Case Status
4 results
NEW YORK, ET AL. v. FERC, ET AL. (20361)
Order dated: 02/26/01Docket number: 00-568
presented by the petition. The petition for
NEW YORK, ET AL. v. FERC, ET AL. (20361)
Order dated: 02/26/01Docket number: 00-568
presented by the petition. The petition for
NEW YORK, ET AL. v. FERC, ET AL. (20361)
Order dated: 06/29/01Docket number: 00-568
Commission for leave to file a brief as amicus curiae is granted. The motion of the Solicitor General for additional time for oral argument and for divided argument is granted and ten additional minutes are allotted for oral argument to be divided as follows: 20
NEW YORK, ET AL. v. FERC, ET AL. (20361)
Order dated: 06/29/01Docket number: 00-568
Solicitor General. The request for divided rebuttal is denied.
A description of the questions presented by the case has been prepared:
Whether, given that Congress in 1935 stated that federal regulation extends only to those matters which are not subject to regulation by the states (Federal Power Act (FPA) 201 (a), and the transmission of energy from generators to retail customers in the same state was then subject to regulation by the states (as it has been since 1935), may the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) preempt state jurisdiction over such intrastate retail transmissions of electric energy?
An opinion has been handed down: