civil procedure

SLAPP suit

Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (SLAPP suit) refers to lawsuits brought by individuals and entities to dissuade their critics from continuing to produce negative publicity. By definition, SLAPP suits do not have any true legal...

speaking demurrer

A speaking demurrer is a demurrer that alleges something in addition to what is contained in the pleading to which the demurrer is filed; a demurrer that attempts to introduce new evidence (evidence outside of the record). Since demurrers...

speaking objection

A speaking objection is a type of objection made during a legal proceeding, usually a deposition or trial, where the attorney provides more information or commentary than is necessary to state the basis of the objection. Many states have...

special appearance

Special appearance is a tool defendants can use to challenge a court’s jurisdiction over them. If a court does not have personal jurisdiction or there are other errors like for service of process, many states allow defendants to challenge the...

special master

A special master is an individual appointed by a court to carry out specific actions on its behalf. Traditionally, a special master is distinguished from a master. A master’s function is primarily investigative, involving the compilation of...

special verdict

A special verdict is a verdict in which the jury gives its findings on particular factual issues, without necessarily stating a general conclusion on which party should win the whole case.

Usually, the court submits to the...

specific intent

Specific intent is a legal term referring to the actual intent to perform some act along with a desire for the consequences that result from that act. It implies that an individual not only intended to perform the act but also aimed to...

specific jurisdiction

Specific jurisdiction is a form of minimum contacts that enables a court to exercise personal jurisdiction over a corporate defendant in that state without violating due process because of the extent of the defendants’ activities within that...

specific performance

Specific performance is a contractual remedy in which a court orders a party to fulfill their obligations as closely as possible to what was promised in the contract, rather than simply paying damages for failing to do so. This remedy is...

spousal communications privilege

Spousal communications privilege is a legal doctrine that protects the confidentiality of communications between spouses. This privilege ensures that one spouse cannot be compelled to testify against the other regarding private communications...
