Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 14, § 632 - Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), Marine Managed Areas (MMAs), and Special Closures

(a) General Rules and Regulations:

The areas specified in this section have been declared by the commission to be marine protected areas, marine managed areas, or special closures. Public use of marine protected areas, marine managed areas, or special closures shall be compatible with the primary purposes of such areas. MPAs, MMAs, and special closures are subject to the following general rules and regulations in addition to existing Fish and Game Code statutes and regulations of the commission, except as otherwise provided for in subsection 632(b), areas and special regulations for use. Nothing in this section expressly or implicitly precludes, restricts or requires modification of current or future uses of the waters identified as marine protected areas, special closures, or the lands or waters adjacent to these designated areas by the Department of Defense, its allies or agents.

(1) Protection of Resources in MPAs and MMAs, as defined in Public Resources Code Section 36710:
(A) State Marine Reserves: In a state marine reserve, it is unlawful to injure, damage, take, or possess any living, geological, or cultural marine resource, except under a scientific collecting permit issued by the department pursuant to Section 650 or specific authorization from the commission for research, restoration, or monitoring purposes.
1. Notwithstanding the classification specified in this section, the boundaries of all state marine reserves exclude any pre-existing artificial structure when that structure is being actively maintained, repaired, or operated by the leaseholder(s), permittee(s), or their agent(s).
(B) State Marine Parks: In a state marine park, it is unlawful to injure, damage, take, or possess any living or nonliving marine resource for commercial purposes. Any human use that would compromise protection of the species of interest, natural community or habitat, or geological, cultural, or recreational features, may be restricted by the commission as specified in subsection 632(b), areas and special regulations for use. The department may issue scientific collecting permits pursuant to Section 650. The commission may authorize research, monitoring, and educational activities and certain recreational harvest in a manner consistent with protecting resource values. Take of marine resources incidental to the operation, maintenance, repair, removal, and replacement within the existing footprint of pre-existing artificial structures is allowed in state marine parks pursuant to any required federal, state, and local permits and leases or if otherwise authorized through any applicable federal, state, and local law. This subsection does not authorize retention or possession of any marine resource taken pursuant to this subsection.
(C) State Marine Conservation Areas: In a state marine conservation area, it is unlawful to injure, damage, take, or possess any living, geological, or cultural marine resource for commercial or recreational purposes, or a combination of commercial and recreational purposes except as specified in subsection 632(b), areas and special regulations for use. The department may issue scientific collecting permits pursuant to Section 650. The commission may authorize research, education, and recreational activities, and certain commercial and recreational harvest of marine resources, provided that these uses do not compromise protection of the species of interest, natural community, habitat, or geological features.
1. Any area within a state marine reserve that is excluded from the boundaries of the state marine reserve pursuant to subsection 632(a)(1)(A)1. is a state marine conservation area.
2. Take of marine resources incidental to the operation, maintenance, repair, removal, and replacement within the existing footprint of pre-existing artificial structures is allowed in state marine conservation areas pursuant to any required federal, state, and local permits and leases or if otherwise authorized through any applicable federal, state, and local law. This subsection does not authorize retention or possession of any marine resource taken pursuant to this subsection.
(D) State Marine Recreational Management Areas: In a state marine recreational management area, it is unlawful to perform any activity that would compromise the recreational values for which the area may be designated. Recreational opportunities may be protected, enhanced, or restricted, while preserving basic resource values of the area. No other use is restricted unless specified in subsection 632(b), areas and special regulations for use. Take of marine resources incidental to the operation, maintenance, repair, removal, and replacement within the existing footprint of pre-existing artificial structures is allowed in state marine recreational management areas pursuant to any required federal, state, and local permits and leases or if otherwise authorized through any applicable federal, state, and local law. This subsection does not authorize retention or possession of any marine resource taken pursuant to this subsection.
(E) It is unlawful to injure, damage, take, retain, or possess any living, geological, or cultural marine resource in any marine managed area except as otherwise specified in subsections 632(a)(1)(A)-(D).
(2) Finfish. Finfish, for the purpose of this section, are defined as any species of bony fish or cartilaginous fish (sharks, skates and rays). Finfish do not include amphibians, invertebrates, plants or algae. The definition of finfish provided in Section 159 does not apply to this Section.
(3) Pelagic Finfish. Pelagic finfish, for the purpose of this section, are a subset of finfish defined as: northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax), barracudas (Sphyraena spp.), billfishes* (family Istiophoridae), dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus), Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi), jack mackerel (Trachurus symmetricus), Pacific mackerel (Scomber japonicus), salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.), Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax), blue shark (Prionace glauca), salmon shark (Lamna ditropis), shortfin mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus), thresher sharks (Alopias spp.), swordfish (Xiphias gladius), tunas (family Scombridae) including Pacific bonito (Sarda chiliensis), and yellowtail (Seriola dorsalis). *Marlin is not allowed for commercial take.
(4) Access. Access into marine protected areas or marine managed areas for non-consumptive uses including but not limited to swimming, surfing, diving, boating, hiking and walking is allowed unless otherwise specified in subsection 632(b), areas and special regulations for use.
(5) Introduction of Species. Unless authorized by the commission or as a result of authorized fishing activities, the release of any fish or wildlife species, including domestic or domesticated species, or the introduction of any plant species, is prohibited. The department may reintroduce endemic species to marine protected areas or marine managed areas for management purposes.
(6) Feeding of Fish and Wildlife. The feeding of fish and wildlife is prohibited except permitted scientific collection pursuant to Section 650 or as a result of authorized fishing within state marine conservation areas, state marine parks, and state marine recreational management areas, or unless feeding of fish is specifically authorized in subsection 632(b) for purposes of marine life viewing.
(7) Anchoring. Vessels shall be allowed to anchor in any marine protected area or marine managed area with catch onboard unless otherwise specified in subsection 632(b), areas and special regulations for use. Fishing gear shall not be deployed in the water while anchored in a state marine reserve. Fishing gear, except legal fishing gear used to take species identified as allowed for take in subsection 632(b), shall not be deployed in the water while anchored in a state marine recreational management area, state marine park or state marine conservation area. Anchoring regulations shall be consistent with federal law and allowances made for anchoring required by emergency or severe weather.
(8) Transit or Drifting.
(A) Vessels shall be allowed to transit through MPAs and MMAs with catch onboard. Fishing gear shall not be deployed in the water while transiting through a state marine reserve. Fishing gear, except legal fishing gear used to take species identified as allowed for take in subsection 632(b), shall not be deployed in the water while transiting through a state marine recreational management area, state marine park or state marine conservation area.
(B) Spearfishermen with or without catch shall be allowed to transit through MPAs and MMAs. While transiting MPAs and MMAs that prohibit spearfishing or while in possession of species not identified as allowed for take in the MPA or MMA being transited, spearfishing gear shall be in an unloaded condition, not carried in hand, and the diver shall remain at the surface.
(9) Water Quality Monitoring. Sampling of water, sediment and marine life, for water quality monitoring or pollution research, or as required in a Monitoring and Reporting Program of a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit and Waste Discharge Requirements issued by the State or Regional Water Boards pursuant to the United States Clean Water Act and the California Water Code, is allowed within state marine reserves, state marine conservation areas, state marine parks, and state marine recreational management areas pursuant to a valid scientific collecting permit issued by the department.
(10) Public Safety. Public safety activities, including installation, maintenance and/or seasonal placement and removal of safety-related artificial structures, including but not limited to lifeguard towers, are allowed within any MPA classification pursuant to any required federal, state and local permits, or as otherwise authorized by the department.
(11) Tribal Take. For purposes of this regulation, "federally recognized tribe" means any tribe on the List of Indian Entities Recognized and Eligible to Receive Services from the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs, published annually in the Federal Register. Any member of a federally recognized tribe authorized to take living marine resources from an area with area-specific take restrictions in subsection 632(b), when engaging in take within an authorized area shall possess on his person, in his immediate possession, or where otherwise specifically required by law to be kept, any valid license, report card, tag, stamp, validation, permit, or any other entitlement that is required in the Fish and Game Code, or required by other state, federal, or local entities, in order to take living marine resources. Members shall possess a valid photo identification card issued by a federally recognized tribe that contains expiration date, tribal name, tribal member number, name, signature, date of birth, height, color of eyes, color of hair, weight, and sex; and display any of the items listed above upon demand to any peace officer. Members taking living marine resources under this provision are subject to current seasonal, bag, possession, gear and size limits in existing Fish and Game Code statutes and regulations of the commission, except as otherwise provided for in subsection 632(b). No member, while taking living marine resources pursuant to this section, may be assisted by any person who does not possess a valid tribal identification card and is not properly licensed to take living marine resources. Nothing in the regulation is intended to conflict with, or supersede, any state or federal law regarding the take of protected, threatened or endangered species.
(12) Shore Fishing. Take from shore, or shore fishing, for purposes of this section, means take of living marine resources from shore, including beaches, banks, piers, jetties, breakwaters, docks, and other man-made structures connected to the shore. Unless specifically authorized in subsection 632(b), no vessel, watercraft (motorized or non-motorized), or floating device may be used to assist in the take, transport or possession of species taken while shore fishing, except that a float tube or similar flotation device may be used when taking abalone only.
(13) Pre-Existing Artificial Structure. For the purpose of this section, "pre-existing artificial structure" refers to any structure manufactured, created, installed, or constructed in state waters pursuant to any required federal, state, and local permits, leases, or other authorizations, including an incidental take buffer zone as defined in subsection 632(a)(14). Any structure constructed and installed pursuant to public safety concerns as defined in subsection 632(a)(10) will be considered a pre-existing artificial structure.
(14) Incidental Take Buffer Zone for Pre-Existing Artificial Structures (Incidental Take Buffer Zones). For the purpose of this section, an "incidental take buffer zone" is established in the peripheral area surrounding a pre-existing artificial structure as defined in subsection 632(a)(13). The incidental take buffer zone shall include the entirety of the surrounding water column within 250 linear feet in any direction from the pre-existing artificial structure, not including areas above the mean high tide line.
(15) Identification and Permit or Lease Requirement for Pre-existing Artificial Structure Activities. At all times, when conducting any operation, maintenance, repair, removal or replacement activity of a pre-existing artificial structure authorized by a federal, state, or local permit or lease, the leaseholder(s), permittee(s), and their agent(s) shall carry in their possession a valid government-issued form of identification, and a digital or printed copy of the permit or lease. The only acceptable forms of identification are driver's licenses or other photo identification cards issued by a U.S. state, a valid photo identification card issued by a federally recognized tribe as specified in subsection 632(a)(11), or an international passport. Valid identification and a copy of the lease or permit shall be exhibited immediately upon demand by any person authorized by the department to enforce this regulation.
(b) Areas and Special Regulations for Use. Pursuant to the commission's authority in Fish and Game Code Section 2860 to regulate commercial and recreational fishing and any other taking of marine species in MPAs, Fish and Game Code Sections 10500(f), 10500(g), 10502.5, 10502.6, 10502.7, 10502.8, 10655, 10655.5, 10656, 10657, 10657.5, 10658, 10660, 10661, 10664, 10666, 10667, 10711, 10801, 10900, 10901, 10902, 10903, 10904, 10905, 10906, 10907, 10908, 10909, 10910, 10911, 10912, 10913, and 10932 are superseded as they apply to designations in Subsection 632(b). All geographic coordinates listed use the North American Datum 1983 (NAD83) reference datum:
(1) Pyramid Point State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

42° 00.000' N. lat. 124° 12.735' W. long.;

42° 00.000' N. lat. 124° 19.814' W. long.; thence southward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

41° 57.500' N. lat. 124° 17.101' W. long.; and

41° 57.500' N. lat. 124° 12.423' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take of true smelt [Section 28.45] by dip net or Hawaiian type throw net [Section 28.80] is allowed.
2. The following federally recognized tribe is exempt from the area and take regulations found in subsection 632(b)(1) of these regulations and shall comply with all other existing regulations and statutes:

Tolowa Dee-Ni' Nation.

(2) Point St. George Reef Offshore State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

41° 52.000' N. lat. 124° 23.189' W. long.;

41° 52.000' N. lat. 124° 25.805' W. long.; thence southward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

41° 49.000' N. lat. 124° 26.252' W. long.;

41° 49.000' N. lat. 124° 23.189' W. long.; and

41° 52.000' N. lat. 124° 23.189' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take of salmon by trolling [subsection 27.80(a)(3)] ; and Dungeness crab by trap is allowed.
2. The commercial take of salmon with troll fishing gear [subsection 182(c)(4)] ; and Dungeness crab by trap is allowed.
3. The following federally recognized tribes (listed alphabetically) are exempt from the area and take regulations found in subsection 632(b)(2) of these regulations and shall comply with all other existing regulations and statutes:

Elk Valley Rancheria, and

Tolowa Dee-Ni' Nation.

