12 Va. Admin. Code § 30-122-500 - Services facilitation service

A. Service description. Individuals enrolled in the FIS or CL waivers may select the consumer-directed model of service delivery for certain services, absent any of the specified conditions that preclude such a choice, and may also receive support from a services facilitator. Services facilitation service shall be a separate waiver service and shall be used only in conjunction with consumer-directed personal assistance service, respite service, or companion service.
B. Criteria and allowable activities.
1. Services facilitators shall train individuals enrolled in the waiver, or the individual's employer of record (EOR), as appropriate, to direct, such as select, hire, train, supervise, and authorize timesheets of their own assistants who are rendering personal assistance services, respite services, and companion services.
2. The services facilitator shall also make an initial comprehensive home visit to collaborate with the individual and the individual's family/caregiver, as appropriate, (i) to identify the individual's needs for a requested consumer-directed service; (ii) to assist in the development of the plan for supports with the individual and the individual's family/caregiver, as appropriate; (iii) provide employer management training to the individual or EOR, as appropriate, on his responsibilities as an employer; and (iv) to provide ongoing support of the consumer-directed model of service. The services facilitator shall provide employer management training to the EOR within seven days of the initial visit.
a. The initial comprehensive home visit shall be completed only once upon the individual's entry into the consumer-directed model of service regardless of the number or type of consumer-directed services that an individual is approved to receive.
b. If an individual changes services facilitators, the new services facilitator shall complete a reassessment visit in lieu of a comprehensive visit.
c. The employer management training shall be completed before the individual or EOR may hire an assistant who is to be reimbursed by DMAS.
d. After the initial visit, the services facilitator shall continue to monitor the individual's plan for supports quarterly (i.e., every 90 days) and more often as needed. If consumer-directed respite service is provided, the services facilitator shall review the utilization of consumer-directed respite service either every six months or upon the use of 240 respite service hours, whichever comes first.
3. An in-person meeting shall occur between the services facilitator and the individual at least every six months to reassess the individual's needs and to ensure appropriateness of any consumer-directed service received by the individual. During these visits with the individual, the services facilitator shall observe, evaluate, and consult with the individual, EOR, and the individual's family/caregiver, as appropriate, for the purpose of assessing the adequacy and appropriateness of consumer-directed service with regard to the individual's current functioning, medical needs, and social needs. The services facilitator's written summary of the visit shall include:
a. Discussion with the individual and EOR or individual's family/caregiver, as appropriate, whether the particular consumer-directed service is adequate to meet the individual's needs;
b. Any suspected abuse, neglect, or exploitation and to whom it was reported;
c. Any special tasks performed by the assistant or companion and the assistant's or companion's qualifications to perform these tasks;
d. The individual's and EOR's or individual's family/caregiver's, as appropriate, satisfaction with the assistant's or companion's service;
e. Any hospitalization or change in medical condition, functioning, or cognitive status;
f. The presence or absence of the assistant or companion in the home during the services facilitator's visit; and
g. Any other service received and the amount.
4. The services facilitator, during routine quarterly visits, shall also review and verify time worked as needed to ensure that the number of hours approved in the plan for supports is not exceeded. If discrepancies are identified, the services facilitator shall discuss these with the individual or EOR to resolve discrepancies and shall notify the fiscal/employer agent as defined in 12VAC30-122-170. If an individual is consistently identified as having discrepancies in his timesheets, the services facilitator shall contact the support coordinator. Failure to review and verify timesheets and maintain documentation of such reviews shall subject the provider to recovery of payments made by DMAS in accordance with 12VAC30-80-130.
5. The services facilitator shall be available during standard business hours to the individual or EOR by telephone.
6. The consumer-directed services facilitator shall assist the individual or EOR with employer issues as requested by either the individual or EOR.
7. The services facilitator shall also complete the assessments, reassessments, and supporting documentation necessary for consumer-directed service.
8. Service facilitation service shall be provided on an as-needed basis as mutually agreed to by the individual, EOR, and services facilitator but at a minimum quarterly routine visits shall take place. Services facilitator service shall be documented in the supporting documentation for consumer-directed service, and the service facilitation provider shall bill consistent with the supporting documentation. Claims that are not adequately supported by this supporting documentation may be subject to a DMAS recovery of expenditures.
9. If an EOR is consistently unable to hire and retain an assistant to provide consumer-directed services, the services facilitator shall contact the support coordinator and DBHDS to transfer the individual, at the choice of the individual, to a provider that provides Medicaid-funded agency-directed companion service, personal assistance service, or respite care service, as may be appropriate.
10. If an individual enrolled in consumer-directed service has a lapse in consumer-directed service for more than 60 consecutive calendar days, the services facilitator, or the individual or family/caregiver functioning as the services facilitator, shall notify the support coordinator so that consumer-directed service may be discontinued, and the option afforded to the individual to change to agency-directed service as long as the individual still qualifies for the service.
