Or. Admin. R. 863-020-0025 - Board Approval of Continuing Education Provider Qualification

(1) A person not otherwise qualified under OAR 863-020-0020(1)(a) through (h) seeking the Board's approval as an applicant for certification must petition the Board under this rule.
(2) The person must submit a petition for approval to the Agency on an Agency-approved form at least 21 days before the scheduled Board meeting at which the applicant wishes the Board to act. The petition must include the following:
(a) The petitioner's name, address, and phone number.
(b) Sufficient information about the petitioner named in the application to allow the Board to determine whether the petitioner qualifies for certification, including specifics about one or both of the following:
(A) Petitioner's demonstrated expertise and experience in providing educational courses to real estate licensees;
(B) Petitioner's demonstrated experience and expertise in at least two course topics eligible for continuing education credit under OAR 863-020-0035(4)(a)-(gg).
(c) Attestation by the petitioner that the petitioner knows and understands:
(A) The responsibilities of a continuing education provider under OAR 863-020-0050;
(B) The requirements of an instructor under ORS 696.186 and the information required on a continuing education instructor form under OAR 863-020-0060.
(3) The Agency will mail a letter to the petitioner stating the Board's determination. If the Board approves the petition, the petitioner may apply for certification as a course provider under OAR 863-020-0030.


Or. Admin. R. 863-020-0025
REA 1-2010, f. 6-14-10, cert. ef. 7-1-10; REA 1-2011(Temp), f. 2-3-11, cert. ef. 2-4-11 thru 8-3-11; REA 2-2011(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 6-22-11 thru 12-1-11; REA 5-2011, f. 8-15-11, cert. ef. 9-1-11; REA 9-2011, f. & cert. ef. 11-15-11; REA 1-2012(Temp), f. 8-14-12, cert. ef. 8-15-12 thru 2-1-13; REA 1-2013, f. 1-14-13, cert. ef. 2-1-13

Stat. Auth.: ORS 696.385

Stats. Implemented: ORS 696.182

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.