(3) Southwest Seal Rock Special Closure. Special restrictions on boating and access apply to Southwest Seal Rock as follows.
(A) A special closure is designated from the mean high tide line to a distance of 300 feet seaward of the mean lower low tide line of any shoreline of Southwest Seal Rock, located in the vicinity of 41° 48.810' N. lat. 124° 21.099' W. long.
(B) Except as permitted by federal law or emergency caused by hazardous weather, or as authorized by subsection 632(b)(3)(C), no vessel shall be operated or anchored at any time from the mean high tide line to a distance of 300 feet seaward of the mean lower low tide line of any shoreline of Southwest Seal Rock.
(C) No person except department employees or employees of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or United States Coast Guard, in performing their official duties, or unless permission is granted by the department, shall enter the area defined in subsection 632(b)(3)(B).
(4) Castle Rock Special Closure. Special restrictions on boating and access apply to Castle Rock as follows.
(A) A special closure is designated from the mean high tide line to a distance of 300 feet seaward of the mean lower low tide line of any shoreline of Castle Rock, located in the vicinity of 41° 45.706' N. lat. 124° 14.949' W. long.
(B) Except as permitted by federal law or emergency caused by hazardous weather, or as authorized by subsection 632(b)(4)(C), no vessel shall be operated or anchored at any time from the mean high tide line to a distance of 300 feet seaward of the mean lower low tide line of any shoreline of Castle Rock.
(C) No person except department employees or employees of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or United States Coast Guard, in performing their official duties, or unless permission is granted by the department, shall enter the area defined in subsection 632(b)(4)(B).
(5) False Klamath Rock Special Closure. Special restrictions on boating and access apply to False Klamath Rock as follows.
(A) A special closure is designated from the mean high tide line to a distance of 300 feet seaward of the mean lower low tide line of any shoreline of False Klamath Rock, located in the vicinity of 41° 35.633' N. lat. 124° 06.699' W. long. during the period of March 1 to August 31.
(B) Except as permitted by federal law or emergency caused by hazardous weather, or as authorized by subsection 632(b)(5)(C), no vessel shall be operated or anchored from the mean high tide line to a distance of 300 feet seaward of the mean lower low tide line of any shoreline of False Klamath Rock during the period of March 1 to August 31.
(C) No person except department employees or employees of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or United States Coast Guard, in performing their official duties, or unless permission is granted by the department, shall enter the area defined in subsection 632(b)(5)(B) during the period of March 1 to August 31.
(6) Reading Rock State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

41° 20.100' N. lat. 124° 04.911' W. long.;

41° 20.100' N. lat. 124° 10.000' W. long.;

41° 17.600' N. lat. 124° 10.000' W. long.; and

41° 17.600' N. lat. 124° 05.399' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take of salmon by trolling [subsection 27.80(a)(3)] ; true smelt [Section 28.45] by dip net or Hawaiian type throw net [Section 28.80] ; and Dungeness crab by trap, hoop net or hand is allowed.
2. The commercial take of salmon with troll fishing gear [subsection 182(c)(4)] ; true smelt by dip net; and Dungeness crab by trap is allowed.
3. The following federally recognized tribes (listed alphabetically) are exempt from the area and take regulations found in subsection 632(b)(6) of these regulations and shall comply with all other existing regulations and statutes:

Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria, Resighini Rancheria, and Yurok Tribe of the Yurok Reservation.

(7) Reading Rock State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

41° 20.100' N. lat. 124° 10.000' W. long.;

41° 20.100' N. lat. 124° 14.655' W. long.; thence southward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

41° 17.600' N. lat. 124° 11.963' W. long.;

41° 17.600' N. lat. 124° 10.000' W. long.; and 41° 20.100' N. lat. 124° 10.000' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(8) Samoa State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

40° 55.000' N. lat. 124° 08.432' W. long.;

40° 55.000' N. lat. 124° 12.677' W. long.; thence southward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

40° 52.000' N. lat. 124° 14.225' W. long.; and

40° 52.000' N. lat. 124° 09.803' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take of salmon by trolling [subsection 27.80(a)(3)] ; true smelt [Section 28.45] by dip net or Hawaiian type throw net [Section 28.80] ; and Dungeness crab by trap, hoop net or hand is allowed.
2. The commercial take of salmon with troll fishing gear [subsection 182(c)(4)] ; true smelt by dip net; and Dungeness crab by trap is allowed.
3. The following federally recognized tribe is exempt from the area and take regulations found in subsection 632(b)(8) of these regulations and shall comply with all other existing regulations and statutes:

Wiyot Tribe.

(9) South Humboldt Bay State Marine Recreational Management Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

40° 43.000' N. lat. 124° 15.527' W. long.;

40° 43.000' N. lat. 124° 15.000' W. long.;

40° 42.000' N. lat. 124° 15.000' W. long.; and

40° 42.000' N. lat. 124° 16.141' W. long.

(B) Waterfowl may be taken in accordance with the general waterfowl regulations (Sections 502, 550, 551, and 552).
(C) Take of all living, geological, or cultural marine resources is prohibited except
1. The following federally recognized tribe is exempt from the area and take regulations found in subsection 632(b)(9) of these regulations and shall comply with all other existing regulations and statutes:

Wiyot Tribe.

(10) Sugarloaf Island Special Closure. Special restrictions on boating and access apply to Sugarloaf Island as follows.
(A) A special closure is designated from the mean high tide line to a distance of 300 feet seaward of the mean lower low tide line of any shoreline of Sugarloaf Island, located in the vicinity of 40° 26.326' N. lat. 124° 24.827' W. long.
(B) Except as permitted by federal law or emergency caused by hazardous weather, or as authorized by subsection 632(b)(10)(C), no vessel shall be operated or anchored at any time from the mean high tide line to a distance of 300 feet seaward of the mean lower low tide line of any shoreline of Sugarloaf Island.
(C) No person except department employees or employees of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or United States Coast Guard, in performing their official duties, or unless permission is granted by the department, shall enter the area defined in subsection 632(b)(10)(B).
(11) South Cape Mendocino State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

40° 26.100' N. lat. 124° 24.340' W. long.;

40° 26.100' N. lat. 124° 31.958' W. long.; thence southward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

40° 24.900' N. lat. 124° 31.084' W. long.; and

40° 24.900' N. lat. 124° 23.800' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(12) Steamboat Rock Special Closure. Special restrictions on boating and access apply to Steamboat Rock as follows.
(A) A special closure is designated from the mean high tide line to a distance of 300 feet seaward of the mean lower low tide line of any shoreline of Steamboat Rock, located in the vicinity of 40° 24.919' N. lat. 124° 24.241' W. long. during the period of March 1 to August 31.
(B) Except as permitted by federal law or emergency caused by hazardous weather, or as authorized by subsection 632(b)(12)(C), no vessel shall be operated or anchored from the mean high tide line to a distance of 300 feet seaward of the mean lower low tide line of any shoreline of Steamboat Rock during the period of March 1 to August 31.
(C) No person except department employees or employees of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or United States Coast Guard, in performing their official duties, or unless permission is granted by the department, shall enter the area defined in subsection 632(b)(12)(B) during the period of March 1 to August 31.
(13) Mattole Canyon State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

40° 20.000' N. lat. 124° 22.500' W. long.;

40° 20.000' N. lat. 124° 25.902' W. long.; thence southward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

40° 17.000' N. lat. 124° 25.869' W. long.;

40° 17.000' N. lat. 124° 22.500' W. long.; and

40° 20.000' N. lat. 124° 22.500' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(14) Sea Lion Gulch State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

40° 14.400' N. lat. 124° 19.983' W. long.;

40° 14.400' N. lat. 124° 25.943' W. long.; thence southward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

40° 12.800' N. lat. 124° 24.809' W. long.; and

40° 12.800' N. lat. 124° 18.155' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(15) Big Flat State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

40° 09.400' N. lat. 124° 12.671' W. long.;

40° 09.400' N. lat. 124° 19.366' W. long.; thence southward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

40° 07.500' N. lat. 124° 16.203' W. long.; and

40° 07.500' N. lat. 124° 10.313' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take of salmon by trolling [subsection 27.80(a)(3)] ; and Dungeness crab by trap, hoop net or hand is allowed.
2. The commercial take of salmon with troll fishing gear [subsection 182(c)(4)] ; and Dungeness crab by trap is allowed.
3. The following federally recognized tribes (listed alphabetically) are exempt from the area and take regulations found in subsection 632(b)(15) of these regulations and shall comply with all other existing regulations and statutes:

Bear River Band of the Rohnerville Rancheria,

Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians of the Big Valley Rancheria,

Cahto Indian Tribe of the Laytonville Rancheria,

Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians,

Elem Indian Colony of Pomo Indians of the Sulphur Bank Rancheria,

Guidiville Rancheria,

Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake,

Hopland Band of Pomo Indians of the Hopland Rancheria,

Lower Lake Rancheria,

Manchester Band of Pomo Indians of the Manchester-Point Arena Rancheria,

Middletown Rancheria of Pomo Indians,

Pinoleville Pomo Nation,

Potter Valley Tribe,

Redwood Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians,

Robinson Rancheria of Pomo Indians,

Round Valley Indian Tribes of the Round Valley Reservation,

Scotts Valley Band of Pomo Indians, and

Sherwood Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians.

(16) Double Cone Rock State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

39° 48.500' N. lat. 123° 50.713' W. long.;

39° 48.500' N. lat. 123° 55.875' W. long.; thence southward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

39° 44.300' N. lat. 123° 54.178' W. long.; and

39° 44.300' N. lat. 123° 50.055' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take of salmon by trolling [subsection 27.80(a)(3)] ; and Dungeness crab by trap, hoop net or hand is allowed.
2. The commercial take of salmon with troll fishing gear [subsection 182(c)(4)] ; and Dungeness crab by trap is allowed.
3. The following federally recognized tribes (listed alphabetically) are exempt from the area and take regulations found in subsection 632(b)(16) of these regulations and shall comply with all other existing regulations and statutes:

Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians of the Big Valley Rancheria,

Cahto Indian Tribe of the Laytonville Rancheria,

Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians,

Elem Indian Colony of Pomo Indians of the Sulphur Bank Rancheria,

Guidiville Rancheria,

Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake,

Hopland Band of Pomo Indians of the Hopland Rancheria,

Lower Lake Rancheria,

Manchester Band of Pomo Indians of the Manchester-Point Arena Rancheria,

Middletown Rancheria of Pomo Indians,

Pinoleville Pomo Nation,

Potter Valley Tribe,

Redwood Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians,

Robinson Rancheria of Pomo Indians,

Round Valley Indian Tribes of the Round Valley Reservation,

Scotts Valley Band of Pomo Indians, and

Sherwood Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians.

(17) Repealed: Rockport Rocks Special Closure.
(18) Vizcaino Rock Special Closure. Special restrictions on boating and access apply to Vizcaino Rock located in the vicinity of 39° 43.618' N. lat. 123° 49.950' W. long. as follows.
(A) A special closure is designated from the mean high tide line to a distance of 300 feet seaward of the mean lower low tide of any shoreline of Vizcaino Rock westward of 123° 49.887' W. longitude, during the period of March 1 to August 31.
(B) Except as permitted by federal law or emergency caused by hazardous weather, or as authorized by subsection 632(b)(18)(C), no vessel shall be operated or anchored from the mean high tide line to a distance of 300 feet seaward of the mean lower low tide line of any shoreline of Vizcaino Rock westward of 123° 49.887' W. longitude during the period of March 1 to August 31.
(C) No person except department employees or employees of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or United States Coast Guard, in performing their official duties, or unless permission is granted by the department, shall enter the area defined in subsection 632(b)(18)(B) during the period of March 1 to August 31.
(19) Ten Mile State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

39° 35.900' N. lat. 123° 47.243' W. long.;

39° 35.900' N. lat. 123° 51.479' W. long.; thence southward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

39° 33.300' N. lat. 123° 50.559' W. long.; and

39° 33.300' N. lat. 123° 46.015' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(20) Ten Mile Beach State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

39° 33.300' N. lat. 123° 46.015' W. long.;

39° 33.300' N. lat. 123° 50.559' W. long.; thence southward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

39° 32.500' N. lat. 123° 50.418' W. long.;

39° 32.500' N. lat. 123° 46.242' W. long.; thence northward along the mean high tide line onshore boundary to

39° 33.098' N. lat. 123° 46.003' W. long.;

39° 33.199' N. lat. 123° 45.966' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take of Dungeness crab by trap, hoop net or hand is allowed.
2. The commercial take of Dungeness crab by trap is allowed.
3. The following federally recognized tribes (listed alphabetically) are exempt from the area and take regulations found in subsection 632(b)(20) of these regulations and shall comply with all other existing regulations and statutes:

Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians of the Big Valley Rancheria,

Cahto Indian Tribe of the Laytonville Rancheria,

Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians,

Elem Indian Colony of Pomo Indians of the Sulphur Bank Rancheria,

Guidiville Rancheria,

Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake,

Hopland Band of Pomo Indians of the Hopland Rancheria,

Lower Lake Rancheria,

Manchester Band of Pomo Indians of the Manchester-Point Arena Rancheria,

Middletown Rancheria of Pomo Indians,

Pinoleville Pomo Nation,

Potter Valley Tribe,

Redwood Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians,

Robinson Rancheria of Pomo Indians,

Round Valley Indian Tribes of the Round Valley Reservation,

Scotts Valley Band of Pomo Indians, and

Sherwood Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians.

(21) Ten Mile Estuary State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area consists of waters below the mean high tide line within the Ten Mile Estuary, eastward of a line connecting the following two points:

39° 33.199' N. lat. 123° 45.966' W. long.; and

39° 33.098' N. lat. 123° 46.003' W. long.

and westward of a line connecting the following two points:

39° 32.400' N. lat. 123° 44.785' W. long.; and

39° 32.382' N. lat. 123° 44.769' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The following federally recognized tribes (listed alphabetically) are exempt from the area and take regulations found in subsection 632(b)(21) of these regulations and shall comply with all other existing regulations and statutes:

Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians of the Big Valley Rancheria,

Cahto Indian Tribe of the Laytonville Rancheria,

Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians,

Elem Indian Colony of Pomo Indians of the Sulphur Bank Rancheria,

Guidiville Rancheria,

Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake,

Hopland Band of Pomo Indians of the Hopland Rancheria,

Lower Lake Rancheria,

Manchester Band of Pomo Indians of the Manchester-Point Arena Rancheria,

Middletown Rancheria of Pomo Indians,

Pinoleville Pomo Nation,

Potter Valley Tribe,

Redwood Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians,

Robinson Rancheria of Pomo Indians,

Round Valley Indian Tribes of the Round Valley Reservation,

Scotts Valley Band of Pomo Indians, and

Sherwood Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians.