C. Service units and limits. The limits and requirements for individuals' selection of consumer-directed service shall be as follows:
1. In order to be approved to use the consumer-directed model of service, the individual enrolled in the waiver shall meet the requirements as specified in 12VAC30-122-150. Support coordinators shall document in the individual support plan the individual's choice for the consumer-directed model and whether or not the individual chooses service facilitation. The support coordinator shall document in the individual's record that the individual will serve as the EOR or that there is a need or desire for another person to serve as the EOR on behalf of the individual.
2. The consumer-directed services facilitator who is to be reimbursed by DMAS shall not be the individual enrolled in the waiver; a direct service provider; the individual's spouse; a parent or legal guardian of the individual who is a minor child; or the EOR who is employing the assistant or companion.
3. The services facilitator shall document the individual's back-up plan in case the assistant or companion does not report for work as expected or terminates employment without prior notice.
4. Should the assistant or companion not report for work or terminate his employment without notice, then the services facilitator shall, upon the individual's or EOR's request, provide management training to ensure that the individual or the EOR is able to recruit and employ a new assistant or companion.
D. Provider requirements.
1. To be enrolled as a services facilitator and maintain provider status, the services facilitator provider shall have sufficient resources to perform the required activities, including the ability to maintain and retain business and professional records sufficient to document fully and accurately the nature, scope, and details of the service provided.
2. All consumer-directed services facilitators, whether employed by or contracted with a DMAS enrolled services facilitator provider, shall meet all of the qualifications set out in this subsection. To be enrolled, the services facilitator shall also meet the combination of work experience and relevant education set out in this subsection that indicate the possession of the specific knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform this function.
a. If the services facilitator is not an RN then, within 30 days from the start of such service, the services facilitator shall inform the primary health care provider for the individual enrolled in the waiver that consumer-directed service is being provided and request skilled nursing or other consultation as needed by the individual. Prior to contacting the primary health care provider, the services facilitator shall obtain the individual's written consent to make such contact. This written consent shall be retained by the services facilitator in the individual's record.
b. All services facilitators shall possess, at a minimum, either (i) an associate's degree from an accredited college in a health or human services field or be a registered nurse currently licensed to practice in the Commonwealth or hold a multistate licensure privilege, and demonstrate at least two years of satisfactory direct care experience supporting individuals with disabilities or older adults or children or (ii) have a bachelor's degree in a non-health or human services field and a minimum of three years of satisfactory direct care experience supporting individuals with disabilities or older adults. Services facilitators enrolled prior to January 11, 2016, are not required to meet the education requirements.
c. All consumer-directed services facilitators shall:
(1) Have a satisfactory work record as evidenced by two references from prior job experiences from any human services work. Such references shall not include any evidence of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of elderly individuals, persons with disabilities, or children;
(2) Submit to a criminal background check prior to employment. Proof that the criminal record check was conducted shall be maintained in the record of the services facilitator;
(3) If providing service to minors, submit to a search of the VDSS Child Protective Services Central Registry; and
(4) Not be debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded from participating in federal health care programs, as listed on the federal List of Excluded Individuals and Entities (LEIE) database at http://www.olg.hhs.govfraud/exclusions/exclusions list.asp.
d. The services facilitator shall not be compensated for service provided to the waiver individual prior to the results of the background check or any subsequent background check verifies that the services facilitator (i) has been convicted of a barrier crime as defined in 12VAC30-122-20; (ii) has a founded complaint confirmed by the VDSS Child Protective Services Central Registry; or (iii) is found to be listed on the LEIE database. In accordance with 12VAC30-80-130, DMAS shall seek refunds of overpayments.
e. All services facilitators shall complete the DMAS-approved services facilitator training and pass the corresponding competency assessment with a score of at least 80% prior to being approved as a services facilitator or being reimbursed for waiver services. The competency assessment and all corresponding competency assessments shall be kept in the services facilitator's personnel record.
f. Failure to complete the competency assessment prior to providing this service shall result in a retraction of Medicaid payment or the termination of the provider agreement, or both.
g. As a component of the renewal of the provider agreement, all consumer-directed services facilitators shall take and pass the competency assessment every five years and achieve a score of at least 80%.
h. The consumer-directed services facilitator shall have access to a computer with secure Internet access that meets the requirements of 45 CFR Part 164 for the electronic exchange of information. Electronic exchange of information shall include, for example, checking individual eligibility, submission of service authorizations, submission of information to the fiscal employer agent, and billing for service.
