved by the Agency to teach continuing education courses," as used in section (1) of this rule, means a private career school licensed by the Department of Education and approved by the Agency to provide the basic real estate broker or property manager educational courses required under ORS 696.022.
(5) "Distance learning provider approved by the Agency," as used in section (1) of this rule, means a person whose course has been certified by the Association of Real Estate License Law Officials.


Or. Admin. R. 863-020-0020
REA 1-2010, f. 6-14-10, cert. ef. 7-1-10; REA 1-2012(Temp), f. 8-14-12, cert. ef. 8-15-12 thru 2-1-13; REA 1-2013, f. 1-14-13, cert. ef. 2-1-13

Stat. Auth.: ORS 696.385

Stats. Implemented: ORS 696.182

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.