2. Take pursuant to activities authorized in subsection 632(b)(21)(D) is allowed.
(C) Waterfowl may be taken in accordance with the general waterfowl regulations (Sections 502, 550, 551, and 552).
(D) Operation and maintenance of artificial structures inside the conservation area is allowed pursuant to any required federal, state and local permits, or as otherwise authorized by the department.
(22) MacKerricher State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

39° 30.100' N. lat. 123° 47.327' W. long.;

39° 30.100' N. lat. 123° 49.000' W. long.;

39° 27.120' N. lat. 123° 49.000' W. long.; and

39° 27.120' N. lat. 123° 48.830' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. All recreational take is allowed in accordance with current regulations.
2. All commercial take is allowed in accordance with current regulations, except the commercial take of bull kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana) and giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) is prohibited.
(23) Point Cabrillo State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

39° 21.400' N. lat. 123° 49.418' W. long.;

39° 21.400' N. lat. 123° 50.000' W. long.;

39° 20.600' N. lat. 123° 50.000' W. long.; and

39° 20.600' N. lat. 123° 49.266' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(24) Russian Gulch State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

39° 19.860' N. lat. 123° 48.840' W. long.;

39° 19.860' N. lat. 123° 49.000' W. long.;

39° 19.470' N. lat. 123° 49.000' W. long.; and

39° 19.470' N. lat. 123° 48.500' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. All recreational take is allowed in accordance with current regulations.
2. All commercial take is allowed in accordance with current regulations, except the commercial take of bull kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana) and giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) is prohibited.
(25) Big River Estuary State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area consists of waters below the mean high tide line within the Big River Estuary, eastward of a line connecting the following two points:

39° 18.134' N. lat. 123° 47.517' W. long.; and

39° 18.070' N. lat. 123° 47.543' W. long.

and westward of a line connecting the following two points:

39° 18.222' N. lat. 123° 46.242' W. long.; and

39° 18.150' N. lat. 123° 46.240' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take of surfperch (family Embiotocidae) by hook and line from shore only; and Dungeness crab by hoop net or hand is allowed.
2. The following federally recognized tribes (listed alphabetically) are exempt from the area and take regulations found in subsection 632(b)(25) of these regulations and shall comply with all other existing regulations and statutes:

Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians of the Big Valley Rancheria,

Cahto Indian Tribe of the Laytonville Rancheria,

Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians,

Elem Indian Colony of Pomo Indians of the Sulphur Bank Rancheria,

Guidiville Rancheria,

Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake,

Hopland Band of Pomo Indians of the Hopland Rancheria,

Lower Lake Rancheria,

Manchester Band of Pomo Indians of the Manchester-Point Arena Rancheria,

Middletown Rancheria of Pomo Indians,

Pinoleville Pomo Nation,

Potter Valley Tribe,

Redwood Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians,

Robinson Rancheria of Pomo Indians,

Round Valley Indian Tribes of the Round Valley Reservation,

Scotts Valley Band of Pomo Indians, and

Sherwood Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians.

3. Take pursuant to activities authorized in subsection 632(b)(25)(D) is allowed.
(C) Waterfowl may be taken in accordance with the general waterfowl regulations (Sections 502, 550, 551, and 552).
(D) Operation and maintenance of artificial structures inside the conservation area is allowed pursuant to any required federal, state and local permits, or as otherwise authorized by the department.
(26) Van Damme State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and a straight line connecting the following points:

39° 16.335' N. lat. 123° 47.712' W. long.; and

39° 16.147' N. lat. 123° 47.429' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. All recreational take is allowed in accordance with current regulations.
2. All commercial take is allowed in accordance with current regulations, except the commercial take of bull kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana) and giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) is prohibited.
(27) Navarro River Estuary State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area consists of waters below the mean high tide line within the Navarro River Estuary, eastward of a line connecting the following two points:

39° 11.536' N. lat. 123° 45.685' W. long.; and

39° 11.489' N. lat. 123° 45.516' W. long.

and westward of a line connecting the following two points

39° 11.846' N. lat. 123° 44.809' W. long.; and

39° 11.803' N. lat. 123° 44.843' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take of salmonids by hook and line is allowed consistent with salmonid regulations in Section 7.50.
2. The following federally recognized tribes (listed alphabetically) are exempt from the area and take regulations found in subsection 632(b)(27) of these regulations and shall comply with all other existing regulations and statutes:

Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians of the Big Valley Rancheria,

Cahto Indian Tribe of the Laytonville Rancheria,

Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians,

Elem Indian Colony of Pomo Indians of the Sulphur Bank Rancheria,

Guidiville Rancheria,

Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake,

Hopland Band of Pomo Indians of the Hopland Rancheria,

Lower Lake Rancheria,

Manchester Band of Pomo Indians of the Manchester-Point Arena Rancheria,

Middletown Rancheria of Pomo Indians,

Pinoleville Pomo Nation,

Potter Valley Tribe,

Redwood Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians,

Robinson Rancheria of Pomo Indians,

Round Valley Indian Tribes of the Round Valley Reservation,

Scotts Valley Band of Pomo Indians, and

Sherwood Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians.

(C) Waterfowl may be taken in accordance with the general waterfowl regulations (Sections 502, 550, 551, and 552).
(28) Point Arena State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

38° 57.350' N. lat. 123° 44.500' W. long;

38° 59.000' N. lat. 123° 44.500' W. long;

38° 59.000' N. lat. 123° 46.000' W. long;

38° 56.400' N. lat. 123° 46.000' W. long; and

38° 56.400' N. lat. 123° 43.820' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(29) Point Arena State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

38° 59.000' N. lat. 123° 46.000' W. long.;

38° 59.000' N. lat. 123° 48.162' W. long.; thence southward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

38° 56.400' N. lat. 123° 48.350' W. long.;

38° 56.400' N. lat. 123° 46.000' W. long.; and

38° 59.000' N. lat. 123° 46.000' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take of salmon by trolling [subsection 27.80(a)(3)] is allowed.
2. The commercial take of salmon with troll fishing gear [subsection 182(c)(4)] is allowed.
(30) Sea Lion Cove State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

38° 56.400' N. lat. 123° 43.820' W. long.;

38° 56.400' N. lat. 123° 44.000' W. long.;

38° 55.790' N. lat. 123° 44.000' W. long.; and

38° 55.790' N. lat. 123° 43.740' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions: the recreational and commercial take of finfish [subsection 632(a)(2)] is allowed.
(31) Saunders Reef State Marine Conservation Area
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

38° 51.800' N. lat. 123° 39.230' W. long.;

38° 51.800' N. lat. 123° 44.780' W. long.; thence southward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

38° 50.000' N. lat. 123° 42.580' W. long.; and

38° 50.000' N. lat. 123° 37.600' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take of salmon by trolling [subsection 27.80(a)(3)] is allowed.
2. The commercial take of salmon with troll fishing gear [subsection 182(c)(4)] and urchin is allowed.
(32) Del Mar Landing State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

38° 44.706' N. lat. 123° 31.000' W. long.;

38° 44.200' N. lat. 123° 31.000' W. long.;

38° 44.200' N. lat. 123° 30.300' W. long.; and

38° 44.430' N. lat. 123° 30.300' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(33) Stewarts Point State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

38° 39.527' N. lat. 123° 24.483' W. long.;

38° 39.527' N. lat. 123° 24.851' W. long.;

38° 36.958' N. lat. 123° 23.139' W. long.; and

38° 36.958' N. lat. 123° 22.468' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions: the following may be taken recreationally from shore only: marine aquatic plants other than sea palm, marine invertebrates, finfish [subsection 632(a)(2)] by hook and line, surf smelt by beach net, and species authorized in Section 28.80 of these regulations by hand-held dip net.
(34) Stewarts Point State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

38° 40.500' N. lat. 123° 25.345' W. long.; and

38° 40.500' N. lat. 123° 30.243' W. long.; thence southward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

38° 35.600' N. lat. 123° 26.018' W. long.; and

38° 35.600' N. lat. 123° 20.800' W. long., except that Stewarts Point SMCA as described in subsection 632(b)(33)(A) is excluded.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(35) Salt Point State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

38° 35.600' N. lat. 123° 20.800' W. long.;

38° 35.600' N. lat. 123° 21.000' W. long.;

38° 33.500' N. lat. 123° 21.000' W. long.; and

38° 33.500' N. lat. 123° 18.910' W. long., except that Gerstle Cove as described in subsection 632(b)(36)(A) is excluded.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions: the recreational take of abalone and finfish [subsection 632(a)(2)] is allowed.
(36) Gerstle Cove State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area lies within the Salt Point State Marine Conservation Area and is bounded by the mean high tide line and a straight line connecting the following points:

38° 33.950' N. lat. 123° 19.920' W. long.; and

38° 33.950' N. lat. 123° 19.760' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(37) Russian River State Marine Recreational Management Area.
(A) This area includes the waters below the mean high tide line eastward of the mouth of the Russian River estuary defined as a line connecting the following two points:

38° 27.160' N. lat. 123° 07.910' W. long.;

38° 27.010' N. lat. 123° 07.740' W. long.

and westward of the Highway 1 Bridge.

(B) Waterfowl may be taken in accordance with the general waterfowl regulations (Sections 502, 550, 551, and 552).
(C) Take of all living, geological, or cultural marine resources is prohibited.
(38) Russian River State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line, the mouth of the Russian River estuary as defined in subsection 632(b)(37)(A), and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

38° 27.380' N. lat. 123° 08.580' W. long.;

38° 26.380' N. lat. 123° 08.580' W. long.;

38° 26.380' N. lat. 123° 07.700' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take of Dungeness crab by trap, and true smelt using hand-held dip net or beach net is allowed.
2. The commercial take of Dungeness crab by trap is allowed.
(39) Bodega Head State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

38° 20.100' N. lat. 123° 04.123' W. long.;

38° 20.100' N. lat. 123° 08.448' W. long.; thence southward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

38° 18.000' N. lat. 123° 08.140' W. long.; and

38° 18.000' N. lat. 123° 03.680' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply, with the following specified exceptions: take pursuant to Fish and Game Code Section 10661 is allowed, and the director of the Bodega Marine Life Refuge may authorize certain activities in the formerly designated Bodega Marine Life Refuge (Section 10903, Fish and Game Code) pursuant to subsections (b) and (c) of Section 10502.7 and Section 10656 of the Fish and Game Code.
(40) Bodega Head State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

38° 18.000' N. lat. 123° 03.680' W. long.;

38° 18.000' N. lat. 123° 08.140' W. long.; thence southward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

38° 13.340' N. lat. 123° 03.510' W. long.; and

38° 17.930' N. lat. 123° 03.510' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take of pelagic finfish [subsection 632(a)(3)] by trolling [subsection 27.80(a)(3)], Dungeness crab by trap, and market squid by hand-held dip net, is allowed.
2. The commercial take of pelagic finfish [subsection 632(a)(3)] by troll fishing gear or round haul net [Section 8750, Fish and Game Code], Dungeness crab by trap, and market squid by round haul net [Section 8750, Fish and Game Code], is allowed. Not more than five percent by weight of any commercial pelagic finfish or market squid catch landed or possessed shall be other incidentally taken species.
(41) Estero Americano State Marine Recreational Management Area.
(A) This area includes the waters below the mean high tide line within Estero Americano westward of longitude 122° 59.250' W.
(B) Waterfowl may be taken in accordance with the general waterfowl regulations (Sections 502, 550, 551, and 552).
(C) Take of all living, geological, or cultural marine resources is prohibited.
(42) Estero de San Antonio State Marine Recreational Management Area.
(A) This area includes the waters below the mean high tide line within Estero de San Antonio westward of longitude 122° 57.400' W.
(B) Waterfowl may be taken in accordance with the general waterfowl regulations (Sections 502, 550, 551, and 552).
(C) Take of all living, geological, or cultural marine resources is prohibited.
(43) Point Reyes State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

37° 59.900' N. lat. 123° 01.278' W. long.;

37° 59.900' N. lat. 123° 02.000' W. long.;

37° 59.000' N. lat. 123° 02.000' W. long.;

37° 59.000' N. lat. 122° 57.340' W. long.; and

38° 01.750' N. lat. 122° 55.000' W. long.; thence westward along the mean high tide line onshore boundary to

38° 01.783' N. lat. 122° 55.286' W. long.; and

38° 01.941' N. lat. 122° 56.364' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(44) Point Reyes State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

37° 59.000' N. lat. 123° 02.000' W. long.;

37° 56.712' N. lat. 123° 02.000' W. long.; thence eastward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

37° 56.370' N. lat. 122° 57.340' W. long.;

37° 59.000' N. lat. 122° 57.340' W. long.; and

37° 59.000' N. lat. 123° 02.000' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take of salmon by trolling [subsection 27.80(a)(3)] and Dungeness crab by trap is allowed.
2. The commercial take of salmon with troll fishing gear [subsection 182(c)(4)] and Dungeness crab by trap is allowed.
(45) Point Reyes Headlands Special Closure. Special restrictions on boating and access apply to the Point Reyes headlands as follows.
(A) A special closure is designated on the south side of the Point Reyes Headlands from the mean high tide line to a distance of 1000 feet seaward of the mean lower low tide line of any shoreline between lines extending due south from each of the following two points:

37° 59.650' N. lat. 123° 01.000' W. long; and

37° 59.390' N. lat. 122° 57.800' W. long.

