legal practice/ethics


See represent See also right of representation

[Last updated in June of 2024 by the Wex Definitions Team]


Representative has two related definitions:

1) One who represents another. This could be as a political representative, for example a member of the House of Representatives. It could also be one who serves as one’s agent. It could also refer...

res gestae

Res gestae is a Latin term meaning “things done” or “things transacted.” It refers to the events or circumstances at issue, as well as other events that are contemporaneous with or related to them. Courts previously employed this term in...


A resolution is a formal statement of opinion or a decision to take an action.

In judicial proceedings, “resolution” means a judgment or decision of the court. In the context of a legislative practice, “resolution” is just a form in...


Retainers are a type of compensation agreement with lawyers either for reserving their employment or as compensation for future services.

General retainers are the traditional type of retainers where a lawyer agrees to...

retainer agreement

Retainer agreements (also referred to as representation agreements) are a type of compensation agreement with lawyers either for reserving their employment or as compensation for future services. Also inside the agreement are details on the...

retaining lien

A retaining lien is a type of attorney’s lien that a lawyer holds over a client’s documents, property, or money that is in the lawyer’s possession due to the lawyer-client relationship. This lien is used to secure payment of fees and costs...

rex non potest peccare

Rex non potest peccare is a Latin legal maxim meaning "the king can do no wrong" which developed into the doctrine of sovereign immunity, also known as governmental immunity. Rex non potest peccare originated in English common law and is...

Rule 144A

Rule 144A (formally 17 CFR § 230.144A) is a Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) regulation that enables purchasers of securities in a private placement to resell their securities to qualified institutional buyers (QIBs) under certain...

Rule 504

Rule 504 (formally 17 CFR § 230.504) is a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulation that enables issuers to sell under $5,000,000 in securities to an unlimited amount of purchasers in a private placement.

