Conseil d'État, 4ème - 1ère chambres réunies, 28 septembre 2022, n°458403, Circulaire du 29 septembre 2021 intitulée «Pour une meilleure prise en compte des questions relatives à l'identité de genre en milieu scolaire» (gender identity issues in schools)
In a ruling handed down on 28 September 2022, the French Council of State upheld the lawfulness of the circular entitled " Improving consideration of gender identity issues in schools ", which had been issued by the Minister for National Education to all national education staff with a view to improving consideration of transgender pupils' situation in schools, facilitating their support and protecting them.
Girls Yean and Bosico v. Dominican Republic
The IACHR submitted an application to the Court to determine whether the Dominican Republic had violated Articles 1(1), 2, 3, 8, 19, 20, 24 and 25 of the American Convention on Human Rights to the detriment of Dilcia Oliven Yean and Violeta Bosico Cofi. The application was based on the fact that the two girls had been denied Dominican birth certificates despite having been born within Dominican territory, leaving the girls stateless and without nationality.
Le Code des personnes et de la famille (Persons and Family Code)
The Persons and Family Code of Benin which came into force in 2002 contains a number of provisions that protect women’s rights with respect to their spouse, the marital home, and the upbringing of children. For example, Article 1030 provides that uncodified customary law in Benin, which traditionally was discriminatory against women, is superseded by the Persons and Family Code. Article 119 of the Code states that marriage requires the consent of both spouses, and it provides women with the same rights as men in marriage.
Loi n°2021-1774 du 24 décembre 2021 visant à accélérer l’égalité économique et professionnelle (2021) Law No. 2021-1774 of 24 December 2021 aimed at accelerating economic and professional equality
With the goal of boosting women's involvement in economic and professional activities, the "Rixain" Law of 24 December 2021 includes a number of measures aimed at achieving greater equality between women and men in French companies. This law introduces an obligation to ensure gender-balanced representation in management positions in large companies. Each year, companies with more than 1,000 employees must publish on their website any gaps that may exist in the representation of women and men among their senior executives and members of their management bodies.
N.C. v. Caldwell
N.C., a minor, filed a personal injury action against her physical education teacher, her school principal, and the Tallapoosa County Board of Education. N.C. alleged that after her seventh grade physical education class, she was pulled into the boys’ locker room and raped by A.H., a 12th grade student whom her teacher, Caldwell, had appointed as a teacher’s aide. N.C.’s complaint alleged that Caldwell had actual knowledge that A.H. was sexually harassing students and had negligently or wantonly supervised N.C. and the other students in her class.
Sexual Violence by Educators in South African Schools: Gaps in Accountability
The Centre for Applied Legal Studies at the University of Witwatersrand and Avon Global Center for Women and Justice at Cornell Law School released a joint report on sexual violence committed by educators against students in South African schools.
Die Sentrum vir Toegepaste Regstudies by die Universiteit van Witwatersrand en Avon Global Centre for Women and Justice by Cornell Law School het 'n gesamentlike verslag vrygestel oor seksuele geweld wat opvoeders teen studente in Suid-Afrikaanse skole gepleeg het.
W.J. and L.N. v. Amkoah, Jamhuri Primary School, The Teachers Service Commission and the Attorney General (Petition No. 331 of 2011)
In July 2010, W.J. and L.N, 12- and 13-year-old female students at Jamhuri Primary School, were invited to the home of their teacher, Astarikoh Henry Amkoah. Amkoah forced the girls to perform household chores and later attempted to defile W.J. in the restroom and defiled L.N. in the hall. On several occasions later that month, Amkoah raped both girls. The girls’ education was severely interrupted by the trauma of Amkoah’s attacks and L.N. dropped out of school completely. Ultimately, Amkoah was acquitted in criminal court. In this suit filed by their guardians, W.J. and L.N.
《中国妇女发展纲要2021-2030》(The Outline for Women’s Development in China (2021-2030))
In September 2021, the State Council issued the Outline for Women’s Development in China. The Outline aims to protect women’s equal rights across eight key areas: health, education, employment, participation in management, social security, family support, environmental matters, and legal rights.