legal practice/ethics


A codefendant is one of multiple defendants jointly sued in the same civil action or formally accused of committing the same crime. For instance, if A sues B and C, B and C are codefendants.

If a defendant sues a different...


To be codified is to be defined or otherwise included in a legislative statute. It is sometimes used in a wider sense to refer to principles that can be found not just in statutes, but also in constitutions, administrative rules, and other...


A cognovit, a type of confession of judgment, refers to an acknowledgment or confession made by a defendant that the plaintiff’s cause is legitimate. It permits judgment to be entered without a trial for the purpose of saving costs. To apply...


Color, in a legal sense, refers to the appearance of a thing, as distinguished from the thing itself.

For example, the color of law refers to the appearance of legal authority or an apparently legal right, and is often used to...

color of office

Color of office refers to a person acting as if they are in an official capacity as an employee of a governmental unit, but taking action that is not authorized. In other words, an office holder acts under the color of office when they take...

commerce power

Commerce power refers to Congress’s power to regulate the channels and instrumentalities of interstate commerce.

Channels refers to the highways, waterways, and air traffic of the country. Instrumentalities refers to cars, trucks,...


A commission is a fee or remuneration paid in return for services rendered. Commission is often calculated as a percentage of the total transaction; a commission can be separate and in addition to fixed wages, or it can be the sole form of...

compensatory damages

In tort law, compensatory damages, also known as actual damages, are damages awarded by a court equivalent to the loss a party suffered. If a party’s right was technically violated but they suffered no harm or losses, a court may instead...


The term competent is used in various legal contexts, including procedure, evidence, and employment. More generally, it refers to the ability to act in the circumstances, including the ability to perform a job or occupation, the capacity to...


The principle of complementarity is the basis of the relationship between the International Criminal Court (ICC) and national courts in relation to the application of international criminal law.

The principle of...