(B) No person except department employees or employees of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service, or United States Coast Guard, in performing their official duties, or unless permission is granted by the department, shall enter this area at any time.
(46) Estero de Limantour State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area consists of waters below the mean high tide line within Estero de Limantour and within Drakes Estero, southward of a line connecting the following two points:

38° 02.660' N. lat. 122° 56.900' W. long.; and

38° 02.660' N. lat. 122° 56.150' W. long.

and northward of a line connecting the following two points:

38° 01.783' N. lat. 122° 55.286' W. long.; and

38° 01.941' N. lat. 122° 56.364' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(47) Drakes Estero State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area includes the waters below the mean high tide line within Drakes Estero northward of a line connecting the following two points:

38° 02.660' N. lat. 122° 56.900' W. long.; and

38° 02.660' N. lat. 122° 56.150' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exception: the recreational take of clams is allowed.
(48) Point Resistance Rock Special Closure. Special restrictions on boating and access apply to Point Resistance Rock as follows:
(A) A special closure is designated from the mean high tide line to a distance of 300 feet seaward of the mean lower low tide line of any shoreline of Point Resistance Rock, located in the vicinity of 37° 59.916' N. lat. 122° 49.759' W. long.
(B) No person except department employees or employees of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service, or United States Coast Guard, in performing their official duties, or unless permission is granted by the department, shall enter this area at any time.
(49) Double Point/Stormy Stack Rock Special Closure. Special restrictions on boating and access apply to Stormy Stack Rock as follows.
(A) A special closure is designated from the mean high tide line to a distance of 300 feet seaward of the mean lower low tide line of any shoreline of Stormy Stack Rock, located in the vicinity of 37° 56.830' N. lat. 122° 47.140' W. long.
(B) No person except department employees or employees of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service, or United States Coast Guard, in performing their official duties, or unless permission is granted by the department, shall enter this area at any time.
(50) Duxbury Reef State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line, a distance of 1000 feet seaward of mean lower low water, and the following points:

37° 55.514' N. lat. 122° 44.179' W. long.;

37° 55.420' N. lat. 122° 44.310' W. long.;

37° 53.650' N. lat. 122° 41.910' W. long.; and

37° 53.770' N. lat. 122° 42.020' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions: the recreational take of finfish [subsection 632(a)(2)] from shore and abalone is allowed.
(51) North Farallon Islands State Marine Reserve
(A) This area is bounded by straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

37° 45.700' N. lat. 122° 59.085' W. long.; thence northwestward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

37° 49.344' N. lat. 123° 7.000' W. long.;

37° 45.700' N. lat. 123° 7.000' W. long.; and

37° 45.700' N. lat. 122° 59.085' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(52) North Farallon Islands Special Closure. Special regulations on boating and access apply to the North Farallon Islands as follows.
(A) A special closure is established at the islets comprising the North Farallon Islands.
(B) Except as permitted by federal law or emergency caused by hazardous weather, or as authorized by subsection 632(b)(52)(C), no vessel shall be operated or anchored at any time from the mean high tide line to a distance of 1000 feet seaward of the mean lower low tide line of any shoreline of North Farallon Island, or to a distance of 300 feet seaward of the mean lower low tide line of any shoreline of the remaining three southern islets, including the Island of St. James, in the vicinity of 37° 46.025' N. lat. 123° 06.018' W. long.
(C) No person except department employees or employees of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or United States Coast Guard, in performing their official duties, or unless permission is granted by the department, shall enter the area defined in subsection 632(b)(52)(B).
(D) All vessels shall observe a five (5) nautical mile per hour speed limit within 1,000 feet seaward of the mean lower low tide line of any shoreline of the islets defined in subsection 632(b)(52)(B).
(E) In an area bounded by the mean high tide line and a distance of one nautical mile seaward of the mean lower low tide line of any of the four islets comprising the North Farallon Islands, the following restrictions apply:
1. All commercial diving vessels operating in the defined area shall have their vessel engine exhaust system terminate either through a muffler for dry exhaust systems, or below the vessel waterline for wet exhaust systems.
2. All commercial diving vessels equipped with an open, deck-mounted air compressor system, while operating in the defined area, shall have their air compressor's engine exhaust system terminate below the vessel waterline.
(53) Southeast Farallon Island State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

37° 42.600' N. lat. 122° 59.500' W. long.;

37° 42.600' N. lat. 123° 02.000' W. long.;

37° 40.500' N. lat. 123° 02.000' W. long.;

37° 40.500' N. lat. 122° 59.500' W. long.; and

37° 42.600' N. lat. 122° 59.500' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(54) Southeast Farallon Island State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

37° 42.600' N. lat. 123° 02.000' W. long.;

37° 42.600' N. lat. 123° 05.461' W. long.; thence southeastward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

37° 38.654' N. lat. 122° 59.500' W. long;

37° 40.500' N. lat. 122° 59.500' W. long;

37° 40.500' N. lat. 123° 02.000' W. long.; and

37° 42.600' N. lat. 123° 02.000' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take of salmon by trolling [subsection 27.80(a)(3)] is allowed.
2. The commercial take of salmon with troll fishing gear [subsection 182(c)(4)] is allowed.
(55) Southeast Farallon Island Special Closure. Special regulations on boating and access apply to the island and islets comprising the Southeast Farallon Island as follows.
(A) A special closure is established at the Southeast Farallon Island.
(B) Except as permitted by federal law or emergency caused by hazardous weather, or as authorized by subsection 632(b)(55)(D), no vessel shall be operated or anchored at any time from the mean high tide line to a distance of 300 feet seaward of the mean lower low tide line of any shoreline of the Southeast Farallon Island year-round,


1. The area north of Fisherman's Bay, from a line extending due west from 37° 42.260' N. lat. 123° 00.160' W. long., following clockwise around the island (including Fisherman's Bay), to a line extending due east from 37° 42.050' N. lat. 123° 00.070' W. long.
2. At East Landing, from a line extending due east from 37° 41.830' N. lat. 122° 59.980' W. long., following clockwise around the island, to a straight line connecting the following two points:

37° 41.720' N. lat. 123° 00.050' W. long.; and

37° 41.680' N. lat. 123° 00.070' W. long.

(C) This closure as defined in subsection 632(b)(55)(B) exists year round, except for the following areas, which are closed only from December 1 through September 14 of each year:
1. From Fisherman's Bay to East Landing, from a line extending due east from 37° 42.050' N. lat. 123° 00.070' W. long., following clockwise around the island to a line extending due east from 37° 41.830' N. lat. 122° 59.980' W. long.
2. The area southwest of East Landing, from a straight line connecting the following two points:

37° 41.720' N. lat. 123° 00.050' W. long.; and

37° 41.680' N. lat. 123° 00.070' W. long.

Following clockwise around the main island to a straight line extending due south from 37° 41.760' N. lat. 123° 00.160' W. long. to 37° 41.640' N. lat. 123° 00.160' W. long., and on the southeast side of Saddle (Seal) Rock, from a straight line extending due south from 37° 41.760' N. lat. 123° 00.160' W. long., following clockwise around Saddle (Seal) Rock, to a line extending due west from 37° 41.600' N. lat. 123° 00.260' W. long.

(D) No person except department employees or employees of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or United States Coast Guard, in performing their official duties, or unless permission is granted by the department, shall enter the area defined in subsection 632(b)(55)(B) or 632(b)(55)(C) during the closure period.
(E) All vessels shall observe a five (5) nautical mile per hour speed limit 1,000 feet seaward of the mean lower low tide line of any shoreline of the Southeast Farallon Island.
(F) In an area bounded by the mean high tide line and a distance of one nautical mile seaward of the mean lower low tide line of any of the islands and islets comprising the Southeast Farallon Island, the following restrictions apply:
1. All commercial diving vessels operating in the defined area shall have their vessel engine exhaust system terminate either through a muffler for dry exhaust systems, or below the vessel waterline for wet exhaust systems.
2. All commercial diving vessels equipped with an open, deck-mounted air compressor system, while operating in the defined area, shall have their air compressor's engine exhaust system terminate below the vessel waterline.
(56) Fagan Marsh State Marine Park.
(A) This area consists of waters below the mean high tide line within the Fagan Marsh Ecological Reserve.
(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(B) apply, with the following specified exceptions: the recreational hook and line take of species other than marine aquatic plants is allowed.
(C) Only lightweight, hand-carried boats may be launched or operated within the park.
(57) Peytonia Slough State Marine Park.
(A) This area consists of waters below the mean high tide line within the Peytonia Slough Ecological Reserve.
(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(B) apply, with the following specified exceptions: the recreational hook and line take of species other than marine aquatic plants is allowed.
(C) Only lightweight, hand-carried boats may be launched or operated within the park.
(58) Corte Madera Marsh State Marine Park.
(A) This area consists of waters below the mean high tide line within the Corte Madera Marsh Ecological Reserve.
(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(B) apply, with the following specified exceptions: the recreational hook and line take of species other than marine aquatic plants from shore only is allowed.
(C) Only lightweight, hand-carried boats may be launched or operated within the park.
(D) Swimming, wading, and diving are prohibited within the park.
(59) Marin Islands State Marine Park.
(A) This area consists of waters below the mean high tide line within the Marin Islands Ecological Reserve.
(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(B) apply, with the following specified exceptions: the recreational hook and line take of species other than marine aquatic plants from shore only is allowed.
(C) Boating, swimming, wading, and diving are prohibited within the park.
(60) Albany Mudflats State Marine Park.
(A) This area consists of waters below the mean high tide line within the Albany Mudflats Ecological Reserve.
(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(B) apply, with the following specified exceptions: the recreational hook and line take of species other than marine aquatic plants from shore only is allowed.
(C) Boating, swimming, wading, and diving are prohibited within the park.
(61) Robert W. Crown State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and a distance of 150 feet seaward of mean lower low water, between the following points:

37° 45.970' N. lat. 122° 16.840' W. long.; and

37° 45.950' N. lat. 122° 16.520' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take of finfish by hook and line only is allowed.
2. The commercial take of finfish and kelp is allowed.
(62) Redwood Shores State Marine Park.
(A) This area consists of waters below the mean high tide line within the Redwood Shores Ecological Reserve.
(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(B) apply, with the following specified exceptions: the recreational hook and line take of species other than marine aquatic plants is allowed.
(C) Only lightweight, hand-carried boats may be launched or operated within the park.
(63) Bair Island State Marine Park.
(A) This area consists of waters below the mean high tide line within the Bair Island Ecological Reserve.
(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(B) apply, with the following specified exceptions: the recreational hook and line take of species other than kelp from shore only is allowed.
(C) Boating, swimming, wading, and diving are prohibited within the park.
(D) No person, except state and local law enforcement officers, fire suppression agencies and employees of the department in the performance of their official duties or persons possessing written permission from the department, shall enter this park during the period February 15 through May 20.
(E) Waterfowl may be taken in accordance with the general waterfowl regulations (Sections 502, 550, 551, and 552).
(64) Egg (Devil's Slide) Rock to Devil's Slide Special Closure. Special restrictions on boating and access apply as follows.
(A) A special closure is designated from the mean high tide line to a distance of 300 feet seaward of the mean lower low tide line of any shoreline of any of the three rocks comprising Egg (Devil's Slide) Rock, located in the vicinity of 37° 34.640' N. lat. 122° 31.290' W. long.; 37° 34.660' N. lat. 122° 31.320' W. long; and 37° 34.630' N. lat. 122° 31.290' W. long.; and the area bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

37° 34.740' N. lat. 122° 31.080' W. long.;

37° 34.720' N. lat. 122° 31.310' W. long.;

37° 34.600' N. lat. 122° 31.330' W. long.; and

37° 34.520' N. lat. 122° 31.210' W. long.

(B) Transit in between the rock and the mainland between these points is prohibited at any time.
(C) No person except department employees or employees of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or United States Coast Guard, in performing their official duties, or unless permission is granted by the department, shall enter this area.
(65) Montara State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

37° 32.700' N. lat. 122° 31.000' W. long.;

37° 32.700' N. lat. 122° 34.908' W. long.; thence southward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

37° 30.000' N. lat. 122° 34.608' W. long.; and

37° 30.000' N. lat. 122° 29.920' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(66) Pillar Point State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

37° 30.000' N. lat. 122° 29.920' W. long.;

37° 30.000' N. lat. 122° 34.608' W. long.; thence southward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

37° 28.330' N. lat. 122° 33.489' W. long.;

37° 28.330' N. lat. 122° 30.830' W. long.;

37° 29.180' N. lat. 122° 30.360' W. long.;

37° 29.740' N. lat. 122° 29.970' W. long.; and

37° 29.733' N. lat. 122° 29.950' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take of pelagic finfish [subsection 632(a)(3)] by trolling [subsection 27.80(a)(3)], Dungeness crab by trap, and market squid by hand-held dip net is allowed.
2. The commercial take of pelagic finfish [subsection 632(a)(3)] by troll or round haul net [Section 8750, Fish and Game Code], Dungeness crab by trap, and market squid by round haul net [Section 8750, Fish and Game Code], is allowed. Not more than five percent by weight of any commercial pelagic finfish or market squid catch landed or possessed shall be other incidentally taken species.
(67) Año Nuevo State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and a distance of 200 feet seaward of mean lower low water between the following two points:

37° 10.000' N. lat. 122° 21.800' W. long; and

37° 08.725' N. lat. 122° 21.000' W. long.

