Mayelane v. Ngwenyama

The issue in this case was to what extent, in Xitsonga customary law, the absence of a first wife’s consent to her husband’s subsequent polygamous marriages affects the validity of those marriages. In this case, the applicant entered into a customary marriage with the deceased in 1984. The applicant objected to the respondent’s claim that she entered a valid customary polygamous marriage to the deceased in 2008, 13 months before the deceased’s death. The Court held that, in accordance with its obligation to develop living customary law in a manner consistent with the Constitution’s protection of human dignity and equality, Xitsonga customary law had to be developed to include a requirement that the first wife’s consent is necessary to validate any of her husband’s subsequent customary marriages. Guided by this principle, the Court held invalid the marriage of the decedent to the respondent.



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