Wash. Admin. Code § 246-03-030 - Timing and procedures for specified major actions

(1) Regulations and licenses relating to radioactive material.
(a) Scope of major action.
(i) Regulations relating to radioactive material shall include the adoption or amendment by the department of any regulations incorporating general standards for issuance of licenses authorizing the possession, use and transfer of radioactive material pursuant to RCW 70A.388.050 and 70A.310.030.
(ii) The issuance, revocation or suspension of individual licenses under RCW 70A.388.050 shall be exempt. However, the following licenses shall not be exempt: Licenses to operate low level waste burial facilities or licenses to operate or expand beyond design capacity mineral processing facilities, or their tailings areas, whose products, or byproducts, have concentrations of naturally occurring radioactive materials in excess of exempt concentrations as specified in WAC 246-232-010.
(b) Timing of SEPA requirements for regulations for radioactive material.
(i) A final EIS or determination of nonsignificance, whichever is determined appropriate by the lead agency's responsible official, shall be completed for proposed regulations relating to radioactive material prior to the hearing preceding final adoption of such regulations.
(ii) The responsible official shall mail to the department of ecology headquarters office in Olympia for listing in the "SEPA register" (see WAC 197-11-508) a copy of any determination of nonsignificance, a copy of the draft EIS, and a copy of the final EIS. Copies of the draft EIS shall also be mailed to those agencies identified in WAC 197-11-455, and of the final EIS to those agencies identified in WAC 197-11-460. The responsible official shall also give public notice in the form and manner specified in RCW 43.21C.080 of the determination of nonsignificance or final EIS.
(c) Timing of SEPA requirements for licenses for uranium or thorium mills or radioactive waste burial facilities.
(i) The applicant shall be responsible for completing an environmental checklist, furnishing additional information needed by the department to make the threshold determination, and preparing an environmental report regarding the environmental impact of proposed activities for independent evaluation by the department, prior to issuance of a draft EIS by the responsible official. The environmental report shall be submitted within 90 days following determination of significance. The following material presents a more detailed description of the responsibilities of the private applicant as well as of the responsible official.
(ii) The applicant shall be responsible for contacting the responsible official during the early stages of the applicants planning activities to obtain an outline of SEPA requirements.
(iii) Thereafter the private applicant shall be responsible for preparation of an environmental checklist. The responsible official shall review each environmental checklist and, within 15 days of the responsible official's receipt of the checklist, shall prepare and issue either a determination of nonsignificance as per WAC 197-11-340 or a determination of significance as per WAC 197-11-360.
(iv) When the responsible official has issued a determination of nonsignificance, the official shall send the determination and environmental checklist to the applicant and to all agencies with jurisdiction for review and comment as per WAC 197-11-340.
(v) When the responsible official makes a determination of significance, the preparation of an environmental report shall be completed in a manner consistent with the requirements for a draft EIS and shall be the responsibility of the private applicant. If the applicant desires, he may contract with an outside consultant for the preparation of the environmental report. The department may also contract with an outside consultant for the preparation of a draft or final EIS. The department or the department's contracted consultant will independently evaluate the environmental report and be responsible for the reliability of any information used in the draft or final EIS. Unless the scope or complexity of the proposal indicates otherwise, the final EIS shall be issued as described in WAC 197-11-460(6).
(vi) The responsible official shall request review of the draft EIS from the agencies listed in WAC 197-11-455 and from such other agencies as he determines.
(vii) The responsible official shall mail a copy of the draft EIS to the department of ecology headquarters in Olympia for listing in the "SEPA register" (see WAC 197-11-508) and also to those agencies listed in WAC 197-11-455.
(viii) When the responsible official determines that substantial changes are needed or that new information has become available, the preparation of an amended or new environmental report is the responsibility of the private applicant.
(ix) The responsible official shall mail a copy of the final EIS to the department of ecology headquarters office in Olympia for listing in the "SEPA register" (see WAC 197-11-508). The responsible official shall also mail copies of the final EIS to those agencies specified in WAC 197-11-460 and shall give public notice of the completion of the final EIS in the form and manner specified in RCW 43.21C.080.
(2) Water system plans for public water systems as per WAC 246-290-100 and RCW 70A.100.050.
(a) Scope of major action. Water system plans are plans developed and submitted to the department for review and approval pursuant to WAC 246-290-100 and RCW 70A.100.050.
(b) Timing and procedures for water system plans prepared by private applicants.
(i) In general, when a private applicant has prepared a water system plan for review and approval by the department, the private applicant shall be responsible for completing an environmental checklist, furnishing additional information needed by the department to make the threshold determination, and preparing the draft and final EIS under the direction of the responsible official. The following material presents a more detailed description of the responsibilities of the private applicant as well as the responsible official.