The area then continues southward bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

37° 08.725' N. lat. 122° 21.000' W. long.;

37° 04.700' N. lat. 122° 21.000' W. long.;

37° 04.700' N. lat. 122° 16.062' W. long.; and

37° 04.742' N. lat. 122° 16.026' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(68) Greyhound Rock State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line, the three nautical mile offshore boundary and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

37° 04.742' N. lat. 122° 16.026' W. long.;

37° 04.700' N. lat. 122° 16.062' W. long.;

37° 04.700' N. lat. 122° 21.000' W. long.;

37° 03.520' N. lat. 122° 21.000' W. long.; thence southward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

37° 02.570' N. lat. 122° 18.963' W. long.; and

37° 02.570' N. lat. 122° 13.989' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take of giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) by hand harvest only, market squid, salmon, and, by hook-and-line from shore only, other finfish is allowed.
2. The commercial take of giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) by hand harvest only, salmon, and market squid is allowed. Not more than five percent by weight of any commercial market squid catch landed or possessed shall be other incidentally taken species.
(69) Natural Bridges State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and a distance of 200 feet seaward of mean lower low water between the following two points:

36° 57.912' N. lat. 122° 07.650' W. long.; and

36° 57.015' N. lat. 122° 03.504' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(70) Elkhorn Slough State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area includes the waters below mean high tide within Elkhorn Slough lying east of longitude 121° 46.400' W. and south of latitude 36° 50.500' N.
(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(71) Elkhorn Slough State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area includes the waters below mean high tide within Elkhorn Slough east of the Highway 1 Bridge and west of longitude 121° 46.400' W.
(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take of finfish by hook-and-line only and clams is allowed. Clams may only be taken on the north shore of the slough in the area adjacent to the Moss Landing State Wildlife Area [subsection 550(a)] .
(72) Moro Cojo Slough State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area includes the waters within Moro Cojo Slough below mean high tide and east of the Highway 1 Bridge and west of the crossing of the Southern Pacific Railroad tracks.
(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(73) Soquel Canyon State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

36° 51.000' N. lat. 121° 56.000' W. long.;

36° 51.000' N. lat. 122° 03.652' W. long.;

36° 48.000' N. lat. 122° 02.767' W. long.;

36° 48.000' N. lat. 121° 56.000' W. long.; and

36° 51.000' N. lat. 121° 56.000' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions: the commercial and recreational take of pelagic finfish [subsection 632(a)(3)] is allowed. Not more than five percent by weight of any commercial pelagic finfish catch landed or possessed shall be other incidentally taken species.
(74) Portuguese Ledge State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

36° 43.000' N. lat. 121° 56.000' W. long.;

36° 43.000' N. lat. 122° 01.294' W. long.;

36° 41.000' N. lat. 122° 00.706' W. long.;

36° 41.000' N. lat. 121° 56.000' W. long.; and

36° 43.000' N. lat. 121° 56.000' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions: the commercial and recreational take of pelagic finfish [subsection 632(a)(3)] is allowed. Not more than five percent by weight of any commercial pelagic finfish catch landed or possessed shall be other incidentally taken species.
(75) Edward F. Ricketts State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

36° 36.508' N. lat. 121° 53.379' W. long.;

36° 37.250' N. lat. 121° 53.780' W. long.; and

36° 37.100' N. lat. 121° 54.093' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take of finfish by hook-and-line is allowed.
2. The commercial take of giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) and bull kelp (Nereocystis spp.) is allowed by hand in the area defined by subsection 165(c)(4)(D) under the following conditions:
a. A kelp harvester with a valid license issued pursuant to Section 165 may take no more than 12 tons of kelp from the portion of Administrative Kelp Bed 220 within the Edward F. Ricketts State Marine Conservation Area in any calendar month.
b. Duplicate landing records must be kept on board the harvest vessel in accordance with the requirements of Section 165.
(76) Lovers Point--Julia Platt State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

36° 37.100' N. lat. 121° 54.093' W. long.;

36° 37.250' N. lat. 121° 53.780' W. long.;

36° 37.380' N. lat. 121° 53.850' W. long.;

36° 37.600' N. lat. 121° 54.750' W. long.; and

36° 37.600' N. lat. 121° 54.919' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(77) Pacific Grove Marine Gardens State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

36° 37.600' N. lat. 121° 54.919' W. long.;

36° 37.600' N. lat. 121° 54.750' W. long.;

36° 38.700' N. lat. 121° 55.400' W. long.;

36° 38.900' N. lat. 121° 56.600' W. long.;

36° 38.314' N. lat. 121° 56.292' W. long.; and

36° 38.226' N. lat. 121° 56.159' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take of finfish is allowed.
2. The commercial take of giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) and bull kelp (Nereocystis spp.) by hand is allowed under the following conditions:
a. A kelp harvester with a valid license issued pursuant to Section 165 may take no more than 44 tons of kelp from the portion of Administrative Kelp Bed 220 within the Pacific Grove Marine Gardens State Marine Conservation Area in any calendar month.
b. Duplicate landing records must be kept on board the harvest vessel in accordance with the requirements of Section 165.
(78) Asilomar State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

36° 38.226' N. lat. 121° 56.159' W. long.;

36° 38.314' N. lat. 121° 56.292' W. long.;

36° 38.900' N. lat. 121° 56.600' W. long.; and

36° 36.554' N. lat. 121° 57.518' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(79) Carmel Pinnacles State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

36° 33.650' N. lat. 121° 57.600' W. long.;

36° 33.650' N. lat. 121° 58.500' W. long.;

36° 33.100' N. lat. 121° 58.500' W. long.;

36° 33.100' N. lat. 121° 57.600' W. long.; and

36° 33.650' N. lat. 121° 57.600' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(80) Carmel Bay State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

36° 33.663' N. lat. 121° 57.117' W. long.;

36° 31.700' N. lat. 121° 56.300' W. long.; and

36° 31.700' N. lat. 121° 55.550' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take of finfish is allowed.
2. The commercial take of giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) and bull kelp (Nereocystis spp.) by hand is allowed under the following conditions:
a. A kelp harvester with a valid license issued pursuant to Section 165 may take no more than 44 tons of kelp from the portion of Administrative Kelp Bed 219 within the Carmel Bay State Marine Conservation Area in any calendar month.
b. Duplicate landing records must be kept on board the harvest vessel in accordance with the requirements of Section 165.
(81) Point Lobos State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

36° 31.700' N. lat. 121° 55.550' W. long.;

36° 31.700' N. lat. 121° 58.250' W. long.;

36° 28.880' N. lat. 121° 58.250' W. long.; and

36° 28.880' N. lat. 121° 56.285' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(C) Within the portion of the Point Lobos State Marine Reserve which also falls within the boundary of the Point Lobos State Reserve (State Park Unit), restrictions on boating and diving activities exist. Contact the California Department of Parks and Recreation for current restrictions.
(82) Point Lobos State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

36° 31.700' N. lat. 121° 58.250' W. long.;

36° 31.700' N. lat. 122° 01.267' W. long.; thence southward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

36° 28.880' N. lat. 122° 00.490' W. long.;

36° 28.880' N. lat. 121° 58.250' W. long.; and

36° 31.700' N. lat. 121° 58.250' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take of salmon and albacore is allowed.
2. The commercial take of salmon, albacore, and spot prawn is allowed.
(83) Point Sur State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

36° 18.400' N. lat. 121° 54.150' W. long.;

36° 18.400' N. lat. 121° 56.000' W. long.;

36° 15.000' N. lat. 121° 52.500' W. long.; and

36° 15.000' N. lat. 121° 50.250' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(84) Point Sur State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

36° 18.400' N. lat. 121° 56.000' W. long.;

36° 18.400' N. lat. 121° 57.932' W. long.; thence southward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

36° 15.000' N. lat. 121° 55.955' W. long.;

36° 15.000' N. lat. 121° 52.500' W. long.; and

36° 18.400' N. lat. 121° 56.000' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions: the commercial and recreational take of salmon and albacore is allowed.
(85) Big Creek State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

36° 07.200' N. lat. 121° 37.968' W. long.;

36° 07.200' N. lat. 121° 39.000' W. long.;

36° 05.200' N. lat. 121° 38.000' W. long.;

36° 05.200' N. lat. 121° 41.222' W. long.; thence southward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

36° 02.650' N. lat. 121° 39.654' W. long.; and

36° 02.650' N. lat. 121° 35.130' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(C) Anchoring. Except as pursuant to Federal law or emergency caused by hazardous weather, it is unlawful to anchor or moor a vessel in waters shallower than 10 fathoms in the Big Creek State Marine Reserve.
(86) Big Creek State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the three nautical mile offshore boundary and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

36° 07.200' N. lat. 121° 39.000' W. long.;

36° 07.200' N. lat. 121° 42.869' W. long.; thence southward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

36° 05.200' N. lat. 121° 41.222' W. long.;

36° 05.200' N. lat. 121° 38.000' W. long.; and

36° 07.200' N. lat. 121° 39.000' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take of salmon and albacore is allowed.
2. The commercial take of salmon, albacore, and spot prawn is allowed.
(87) Piedras Blancas State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

35° 42.850' N. lat. 121° 18.950' W. long.;

35° 42.850' N. lat. 121° 21.000' W. long.;

35° 39.150' N. lat. 121° 18.500' W. long.; and

35° 39.150' N. lat. 121° 14.519' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(88) Piedras Blancas State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

35° 42.850' N. lat. 121° 21.000' W. long.;

35° 42.850' N. lat. 121° 22.763' W. long.; thence southward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

35° 39.150' N. lat. 121° 20.913' W. long.;

35° 39.150' N. lat. 121° 18.500' W. long.; and

35° 42.850' N. lat. 121° 21.000' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions: the commercial and recreational take of salmon and albacore is allowed.
(89) Cambria State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

35° 37.100' N. lat. 121° 09.225' W. long.;

35° 37.100' N. lat. 121° 10.700' W. long.;

35° 32.850' N. lat. 121° 06.700' W. long.; and

35° 32.850' N. lat. 121° 05.855' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions: recreational take is allowed.
(90) White Rock State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

35° 32.850' N. lat. 121° 05.855' W. long.;

35° 32.850' N. lat. 121° 06.700' W. long.;

35° 30.500' N. lat. 121° 05.000' W. long.; and

35° 30.500' N. lat. 121° 03.423' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions: the commercial take of giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) and bull kelp (Nereocystis spp.) is allowed under the following conditions:
1. A kelp harvester with a valid license issued pursuant to Section 165 and holding a valid lease to Administrative Kelp Bed 208 may take no more than 125 tons of kelp from the portion of Administrative Kelp Bed 208 within the White Rock State Marine Conservation Area in any calendar month.
2. Duplicate landing records must be kept on board the harvest vessel in accordance with the requirements of Section 165.
(91) Morro Bay State Marine Recreational Management Area.
(A) This area includes the area below mean high tide within Morro Bay east of the Morro Bay entrance breakwater and west of longitude 120° 50.340' W.
(B) Waterfowl may be taken in accordance with the general waterfowl regulations (Sections 502, 550, 551, and 552).
(C) Take of all living, geological, or cultural marine resources is prohibited except the following specified activities are allowed north of latitude 35°19.700' N:
1. The recreational take of finfish.
2. Aquaculture pursuant to a valid state water bottom lease and permit.
3. Storing finfish taken outside the Morro Bay State Marine Recreational Management Area in a receiver for bait purposes.
4. Dredging for the purpose of harbor and channel operations and pursuant to required and valid permits and approvals.
5. Harbor operations and maintenance and cleaning of vessel hulls and other man-made structures, including removal of living marine resources for these purposes.
(92) Morro Bay State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area includes the area below mean high tide line within Morro Bay east of longitude 120° 50.340' W.
(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(93) Point Buchon State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

35° 15.250' N. lat. 120° 53.817' W. long.;

35° 15.250' N. lat. 120° 56.000' W. long.;

35° 11.000' N. lat. 120° 52.400' W. long.; and

35° 13.348' N. lat. 120° 52.400' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(94) Point Buchon State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

35° 15.250' N. lat. 120° 56.000' W. long.;

35° 15.250' N. lat. 120° 57.878' W. long.; thence southward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

35° 11.000' N. lat. 120° 55.149' W. long.;

35° 11.000' N. lat. 120° 52.400' W. long.; and

35° 15.250' N. lat. 120° 56.000' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions: the commercial and recreational take of salmon and albacore is allowed.
(95) Vandenberg State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

34° 44.650' N. lat. 120° 37.750' W. long.;

34° 44.650' N. lat. 120° 40.000' W. long.;

34° 33.250' N. lat. 120° 40.000' W. long.; and

34° 33.250' N. lat. 120° 37.407' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply, with the following specified exceptions: take incidental to base operations and commercial space launch operations identified by the Vandenberg Air Force Base Commander as mission critical is allowed.
(C) Public Entry. Public entry into the Vandenberg State Marine Reserve may be restricted at the discretion of the department to protect wildlife, aquatic life, or habitat, or by the Commander of Vandenberg Air Force Base to protect and provide safety for base operations.
(D) The Department shall enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Commander of Vandenberg Air Force Base for the mutually beneficial management and administration of the Vandenberg State Marine Reserve. The MOU shall include, but not be limited to, the identification of Vandenberg Air Force Base's national defense mission activities that are unrestricted by the subject regulations and details on management and administrative roles and responsibilities.
(96) Point Conception State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

34° 27.000' N. lat. 120° 28.280' W. long.;

34° 27.000' N. lat. 120° 32.151' W. long.; thence southeastward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

34° 23.961' N. lat. 120° 25.000' W. long.; and

34° 27.211' N. lat. 120° 25.000' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(97) Kashtayit State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

34° 28.130' N. lat. 120° 14.460' W. long.;

34° 27.300' N. lat. 120° 14.460' W. long.;

34° 27.300' N. lat. 120° 12.470' W. long.; and

34° 28.230' N. lat. 120° 12.470' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take of finfish [subsection 632(a)(2)], invertebrates except rock scallops and mussels, and giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) by hand harvest is allowed.
2. The following federally recognized tribe is exempt from the area and take regulations found in subsection 632(b)(97) and shall comply with all other existing regulations and statutes:

Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians

3. Take pursuant to activities authorized under subsection 632(b)(97)(C) is allowed.
(C) Maintenance of artificial structures and operation and maintenance of existing facilities is allowed inside the conservation area pursuant to any required federal, state and local permits, or as otherwise authorized by the department.
(98) Naples State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

34° 26.517' N. lat. 119° 58.000' W. long.;

34° 25.000' N. lat. 119° 58.000' W. long.;

34° 25.000' N. lat. 119° 56.000' W. long.; and

34° 26.140' N. lat. 119° 56.000' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take by spearfishing [Section 1.76] of white seabass and pelagic finfish [subsection 632(a)(3)] is allowed.
2. The commercial take of giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) by hand harvest or by mechanical harvest is allowed.
3. The following federally recognized tribe is exempt from the area and take regulations found in subsection 632(b)(98) and shall comply with all other existing regulations and statutes:

Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians

4. Take pursuant to activities authorized under subsection 632(b)(98)(C) is allowed.
(C) Operation and maintenance of artificial structures inside the conservation area is allowed pursuant to any required federal, state and local permits, or as otherwise authorized by the department.
(99) Campus Point State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

34° 25.207' N. lat. 119° 53.600' W. long.;

34° 21.475' N. lat. 119° 53.600' W. long.; thence eastward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

