civil procedure

request for admission

A request for admission is a discovery device that allows one party to submit a written request for another party to admit the truth of matters set forth in the request, or admit the genuineness of described documents under oath. Generally,...

request to admit

A request to admit is a written request to admit the truth of matters set forth in the request or admit the genuineness of described documents. Generally, a request to admit includes multiple statements that can be admitted or denied by the...

Requests for admission

In a civil action, a request for admission is a discovery tool that allows one party to request that another party admit or deny the truth of a statement under oath. These requests aim to simplify and narrow the issues in dispute by...

res adjudicata

Res adjudicata is the same as res judicata. See the page on res judicata for more information.

[Last updated in July of 2021 by the Wex Definitions Team]

res gestae

Res gestae is a Latin term meaning “things done” or “things transacted.” It refers to the events or circumstances at issue, as well as other events that are contemporaneous with or related to them. Courts previously employed this term in...

res judicata

Res judicata is a principle most used in civil litigation. Directly translated, res judicata means “a matter judged.” Specifically, the res judicata principle indicates that if there is a final judgment based on merits, then another plaintiff...


See answer.

[Last updated in May of 2024 by the Wex Definitions Team]

responsive pleading

See answer.

[Last updated in December of 2020 by the Wex Definitions Team]

return of service

Return of service is a confirmation that there was service of process. Also termed proof of service, and the document evidencing service may be termed certificate of service. The document is generally filed by the server, potentially a...

rex non potest peccare

Rex non potest peccare is a Latin legal maxim meaning "the king can do no wrong" which developed into the doctrine of sovereign immunity, also known as governmental immunity. Rex non potest peccare originated in English common law and is...