(ii) Follow steps outlined in subsection (1)(c)(ii) through (iv) of this section.
(iii) When the responsible official makes a determination of significance, the preparation of a draft and final EIS shall be in compliance with WAC 197-11-400 through 197-11-620 and shall be the responsibility of the private applicant. If the applicant desires, he may contract with an outside consultant for preparation of the draft or final EIS. Unless the scope or complexity of the proposal indicates otherwise, the final EIS shall be completed within 60 days of the end of the comment period for the draft EIS.
(iv) See subsection (1)(c)(vi) and (vii) of this section.
(v) When the responsible official determines that substantial changes are needed or that new information has become available, the preparation of an amended or a new draft EIS is the responsibility of the private applicant.
(vi) See subsection (1)(c)(ix) of this section.
(vii) Every water system plan submitted by a private applicant to the department for review and approval shall be accompanied by either a determination of nonsignificance or a final EIS.
(c) Timing and procedure for water system plans prepared by agencies. Every water system plan submitted by an agency to the department for review and approval shall be accompanied by either a determination of nonsignificance or a final EIS.
(3) New public water supply systems and major extensions of existing public water supply systems.
(a) Scope of major action. The approval of engineering reports or plans and specifications pursuant to chapter 246-290 WAC for all surface water source development, all water system storage facilities greater than 500,000 gallons, new transmission lines longer than 1,000 feet and larger than eight inches in diameter located in new rights of way and major extensions to existing water distribution systems involving use of pipes greater than eight inches in diameter, which are designed to increase the existing service area by more than one square mile.
(b) Timing and procedures for projects proposed by private applicants.
(i) In general, when a private applicant seeks the approval of the department for a new public water supply or a major extension to an existing public water supply, the private applicant shall be responsible for completing an environmental checklist, furnishing additional information needed by the department to make the threshold determination, and preparing the draft and final EIS under the direction of the responsible official. The following material presents a more detailed description of the responsibilities of the private applicant as well as of the responsible official.
(ii) Follow steps outlined in subsection (1)(c)(ii) through (iv) of this section.
(iii) See subsection (2)(b)(iii) of this section.
(iv) See subsection (1)(c)(vi) and (vii) of this section.
(v) See subsection (2)(b)(v) of this section.
(vi) See subsection (1)(c)(ix) of this section.
(vii) Whenever preliminary engineering reports, or plans and specifications for a new public water supply system or a major extension to an existing public water supply system are submitted by a private applicant to the secretary for review and approval pursuant to chapter 246-290 WAC, these reports, plans and specifications shall be accompanied by a determination of nonsignificance or a final EIS.
(c) Timing and procedures for projects proposed by an agency. Whenever preliminary engineering reports, plans and specifications for a new public water supply system or a major extension to an existing public water supply system are submitted by an agency to the secretary for review and approval pursuant to chapter 246-290 WAC, these reports, plans and specifications shall be accompanied by a determination of nonsignificance or a final EIS.
(4) Certificates of need.
(a) Scope of major action. Certificate of need applications are subject to SEPA requirements whenever the applicant proposes to construct a new hospital or to construct major additions to the existing service capacity of such an institution: Provided, That such applications are not subject to SEPA requirements when the proposed construction consists of additions which provide less than 12,000 square feet of floor area and with associated parking facilities designed for 40 automobiles or less: Provided further, That certificate of need applications for "substantial acquisitions" are not subject to SEPA requirements.
(b) Timing and procedures for hospital certificates of need. Where a state or local agency other than the department is lead agency for hospital construction, the department shall not issue a certificate of need approving this hospital construction until the applicant has supplied it with a determination of nonsignificance or a final EIS, and until seven days after the issuance by the lead agency of any final EIS. Nothing in this subsection shall preclude the department from making a commitment to issue a certificate of need to an applicant subject to the timely receipt of an appropriate environmental impact statement or determination of nonsignificance.
(5) Approval of sewerage general plans and/or water general plans described in RCW 36.94.010.
(a) Scope of major action. Sewerage general plans and water general plans shall mean and include those described in RCW 36.94.010.
(b) Timing and procedures for water general plans. Every water general plan submitted by a county to the department for review and approval shall be accompanied by either a determination of nonsignificance or a final EIS.
(6) Plans and specifications for new sewage treatment works or for major extensions to existing sewage treatment works pursuant to chapter 246-271 WAC.

Scope of major action. Plans and specifications for new sewage treatment works or for major extensions to existing sewage treatment works are those which are reviewed and approved by the department pursuant to WAC 246-271-050.

(7) Construction of any building, facility or other installation for the purpose of housing department personnel or for prisons or for fulfilling other statutorily directed or authorized functions.
(a) Scope of major action. The construction of buildings, facilities or other installations for the purpose of housing department personnel or for other authorized functions shall be subject to SEPA requirements, but such construction shall not be subject to SEPA requirements when it consists of additions which provide less than 12,000 square feet of floor area and with associated parking facilities designed for 40 automobiles or less.
(b) Timing and procedures.
(i) The responsible official shall, prior to the request for construction bids, prepare an environmental checklist for each construction project of the type described in (a) of this subsection.
(ii) Within 15 days of the request for construction bids, the responsible official shall make (A) a written declaration of nonsignificance where the responsible official determines that the proposed construction will not have a significant adverse environmental impact or (B) a written declaration of significance where the responsible official determines that the proposed construction will have a significant adverse environmental impact.
(iii) Where the responsible official has made a determination of significance, the preparation of the draft and final EIS shall be in compliance with WAC 197-11-400 through 197-11-620, and shall be the responsibility of the responsible official. Unless the scope or complexity of the proposal indicates otherwise, the final EIS shall be completed within 60 days of the end of the comment period for the draft EIS.
(iv) See subsection (1)(c)(vi) of this section.
(v) The responsible official shall mail to the department of ecology headquarters office in Olympia for listing in the "SEPA register" a copy of any determination of nonsignificance, a copy of the draft EIS, and a copy of the final EIS. Copies of the draft EIS shall also be mailed to those agencies identified in WAC 197-11-455, and of the final EIS to those agencies identified in WAC 197-11-460. The responsible official shall also give public notice in the form and manner specified in RCW 43.21C.080 of the determination of nonsignificance or final EIS.
(8) Approval of final plans for construction of a private psychiatric hospital pursuant to WAC 246-322-020, or construction of an alcoholism treatment facility pursuant to WAC 246-326-020.
(a) Scope of major action. The approval of final plans for construction of a private psychiatric hospital pursuant to WAC 246-322-020, or construction of an alcoholism treatment center pursuant to WAC 246-326-020 shall be subject to SEPA requirements: Provided, That such construction shall not be subject to SEPA requirements when it consists of additions which provide less than 12,000 square feet of floor area and with associated parking facilities designed for 40 automobiles or less.
(b) Timing and procedures for construction of the type described. Where a state or local agency other than the department is lead agency for construction of the type described in (a) of this subsection, the department shall not approve final plans for construction of a private psychiatric hospital or alcoholism treatment center until the applicant for such approval has supplied the department with a final declaration of nonsignificance or a final EIS for the construction in question, and until seven days after the issuance by the lead agency of any final EIS.


Wash. Admin. Code § 246-03-030
Amended by WSR 22-07-025, Filed 3/9/2022, effective 4/9/2022

Statutory Authority: RCW 43.21C.120. 92-02-018 (Order 224), § 246-03-030, filed 12/23/91, effective 1/23/92. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.70.040. 91-02-050 (Order 122), § 246-03-030, filed 12/27/90, effective 1/31/91.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.