legal practice/ethics


Concealment is the act of intentionally or unintentionally not revealing information that should be disclosed and would otherwise affect the terms or creation of a contract. A concealment can occur through either purposeful misrepresentation...

condition precedent

A condition precedent is a condition or an event that must occur before a right, claim, duty, or interests arises. A condition precedent is contrasted with a condition subsequent.

In a contract, a condition precedent is an...

condition subsequent

A condition subsequent is an event or state of affairs that, if it occurs, will terminate one party’s obligation to the other. A condition subsequent differs from the similar condition precedents because they take effect after a party has...

confidential communication

Confidential communication involves statements (oral, written, or nonverbal) made in confidence between two people who have trust in each other and believe that the communication will be kept in confidence. Examples of this kind of...

confidential relation

Confidential relations can refer to an actual fiduciary relationship, such as between a lawyer and client, or, more informally, a relationship of trust and reliance, such as between a parent and child. The term frequently arises in...

confirmation bias

Confirmation bias refers to the tendency to seek out and give undue credibility to information that supports a desired conclusion. Due to confirmation bias, a party may unduly discredit contradictory information to the desired conclusion, or...

conflict of interest

A conflict of interest refers to the ethical problems that may arise between parties with a preexisting relationship. In law, a conflict of interest arises between an attorney and a client if the interests of the attorney, a different client...

conflict of laws

Conflict of laws refers to a difference between the laws of two or more jurisdictions with some connection to a case, such that the outcome depends on which jurisdiction's law will be used to resolve each issue in dispute. The conflicting...

congressional power

Congressional powers refer to the authority Congress has to create legislation. These powers are enumerated and Article I of the U.S. Constitution creates and defines the powers of Congress. For more on specific congressional powers, see:...


Consent means that a person voluntarily and willfully agrees in response to another person's proposition. The person who consents must possess sufficient mental capacity. Consent also requires the absence of coercion, fraud or error. Consent...