i. All consumer-directed services facilitators shall possess a demonstrable combination of work experience and relevant education that indicates possession of the following knowledge, skills, and abilities. Such knowledge, skills, and abilities shall be documented on the application form, found in supporting documentation, or be observed during the job interview. Observations during the interview shall be documented. The knowledge, skills, and abilities include:
(1) Knowledge of:
(a) Types of functional limitations and health problems that may occur in individuals with developmental disabilities, as well as strategies to reduce limitations and health problems;
(b) Physical assistance that may be required by individuals with developmental disabilities, such as transferring, bathing techniques, bowel and bladder care, and the approximate time those activities normally take;
(c) Equipment and environmental modifications that may be required by individuals with developmental disabilities that reduce the need for human help and improve safety;
(d) Various long-term care program requirements, including nursing home and ICF/IID placement criteria; Medicaid waiver services; and other federal, state, and local resources that provide personal assistance service, respite service, and companion service;
(e) DD Waivers requirements, as well as the administrative duties for which the services facilitator will be responsible;
(f) Conducting assessments, including environmental, psychosocial, health, and functional factors, and their uses in service planning;
(g) Interviewing techniques;
(h) The individual's right to make decisions about, direct the provisions of, and control his consumer-directed personal assistance service, companion service, and respite service, including hiring, training, managing, approving timesheets, and firing an assistant or companion;
(i) The principles of human behavior and interpersonal relationships; and
(j) General principles of record documentation.
(2) Skills in:
(a) Negotiating with individuals and the individual's family/caregivers, as appropriate, and providers;
(b) Assessing, supporting, observing, recording, and reporting behaviors;
(c) Identifying, developing, or providing service to individuals with developmental disabilities; and
(d) Identifying services within the established system to meet the individual's needs.
(3) Abilities to:
(a) Report findings of the assessment or onsite visit, either in writing or an alternative format, for individuals who have visual impairments;
(b) Demonstrate a positive regard for individuals and their families;
(c) Be persistent and remain objective;
(d) Work independently, performing position duties under general supervision;
(e) Communicate effectively, orally and in writing; and
(f) Develop a rapport and communicate with individuals of diverse cultural backgrounds.
E. Service documentation and requirements.
1. In addition to the documentation required by 12VAC30-122-340, 12VAC30-122-460, and 12VAC30-122-490, the services facilitator shall maintain a record of each individual containing elements as set out in this section. The services facilitator's record about the individual shall contain:
a. Documentation of all employer management training provided to the individual enrolled in the waiver and the EOR, as appropriate, including the individual's or the EOR's, as appropriate, receipt of training on his responsibility for the accuracy and timeliness of the assistant's or companion's timesheets;
b. All documents signed by the individual enrolled in the waiver or the EOR, as appropriate, that acknowledge their legal responsibilities as the employer; and
c. All contacts and consultations documented in the individual's medical record. Failure to document such contacts and consultations shall be subject to a DMAS recovery of payments made.
2. Progress notes shall meet the standards contained in 12VAC30-122-120.
3. CD services facilitators responsible for individual assessment and reassessment shall maintain the following listed records and documentation in individuals' records:
a. All copies of the consumer-directed plan for support, all supporting documentation related to consumer-directed services, and DMAS-225 (Medicaid Tong-Term Care Communication Form), which is the form used by the support coordinator to report information about patient pay amount changes in an individual's situation.
b. A copy of the most recently completed SIS® assessment or the approved alternative assessment form noted in 12VAC30-122-200 A, and an initial assessment completed by the services facilitator prior to or on the date the service is initiated.
c. Consumer-directed services facilitator's notes recorded and dated at the time of service delivery. The consumer-directed services facilitator's written summary of visits shall include at minimum:
(1) Discussion with the individual and EOR or individual's family/caregiver, as appropriate, whether the particular consumer-directed service is adequate to meet the individual's needs;
(2) Any suspected abuse, neglect, or exploitation and to whom it was reported;
(3) Any special tasks performed by the assistant and the assistant's qualifications to perform these tasks;
(4) The individual's and EOR's or individual's family/caregiver's, as appropriate, satisfaction with the assistant's service;
(5) Any hospitalization or change in medical condition, functioning, or cognitive status; and
(6) The presence or absence of the assistant in the home during the services facilitator's visit.
d. All correspondence to the individual and EOR, as appropriate, to others concerning the individual, and to the support coordinator, DMAS, and DBHDS.
e. All management training provided to the individual or EOR, as appropriate, including the responsibility for the accuracy of the timesheets.
f. All documents signed by the individual or EOR, as appropriate, that acknowledge the responsibilities of the employer.
g. Documentation indicating that desired outcomes and support activities of the plan for supports have been reviewed by the consumer-directed services facilitator provider quarterly, annually, and more often as needed. The results of the review shall be submitted to the support coordinator. For the annual review and in cases where the plan for supports is modified, the plan for supports shall be reviewed with and agreed to by the individual enrolled in the waiver and the individual's family/caregiver, as appropriate, and signed and dated by the individual or the individual's family/caregiver
h. Contacts made with the individual's family/caregiver, physicians, providers, and all professionals concerning the individual.
4. Service facilitation records shall be provided to DMAS or DBHDS upon request.
5. Provider documentation shall support all claims submitted for DMAS reimbursement. Claims for payment that are not supported by supporting documentation shall be subject to recovery by DMAS or its designee as a result of utilization reviews or audits.


12 Va. Admin. Code § 30-122-500
Derived from Virginia Register Volume 37, Issue 14, eff. 3/31/2021.

Statutory Authority: § 32.1-325 of the Code of Virginia; 42 USC § 1396 et seq.

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