34° 21.212' N. lat. 119° 50.650' W. long.; and

34° 24.300' N. lat. 119° 50.650' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions: take pursuant to activities authorized under subsection 632(b)(99)(C) is allowed.
(C) Operation and maintenance of artificial structures inside the conservation area is allowed pursuant to any required federal, state and local permits, or as otherwise authorized by the department.
(100) Goleta Slough State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area includes the waters below the mean high tide line within Goleta Slough.
(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions: take pursuant to activities authorized under subsection 632(b)(100)(D) is allowed.
(C) In waters below the mean high tide line inside the Goleta Slough Ecological Reserve as defined within Section 630, the following restrictions apply:
1. Boating, swimming, wading, and diving are prohibited.
2. No person shall enter this area and remain therein except on established trails, paths or other designated areas except department employees or designated employees of Santa Barbara Airport, City of Santa Barbara, Goleta Sanitary District and Goleta Valley Vector Control District for the purposes of carrying out official duties.
(D) Routine maintenance, dredging, habitat restoration, research and education, maintenance of artificial structures, and operation and maintenance of existing facilities in the conservation area is allowed pursuant to any required federal, state and local permits, or activities pursuant to Section 630, or as otherwise authorized by the department.
(101) Richardson Rock State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line of Richardson Rock and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

34° 07.905' N. lat. 120° 28.200' W. long.;

34° 02.211' N. lat. 120° 28.200' W. long.;

34° 02.211' N. lat. 120° 31.467' W. long.; thence northward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

34° 07.905' N. lat. 120° 28.200' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(102) San Miguel Island Special Closure. Special restrictions on boating and access apply to San Miguel Island as follows.
(A) Boating is allowed at San Miguel Island except west of a line drawn between Judith Rock (34° 01.500' N. lat. 120° 25.300' W. long.) and Castle Rock (34° 03.300' N. lat. 120° 26.300' W. long.) where boats are prohibited closer than 300 yards from shore.
1. Notwithstanding the 300-yard boating closure between Judith Rock and Castle Rock, the following shall apply:
a. Boats may approach San Miguel Island no nearer than 100 yards from shore during the period(s) from March 15 through April 30, and October 1 through December 15; and
b. Boats operated by commercial sea urchin divers may enter waters of the 300- yard area between the western boundary of the Judith Rock State Marine Reserve at 120° 26.60' W. long. and Castle Rock for the purpose of fishing sea urchins during the period(s) from March 15 through April 30, and October 1 through December 15.
2. The department may rescind permission for boats to enter waters within 300 yards between Judith Rock and Castle Rock upon finding that impairment to the island marine mammal resource is imminent. Immediately following such closure, the department will request the commission to hear, at its regularly scheduled meeting, presentation of documentation supporting the need for such closure.
(B) Other Requirements:
1. Boats traveling within 300 yards of the shoreline or anchorages shall operate with a minimum amount of noise and shall not exceed speeds of five miles per hour.
2. Except as permitted by federal law or emergency caused by hazardous weather, boats may be anchored overnight only at Tyler Bight and Cuyler Harbor.
3. Landing is allowed on San Miguel Island only at the designated landing beach in Cuyler Harbor.
4. No person shall have access to all other offshore rocks and islands at San Miguel Island.
(103) Harris Point State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

34° 03.160' N. lat. 120° 23.300' W. long.;

34° 09.285' N. lat. 120° 23.300' W. long.; thence southeastward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

34° 06.322' N. lat. 120° 18.400' W. long.; and

34° 01.755' N. lat. 120° 18.400' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(C) An exemption to the reserve, where commercial and recreational take of living marine resources is allowed, exists between the mean high tide line in Cuyler Harbor and a straight line between the following points:

34° 03.554' N. lat. 120° 21.311' W. long.; and

34° 02.908' N. lat. 120° 20.161' W. long.

(104) Judith Rock State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

34° 01.802' N. lat. 120° 26.600' W. long.;

33° 58.513' N. lat. 120° 26.600' W. long.; thence eastward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

33° 58.518' N. lat. 120° 25.300' W. long.; and

34° 01.689' N. lat. 120° 25.300' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(105) Carrington Point State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

34° 01.280' N. lat. 120° 05.200' W. long.;

34° 04.000' N. lat. 120° 05.200' W. long.;

34° 04.000' N. lat. 120° 01.000' W. long.;

34° 00.500' N. lat. 120° 01.000' W. long.; and

34° 00.500' N. lat. 120° 02.930' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(106) Skunk Point State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

33° 59.000' N. lat. 119° 58.985' W. long.;

33° 59.000' N. lat. 119° 58.000' W. long.;

33° 57.100' N. lat. 119° 58.000' W. long.; and

33° 57.100' N. lat. 119° 58.257' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(107) South Point State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

33° 55.014' N. lat. 120° 10.000' W. long.

33° 51.506' N. lat. 120° 10.000' W. long.; thence eastward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

33° 50.657' N. lat. 120° 06.500' W. long.;

33° 53.800' N. lat. 120° 06.500' W. long.; and

33° 53.800' N. lat. 120° 06.544' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(108) Painted Cave State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

34° 04.492' N. lat. 119° 53.000' W. long.;

34° 05.200' N. lat. 119° 53.000' W. long.; thence eastward along a line one nautical mile offshore to

34° 05.000' N. lat. 119° 51.000' W. long.; and

34° 04.034' N. lat. 119° 51.000' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions: the recreational take of spiny lobster and pelagic finfish [subsection 632(a)(3)] is allowed.
(109) Gull Island State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

33° 58.065' N. lat. 119° 50.967' W. long.;

33° 58.000' N. lat. 119° 51.000' W. long.;

33° 58.000' N. lat. 119° 53.000' W. long.;

33° 55.449' N. lat. 119° 53.000' W. long.; thence eastward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

33° 54.257' N. lat. 119° 48.000' W. long.; and

33° 57.769' N. lat. 119° 48.000' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(110) Scorpion State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

34° 02.958' N. lat. 119° 35.500' W. long.;

34° 06.202' N. lat. 119° 35.500' W. long.; thence eastward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

34° 06.245' N. lat. 119° 32.800' W. long.; and

34° 02.700' N. lat. 119° 32.800' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(111) Anacapa Island Special Closure.
(A) No net or trap may be used in waters less than 20 feet deep off the Anacapa Islands commonly referred to as Anacapa Island.
(B) A brown pelican fledgling area is designated from the mean high tide mark seaward to a water depth of 20 fathoms (120 feet) on the north side of West Anacapa Island between a line extending 000° True off Portuguese Rock (34° 00.910' N. lat. 119° 25.260' W. long.) to a line extending 000° True off the western edge of Frenchy's Cove (34° 00.411' N. lat. 119° 24.600' W. long.), a distance of approximately 4,000 feet. No person except department employees or employees of the National Park Service in the performance of their official duties shall enter this area during the period January 1 to October 31.
(112) Anacapa Island State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

34° 00.828' N. lat. 119° 26.623' W. long.;

34° 00.800' N. lat. 119° 26.700' W. long.;

34° 03.940' N. lat. 119° 26.700' W. long.; thence eastward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

34° 04.002' N. lat. 119° 24.600' W. long.; and

34° 00.411' N. lat. 119° 24.600' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take of spiny lobster and pelagic finfish [subsection 632(a)(3)] and the commercial take of spiny lobster is allowed.
2. The following federally recognized tribe is exempt from the area and take regulations found in subsection 632(b)(112) and shall comply with all other existing regulations and statutes:

Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians

(113) Anacapa Island State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

34° 00.411' N. lat. 119° 24.600' W. long.;

34° 04.002' N. lat. 119° 24.600' W. long.; thence eastward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

34° 04.033' N. lat. 119° 21.400' W. long.;

34° 01.000' N. lat. 119° 21.400' W. long.; and

34° 00.960' N. lat. 119° 21.463' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(114) Footprint State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

33° 59.300' N. lat. 119° 30.965' W. long.;

33° 57.510' N. lat. 119° 30.965' W. long.; thence eastward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

33° 57.264' N. lat. 119° 25.987' W. long.;

33° 59.300' N. lat. 119° 25.987' W. long.; and

33° 59.300' N. lat. 119° 30.965' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(115) Begg Rock State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area includes all state waters below the mean high tide line surrounding Begg Rock, located in the vicinity of 33° 21.743' N. lat. 119° 41.718' W. long.
(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(116) Santa Barbara Island State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

33° 28.500' N. lat. 119° 01.813' W. long.;

33° 28.500' N. lat. 118° 58.051' W. long.; thence along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

33° 24.842' N. lat. 119° 02.200' W. long.; and

33° 27.911' N. lat. 119° 02.200' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(117) Point Dume State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

34° 02.306' N. lat. 118° 53.000' W. long.;

33° 59.140' N. lat. 118° 53.000' W. long.; thence southeastward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

33° 56.960' N. lat. 118° 49.200' W. long.; and

34° 00.780' N. lat. 118° 49.200' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take by spearfishing [Section 1.76] of white seabass and pelagic finfish [subsection 632(a)(3)] is allowed.
2. The commercial take of swordfish by harpoon [subsection 107(f)(1)] ; and coastal pelagic species [Section 1.39] by round haul net [Section 8750, Fish and Game Code], brail gear [Section 53.01(a)], and light boat [Section 53.01(k)] is allowed. Not more than five percent by weight of any commercial coastal pelagic species catch landed or possessed shall be other incidentally taken species.
3. The following federally recognized tribe is exempt from the area and take regulations found in subsection 632(b)(117) and shall comply with all other existing regulations and statutes:

Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians

4. Take pursuant to activities authorized under subsection 632(b)(117)(C) is allowed.
(C) Beach nourishment and other sediment management activities are allowed inside the conservation area pursuant to any required federal, state and local permits, or as otherwise authorized by the department.
(118) Point Dume State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

34° 00.780' N. lat. 118° 49.200' W. long.;

33° 56.960' N. lat. 118° 49.200' W. long.; thence eastward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

33° 57.061' N. lat. 118° 47.260' W. long.; and

34° 01.178' N. lat. 118° 47.260' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(119) Point Vicente State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

33° 44.800' N. lat. 118° 24.807' W. long.;

33° 44.800' N. lat. 118° 28.931' W. long.; thence southeastward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

33° 41.155' N. lat. 118° 23.800' W. long.; and

33° 44.198' N. lat. 118° 23.800' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions: take pursuant to activities authorized under subsection 632(b)(119)(C) is allowed.
(C) Remediation activities associated with the Palos Verdes Shelf Operable Unit of the Montrose Chemical Superfund Site are allowed inside the conservation area pursuant to the Interim Record of Decision issued by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and any subsequent Records of Decision.
(120) Abalone Cove State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

33° 44.198' N. lat. 118° 23.800' W. long.;

33° 41.155' N. lat. 118° 23.800' W. long.; thence southeastward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

33° 40.851' N. lat. 118° 22.500' W. long.; and

33° 44.240' N. lat. 118° 22.500' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take by spearfishing [Section 1.76] of white seabass and pelagic finfish [subsection 632(a)(3)] ; and market squid by hand-held dip net [Section 1.42] is allowed.
2. The commercial take of swordfish by harpoon [subsection 107(f)(1)] ; and coastal pelagic species [Section 1.39] by round haul net [Section 8750, Fish and Game Code], brail gear [Section 53.01(a)], and light boat [Section 53.01(k)] is allowed. Not more than five percent by weight of any commercial coastal pelagic species catch landed or possessed shall be other incidentally taken species.
3. Take pursuant to activities authorized under subsection 632(b)(120)(C) is allowed.
(C) Remediation activities associated with the Palos Verdes Shelf Operable Unit of the Montrose Chemical Superfund Site are allowed inside the conservation area pursuant to the Interim Record of Decision issued by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and any subsequent Records of Decision.
(121) Bolsa Bay State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area includes the waters below the mean high tide line within Bolsa Bay estuary southward of a line that approximates the Warner Avenue bridge located between the following two points:

33° 42.700' N. lat. 118° 03.633' W. long.; and

33° 42.700' N. lat. 118° 03.604' W. long.;

and northward of a line that approximates the pedestrian bridge located between the following two points:

33° 42.219' N. lat. 118° 03.167' W. long.; and

33° 42.177' N. lat. 118° 03.186' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take of finfish [subsection 632(a)(2)] by hook and line from shore in designated areas only is allowed.
2. Take pursuant to activities authorized under subsection 632(b)(121)(F) is allowed.
(C) Boating, swimming, wading, and diving are prohibited within the conservation area.
(D) No person, except state and local law enforcement officers, fire suppression agencies and employees of the department in the performance of their official duties or persons possessing written permission from the department or employees of Signal Corporation and its invitees for the purpose of carrying out oil and gas operations, shall enter this conservation area and remain therein except on established trails, paths, or other designated areas.
(E) No person shall enter this conservation area between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
(F) Routine operation and maintenance, habitat restoration, maintenance dredging, research and education, and maintenance of artificial structures inside the conservation area is allowed pursuant to any required federal, state and local permits, or activities pursuant to Section 630, or as otherwise authorized by the department.
(122) Bolsa Chica Basin State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area includes the waters below the mean high tide line within the Bolsa Chica Basin estuary northeastward of the Pacific Coast Highway Bridge, approximated by a straight line between the following two points:

33° 41.028' N. lat. 118° 02.153' W. long.; and

33° 40.981' N. lat. 118° 02.109' W. long.;

and southeastward of a straight line between the following two points:

33° 42.219' N. lat. 118° 03.167' W. long.; and

33° 42.177' N. lat. 118° 03.186' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions: take pursuant to activities authorized under subsection 632(b)(122)(F) is allowed.
(C) Boating, swimming, wading, and diving are prohibited within the conservation area.
(D) No person, except state and local law enforcement officers, fire suppression agencies and employees of the department in the performance of their official duties or persons possessing written permission from the department or employees of Signal Corporation and its invitees for the purpose of carrying out oil and gas operations, shall enter this conservation area and remain therein except on established trails, paths, or other designated areas.
(E) No person shall enter this conservation area between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
(F) Routine operation and maintenance, habitat restoration, maintenance dredging, research and education, and maintenance of artificial structures inside the conservation area is allowed pursuant to any required federal, state and local permits, or activities pursuant to Section 630, or as otherwise authorized by the department.
(123) Arrow Point to Lion Head Point State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line to a distance of 1000 feet seaward of the mean lower low tide line of any shoreline southeastward of a line connecting the following two points:

33° 28.652' N. lat. 118° 32.310' W. long.; and

33° 28.820' N. lat. 118° 32.310' W. long.

and northwestward of a line connecting the following two points:

33° 27.240' N. lat. 118° 29.900' W. long.; and

33° 27.174' N. lat. 118° 30.089' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. All recreational take is allowed in accordance with current regulations, except the recreational take of invertebrates is prohibited.
2. All commercial take is allowed in accordance with current regulations.
(124) Blue Cavern Onshore State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

33° 25.960' N. lat. 118° 27.000' W. long.; and

33° 27.500' N. lat. 118° 27.000' W. long;

33° 27.500' N. lat. 118° 29.300' W. long.; and

33° 26.640' N. lat. 118° 29.300' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions: take pursuant to activities authorized under subsections 632(b)(124)(D) and 632(b)(124)(E) is allowed.
(C) Except as pursuant to Federal law, emergency caused by hazardous weather, or as provided in subsection 632(b)(124)(D), it is unlawful to anchor or moor a vessel in the formerly designated Catalina Marine Science Center Marine Life Refuge (Section 10932, Fish and Game Code).
(D) The director of the Catalina Marine Science Center Marine Life Refuge, or any person that the director of the refuge has authorized may anchor or moor a vessel or take, for scientific purposes, any fish or specimen of marine plant life in the formerly designated Catalina Marine Science Center Marine Life Refuge under the conditions prescribed in a scientific collecting permit issued by the department (Section 10655, Fish and Game Code).
(E) Maintenance of artificial structures inside the conservation area is allowed pursuant to any required federal, state and local permits, or as otherwise authorized by the department.
(125) Blue Cavern Offshore State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

33° 27.500' N. lat. 118° 27.000' W. long.;

33° 29.970' N. lat. 118° 27.000' W. long.; thence northwestward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

33° 30.810' N. lat. 118° 29.300' W. long.;

33° 27.500' N. lat. 118° 29.300' W. long.; and

33° 27.500' N. lat. 118° 27.000' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take of pelagic finfish [subsection 632(a)(3)], by hook and line or by spearfishing [Section 1.76], white seabass by spearfishing [Section 1.76] and market squid by hand-held dip net [Section 1.42] is allowed.
2. The commercial take of pelagic finfish [subsection 632(a)(3)] by hook and line and swordfish by harpoon [subsection 107(f)(1)] is allowed.
(126) Long Point State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

33° 24.380' N. lat. 118° 21.980' W. long.;

33° 25.500' N. lat. 118° 21.980' W. long.;

33° 25.500' N. lat. 118° 24.000' W. long.; and

33° 25.102' N. lat. 118° 24.000' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(127) Casino Point State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

33° 20.900' N. lat. 118° 19.430' W. long.;

33° 20.900' N. lat. 118° 19.420' W. long.;

33° 20.920' N. lat. 118° 19.380' W. long.;

33° 20.950' N. lat. 118° 19.420' W. long.;

33° 20.970' N. lat. 118° 19.470' W. long.;

33° 21.000' N. lat. 118° 19.520' W. long.; and

33° 20.960' N. lat. 118° 19.560' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions: take pursuant to activities authorized under subsection 632(b)(127)(C) is allowed.
(C) Maintenance of artificial structures inside the conservation area is allowed pursuant to any required federal, state and local permits, or as otherwise authorized by the department.
(D) Feeding of fish for marine life viewing is allowed.
(128) Lover's Cove State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

33° 20.460' N. lat. 118° 18.900' W. long.;

33° 20.711' N. lat. 118° 18.900' W. long.; and

33° 20.711' N. lat. 118° 19.321' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take by hook and line from the Cabrillo Mole is allowed.
2. Take pursuant to activities authorized under subsection 632(b)(128)(C) is allowed.
(C) Maintenance of artificial structures inside the conservation area is allowed pursuant to any required federal, state and local permits, or as otherwise authorized by the department.
(D) Feeding of fish for marine life viewing is allowed.
(129) Farnsworth Onshore State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

33° 21.000' N. lat. 118° 29.080' W. long.;

33° 21.000' N. lat. 118° 30.000' W. long.;

33° 19.000' N. lat. 118° 29.000' W. long.;

33° 19.000' N. lat. 118° 27.900' W. long.; and

33° 19.560' N. lat. 118° 27.900' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take by spearfishing [Section 1.76] of white seabass and pelagic finfish [subsection 632(a)(3)] ; marlin, tunas, and dorado (dolphinfish) (Coryphaena hippurus) by trolling [subsection 27.80(a)(3)] ; and market squid by hand-held dip net [Section 1.42] is allowed.
2. The commercial take of swordfish by harpoon [subsection 107(f)(1)] ; and coastal pelagic species [Section 1.39] by round haul net [Section 8750, Fish and Game Code], brail gear [Section 53.01(a)], and light boat [Section 53.01(k)] is allowed. Not more than five percent by weight of any commercial coastal pelagic species catch landed or possessed shall be other incidentally taken species.
(130) Farnsworth Offshore State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

33° 21.000' N. lat. 118° 30.000' W. long.;

33° 21.000' N. lat. 118° 32.878' W. long.; thence southward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

33° 19.000' N. lat. 118° 31.978' W. long.;

33° 19.000' N. lat. 118° 29.000' W. long.; and

33° 21.000' N. lat. 118° 30.000' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take of pelagic finfish [subsection 632(a)(3)] by hook and line or by spearfishing [Section 1.76] ; white seabass by spearfishing [Section 1.76] ; marlin, tunas and dorado (dolphinfish) (Coryphaena hippurus) by trolling [subsection 27.80(a)(3)] and market squid by hand-held dip net [Section 1.42] is allowed.
2. The commercial take of swordfish by harpoon [subsection 107(f)(1)] ; and coastal pelagic species [Section 1.39] by round haul net [Section 8750, Fish and Game Code], brail gear [Section 53.01(a)], and light boat [Section 53.01(k)] is allowed. Not more than five percent by weight of any commercial coastal pelagic species catch landed or possessed shall be other incidentally taken species.
(131) Cat Harbor State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area includes the waters below the mean high tide line on the west side of Catalina Island northward of a straight line connecting Pin Rock (33° 25.486' N. lat. 118° 30.294' W. long.) and Cat Head Point (33° 25.320' N. lat. 118° 30.760' W. long.).
(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take of finfish [subsection 632(a)(2)] by hook and line or by spearfishing [Section 1.76], market squid by hook and line, and spiny lobster and sea urchin is allowed.
2. The commercial take of sea cucumbers by diving only, and spiny lobster and sea urchin is allowed.
3. Aquaculture of finfish [subsection 632(a)(2)] pursuant to any required state permits is allowed.
4. Take pursuant to activities authorized under subsection 632(b)(131)(C) is allowed.
(C) Maintenance of artificial structures inside the conservation area is allowed pursuant to any required federal, state and local permits, or as otherwise authorized by the department.
(132) Upper Newport Bay State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area includes the waters below the mean high tide line within Upper Newport Bay northeastward of Pacific Coast Highway approximated by a line between the following two points:

33° 37.014' N. lat. 117° 54.237' W. long.;

33° 37.014' N. lat. 117° 54.336' W. long.; and southwestward of Jamboree Road approximated by a line between the following two points:

33° 39.071' N. lat. 117° 52.021' W. long.; and

33° 39.027' N. lat. 117° 52.014' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take of finfish [subsection 632(a)(2)] by hook and line from shore only is allowed.
2. Take pursuant to activities authorized under subsection 632(b)(132)(D) is allowed.
(C) In waters below the mean high tide line inside the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve, northeastward of a line connecting Shellmaker Island (33° 37.200' N. lat. 117° 53.510' W. long.) and North Star Beach (33° 37.380' N. lat. 117° 53.600' W. long.) the following restrictions apply:
(1) Swimming is allowed only in the area between North Star Beach and mid-channel.
(2) Boats are limited to speeds less than five miles per hour.
(3) Shoreline access is limited to established trails, paths, or other designated areas.
(D) Maintenance dredging, habitat restoration, research and education programs, maintenance of artificial structures, and operation and maintenance of existing facilities inside the conservation area is allowed pursuant to any required federal, state and local permits, or activities pursuant to Section 630, or as otherwise authorized by the department.
(133) Crystal Cove State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

33° 35.372' N. lat. 117° 52.645' W. long.;

33° 35.065' N. lat. 117° 52.692' W. long.;

33° 32.400' N. lat. 117° 49.200' W. long.;

33° 33.211' N. lat. 117° 49.200' W. long.; and

33° 32.224' N. lat. 117° 49.184' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take of finfish [subsection 632(a)(2)] by hook and line or by spearfishing [Section 1.76], and spiny lobster and sea urchin is allowed.
2. The commercial take of sea urchin; spiny lobster by trap; and costal pelagic species [Section 1.39] by round haul net [Section 8750, Fish and Game Code], brail gear [Section 53.01(a)], and light boat [Section 53.01(k)] is allowed. Not more than five percent by weight of any commercial coastal pelagic species catch landed or possessed shall be other incidentally taken species.
3. Take pursuant to activities authorized under subsection 632(b)(133)(C) is allowed.
(C) Beach nourishment and other sediment management activities, and operation and maintenance of artificial structures inside the conservation area is allowed pursuant to any required federal, state and local permits, or as otherwise authorized by the department.
(D) Take of all living marine resources from inside tidepools is prohibited. For purposes of this section, tidepools are defined as the area encompassing the rocky pools that are filled with seawater due to retracting tides between the mean higher high tide line and the mean lower low tide line.
(134) Laguna Beach State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

33° 33.224' N. lat. 117° 49.184' W. long.;

33° 33.211' N. lat. 117° 49.200' W. long.;

33° 30.713' N. lat. 117° 49.200' W. long.; and

33° 30.713' N. lat. 117° 45.264' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(135) Laguna Beach State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

33° 30.713' N. lat. 117° 45.264' W. long.;

33° 30.713' N. lat. 117° 49.200' W. long.;

33° 30.050' N. lat. 117° 49.200' W. long.; and

33° 30.050' N. lat. 117° 44.762' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions: take pursuant to activities authorized under subsection 632(b)(135)(C) is allowed.
(C) Operation and maintenance of artificial structures and facilities, beach grooming, maintenance dredging, and habitat restoration inside the conservation area is allowed pursuant to any required federal, state and local permits, or as otherwise authorized by the department.
(136) Dana Point State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting and the following points in the order listed:

33° 30.050' N. lat. 117° 44.762' W. long.;

33° 30.050' N. lat. 117° 46.000' W. long.;

33° 30.000' N. lat. 117° 46.000' W. long.;

33° 27.300' N. lat. 117° 43.300' W. long.;

33° 27.478' N. lat. 117° 42.276' W. long.; and

33° 27.622' N. lat. 117° 42.425' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take of finfish [subsection 632(a)(2)] by hook and line or by spearfishing [Section 1.76], and spiny lobster and sea urchin is allowed.
2. The commercial take of sea urchin, spiny lobster by trap, and costal pelagic species [Section 1.39] by round haul net [Section 8750, Fish and Game Code], brail gear [Section 53.01(a)], and light boat [Section 53.01(k)] is allowed. Not more than five percent by weight of any commercial coastal pelagic species catch landed or possessed shall be other incidentally taken species.
3. Take pursuant to activities authorized under subsection 632(b)(136)(C) is allowed.
(C) Operation and maintenance of artificial structures inside the conservation area is allowed pursuant to any required federal, state and local permits, or as otherwise authorized by the department.
(D) Take of all living marine resources from inside tidepools is prohibited. For purposes of this section, tidepools are defined as the area encompassing the rocky pools that are filled with seawater due to retracting tides between the mean higher high tide line and the mean lower low tide line.
(137) Batiquitos Lagoon State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area includes the waters below the mean high tide line within Batiquitos Lagoon eastward of the Interstate Highway 5 Bridge, approximated by a line between the following two points:

33° 05.440' N. lat. 117° 18.120' W. long.; and

33° 05.460' N. lat. 117° 18.130' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions: take pursuant to activities authorized under subsection 632(b)(137)(D) is allowed.
(C) Boating, swimming, wading, and diving are prohibited within the conservation area.
(D) Operation and maintenance, habitat restoration, research and education, maintenance dredging and maintenance of artificial structures inside the conservation area is allowed pursuant to any required federal, state and local permits, or activities pursuant to Section 630, or as otherwise authorized by the department.
(138) Swami's State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

33° 02.900' N. lat. 117° 17.927' W. long.;

33° 02.900' N. lat. 117° 21.743' W. long.; thence southward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

33° 00.000' N. lat. 117° 20.398' W. long.; and

33° 00.000' N. lat. 117° 16.698' W. long.; thence northward along the mean high tide line onshore boundary to

33° 00.962' N. lat. 117° 16.850' W. long.; and

33° 00.980' N. lat. 117° 16.857' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. Recreational take by hook and line from shore is allowed.
2. The recreational take by spearfishing [Section 1.76] of white seabass and pelagic finfish [subsection 632(a)(3)] is allowed.
3. Take pursuant to activities authorized under subsection 632(b)(138)(C) is allowed.
(C) Beach nourishment and other sediment management activities and operation and maintenance of artificial structures inside the conservation area is allowed pursuant to any required federal, state and local permits, or as otherwise authorized by the department.
(139) San Elijo Lagoon State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area includes the waters below the mean high tide line within San Elijo Lagoon southeastward of a straight line between the following two points:

33° 00.980' N. lat. 117° 16.857' W. long.; and

33° 00.962' N. lat. 117° 16.850' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions: take pursuant to activities authorized under subsection 632(b)(139)(D) is allowed.
(C) Boating, swimming, wading, and diving are prohibited within the conservation area.
(D) Operation and maintenance, maintenance dredging, habitat restoration including sediment deposition, research and education, and maintenance of artificial structures inside the conservation area is allowed pursuant to any required federal, state and local permits, or activities pursuant to Section 630, or as otherwise authorized by the department.
(140) San Dieguito Lagoon State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area consists of waters below the mean high tide line within the San Dieguito Lagoon Ecological Reserve southeastward of a straight line between the following two points:

32° 58.066' N. lat. 117° 15.579' W. long.; and

32° 58.072' N. lat. 117° 15.548' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions: the recreational take of finfish by hook and line from shore is allowed.
(C) Boating, swimming, wading, and diving are prohibited within the conservation area.
(D) No person, except state and local law enforcement officers, fire suppression agencies and employees of the department in the performance of their official duties or persons possessing written permission from the department, shall be permitted on the California least tern nesting island.
(E) No person, except state and local law enforcement officers, fire suppression agencies and employees of the department in the performance of their official duties or persons possessing written permission from the department, shall enter this conservation area between 8:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m.
(F) The County of San Diego, after consultation with the department, may carry out management activities for fish and wildlife, flood control and vector control. Authorized operation and maintenance activities shall include, but shall not be limited to, use of chemicals, vegetation control, water control and use of associated equipment.
(G) Collections of fish, wildlife, water and soil may be made by the department for the purposes of fish and wildlife management or by San Diego County for the purposes of water quality testing and vector control.
(141) San Diego-Scripps Coastal State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

32° 53.000' N. lat. 117° 15.166' W. long.;

32° 53.000' N. lat. 117° 16.400' W. long.;

32° 51.964' N. lat. 117° 16.400' W. long.; and

32° 51.964' N. lat. 117° 15.252' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take of coastal pelagic species [Section 1.39], except market squid, by hook and line only is allowed.
2. Take pursuant to activities authorized under subsection 632(b)(141)(D) is allowed.
(C) Licensees of the Regents of the University of California and all officers, employees, and students of such university may take, for scientific purposes, invertebrates, fish, or specimens of marine plant or algae under the conditions prescribed in a scientific collecting permit issued by the department.
(D) Operation and maintenance of artificial structures inside the conservation area is allowed pursuant to any required federal, state and local permits, or as otherwise authorized by the department.
(142) Matlahuayl State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

32° 51.964' N. lat. 117° 15.252' W. long.;

32° 51.964' N. lat. 117° 16.400' W. long.; and

32° 51.067' N. lat. 117° 16.400' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(C) Boats may be launched and retrieved only in designated areas and may be anchored within the reserve only during daylight hours.
(143) South La Jolla State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

32° 49.573' N. lat. 117° 16.781' W. long.;

32° 49.573' N. lat. 117° 19.000' W. long.;

32° 47.945' N. lat. 117° 19.000' W. long.; and

32° 47.945' N. lat. 117° 15.495' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(144) South La Jolla State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

32° 49.573' N. lat. 117° 19.000' W. long.;

32° 49.573' N. lat. 117° 20.528' W. long.; thence southward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

32° 47.945' N. lat. 117° 20.068' W. long.;

32° 47.945' N. lat. 117° 19.000' W. long.; and

32° 49.573' N. lat. 117° 19.000' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions: the recreational take of pelagic finfish [subsection 632(a)(3)] by hook and line only is allowed.
(145) Famosa Slough State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area includes the waters below the mean high tide line within Famosa Slough estuary southward of the San Diego River channel, located at approximately 32° 45.430' N. lat. 117° 13.750' W. long.
(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions: take pursuant to activities authorized under subsection 632(b)(145)(C) is allowed.
(C) Habitat restoration, maintenance dredging and operation and maintenance of artificial structures is allowed inside the conservation area pursuant to any required federal, state and local permits, or as otherwise authorized by the department.
(146) Cabrillo State Marine Reserve.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

32° 40.600' N. lat. 117° 14.820' W. long.;

32° 40.600' N. lat. 117° 15.000' W. long.;

32° 39.700' N. lat. 117° 15.000' W. long.;

32° 39.700' N. lat. 117° 14.300' W. long.; and

32° 40.000' N. lat. 117° 14.300' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(A) apply.
(147) Tijuana River Mouth State Marine Conservation Area.
(A) This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

32° 34.000' N. lat. 117° 07.980' W. long.;

32° 34.000' N. lat. 117° 09.000' W. long.;

32° 31.970' N. lat. 117° 09.000' W. long.; thence eastward along the U.S./Mexico Border to

32° 32.064' N. lat. 117° 07.428' W. long.

(B) Area restrictions defined in subsection 632(a)(1)(C) apply, with the following specified exceptions:
1. The recreational take of coastal pelagic species [Section 1.39], except market squid, by hand-held dip net [Section 1.42] only is allowed.
2. The commercial take of coastal pelagic species [Section 1.39], except market squid, by round haul net [Section 8750, Fish and Game Code] is allowed. Not more than five percent by weight of any commercial coastal pelagic species catch landed or possessed shall be other incidentally taken species, including market squid.
3. Take pursuant to activities authorized under subsection 632(b)(147)(C) is allowed.
(C) Beach nourishment and other sediment management activities and operation and maintenance of artificial structures inside the conservation area is allowed pursuant to any required federal, state and local permits, or as otherwise authorized by the department.


Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 14, § 632

Note: Authority cited: Sections 200, 205(c), 265, 399, 1590, 1591, 2860, 2861 and 6750, Fish and Game Code; and Sections 36725(a) and 36725(e), Public Resources Code. Reference: Sections 200, 205(c), 265, 399, 2861, 5521, 6653, 8420(e) and 8500, Fish and Game Code; and Sections 36700(e), 36710(e), 36725(a) and 36725(e), Public Resources Code.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 200, 205(c), 265, 399, 1590, 1591, 2860, 2861 and 6750, Fish and Game Code; and Sections 36725(a) and 36725(e), Public Resources Code. Reference: Sections 200, 205(c), 265, 399, 2861, 5521, 6653, 8420(e) and 8500, Fish and Game Code; and Sections 36700(e), 36710(e), 36725(a) and 36725(e), Public Resources Code.

1. New section filed 3-10-2003; operative 4-9-2003 (Register 2003, No. 11).
2. Amendment of section and Note filed 3-8-2005; operative 4-7-2005 (Register 2005, No. 10).
3. Amendment filed 11-2-2005; operative 11-2-2005 pursuant to Fish and Game Code section 215 (Register 2005, No. 44).
4. Amendment of section heading, subsections (b), (b)(72) and (b)(72)(A), new subsections (b)(72)(A)1.-2. and amendment of Note filed 10-19-2006; operative 10-19-2006 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4 (Register 2006, No. 42).
5. Amendment of section heading, section and Note filed 8-22-2007; operative 9-21-2007 (Register 2007, No. 34).
6. Amendment of subsections (b)(58)(A), (b)(60)(A), (b)(60)(C), (b)(61)(A), (b)(62)(A), (b)(63)(A), (b)(64)(A), (b)(65)(A), (b)(66)(A), (b)(67)(A), (b)(68)(B), (b)(69)(A) and (b)(70)(A), new subsections (b)(71)-(b)(71)(B), subsection renumbering and amendment of newly designated subsection (b)(73)(A) filed 12-17-2007; operative 12-17-2007 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4 (Register 2007, No. 51).
7. New subsections (b)(51)(C)4.-5. and amendment of subsections (b)(89)(C)-(G) filed 3-18-2009; operative 4-17-2009 (Register 2009, No. 12).
8. Amendment filed 4-27-2010; operative 5-1-2010 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4 (Register 2010, No. 18).
9. Editorial correction of History 8 (Register 2010, No. 26).
10. New subsections (b)(11)-(b)(11)(B), subsection renumbering, amendment of newly designated subsections (b)(12)(A), (b)(13)(A), (b)(16)(A), (b)(30)(B)-(D), (b)(33)(B)-(C) and (b)(107)(F) filed 7-19-2010 as an emergency; operative 7-19-2010 (Register 2010, No. 30). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL by 1-17-2011 or emergency language will be repealed by operation of law on the following day.
11. New subsections (b)(11)-(b)(11)(B), subsection renumbering, amendment of newly designated subsections (b)(12)(A), (b)(13)(A), (b)(16)(A), (b)(30)(B)-(D), (b)(33)(B)-(C) and (b)(107)(F) refiled 1-12-2011 as an emergency; operative 1-18-2011 pursuant to Government Code section 11346.1(d) (Register 2011, No. 2). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL by 4-18-2011 or emergency language will be repealed by operation of law on the following day.
12. Editorial correction of subsection (b)(13)(A) (Register 2011, No. 20).
13. Certificate of Compliance as to 1-12-2011 order, including further amendment of subsection (b)(11)(B), transmitted to OAL 4-8-2011 and filed 5-19-2011 (Register 2011, No. 20).
14. Amendment of subsections (b)(33) and (b)(33)(B), new subsections (b)(33)(B)1.-(b)(33)(C)2., subsection relettering and amendment of newly designated subsection (b)(33)(D) filed 6-13-2011; operative 7-13-2011 (Register 2011, No. 24).
15. Amendment filed 12-8-2011; operative 1-1-2012 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4 (Register 2011, No. 49).
16. Amendment of subsections (b)(102)(C)-(D) and Note filed 4-30-2012 as an emergency; operative 4-30-2012 (Register 2012, No. 18). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL by 10-29-2012 or emergency language will be repealed by operation of law on the following day.
17. Certificate of Compliance as to 4-30-2012 order transmitted to OAL 9-7-2012 and filed 10-2-2012 (Register 2012, No. 40).
18. New subsections (a)(11)-(12), repealer of subsection (b)(1), new subsections (b)(1)-(21), (b)(25), (b)(27), subsection renumbering and amendment of newly designated subsections (b)(22)-(24) and (b)(26) (including subsections therein) and newly designated subsections (b)(34)(A), (b)(35)(A), (b)(38)(A), (b)(52)(B)-(D), (b)(55)(B), (b)(55)(C), (b)(55)(D), (b)(97)(B)2., (b)(98)(B)3., (b)(99)(B), (b)(100)(B), (b)(117)(B)3., (b)(119)(B), (b)(120)(B)3., (b)(121)(B), (b)(122)(B), (b)(124)(B)-(C), (b)(127)(B), (b)(128)(B), (b)(131)(B)4., (b)(132)(B), (b)(133)(B)3., (b)(135)(B), (b)(136)(B)3., (b)(137)(B), (b)(138)(B)3., (b)(139)(B), (b)(141)(B), (b)(145)(B) and (b)(147)(B)3. filed 11-19-2012; operative 12-19-2012 (Register 2012, No. 47).
19. Amendment relocating subsection (a) to precede first paragraph, amendment of subsections (a)(1)(A)-(C) and (a)(3), repealer and new subsection (a)(8), new subsections (a)(8)(A)-(B), amendment of subsection (b), repealer and new subsection (b)(30)(B), amendment of subsection (b)(39)(B), repealer of subsections (b)(39)(C)-(E), amendment of subsections (b)(40)(B)1.-2., (b)(66)(B)1.-2. and (b)(68)(B)1., repealer and new subsection (b)(68)(B)2., amendment of subsections (b)(73)(B), (b)(74)(B) and (b)(76), repealer and new subsections (b)(98)(B)1.-2., amendment of subsections (b)(108)(B), (b)(109)(A) and (b)(112)(B), repealer and new subsections (b)(117)(B)1.-2. and (b)(120)(B)1.-2., amendment of subsections (b)(124), (b)(124)(C)-(D), (b)(125) and (b)(128)(A), repealer and new subsections (b)(129)(B)1.-2., amendment of subsection (b)(130)(B)1., repealer and new subsection (b)(130)(B)2., amendment of subsections (b)(131)(B)1. and (b)(133)(B)1, repealer and new subsections (b)(131)(B)2., (b)(136)(B)1.-2. and (b)(138)(B)2., amendment of subsections (b)(140)(A), (b)(144)(B) and (b)(147)(B)2. and amendment of Note filed 8-12-2014; operative 10/1/2014 (Register 2014, No. 33).
20. Editorial correction of subsection (b)(120)(B)1. (Register 2016, No. 9).
21. Amendment of subsections (a)(1), (b)(1)(B), (b)(2)(B), (b)(2)(B)2.-3., (b)(6)(A)-(B), (b)(6)(B)2., (b)(7)(B), (b)(8)(B), (b)(8)(B)2., (b)(9)(B), (b)(11)(A)-(B), (b)(13)(B), (b)(14)(B), (b)(15)(B), (b)(15)(B)2., (b)(16)(B), (b)(16)(B)2., (b)(19)(B), (b)(20)(A)-(B), (b)(21)(A)-(B) and (b)(22)(A)-(B), new subsections (b)(22)(B)1.-2., amendment of subsections (b)(23)(B) and (b)(24)(B), new subsections (b)(24)(B)1.-2., amendment of subsections (b)(25)(A)-(B) and (b)(26)(B), new subsections (b)(26)(B)1.-2., amendment of subsections (b)(27)(A)-(B), (b)(28)(A)-(B), (b)(29)(A)-(B), (b)(29)(B)2., (b)(30)(A)-(B), (b)(31)(A)-(B), (b)(31)(B)2., (b)(32)(A)-(B), (b)(33)(A)-(B), (b)(34)(A)-(B), (b)(35)(A)-(B), (b)(36)(A)-(B), (b)(37)(A), (b)(37)(C), (b)(38)(A)-(B)2., (b)(39)(A)-(B), (b)(40)(A)-(B), (b)(40)(B)2., (b)(41)(A), (b)(41)(C), (b)(42)(A), (b)(42)(C), (b)(43)(A)-(B), (b)(44)(A)-(B), (b)(44)(B)2., (b)(45)(A), (b)(46)(A)-(B) and (b)(47)(A)-(B), repealer of subsections (b)(47)(B)1.-2., amendment of subsections (b)(48)(A), (b)(49)(A), (b)(50)(A)-(B), (b)(51)(A)-(B), (b)(52)(B), (b)(53)(A)-(B), (b)(54)(A)-(B), (b)(54)(B)2., (b)(55)(B)1.-2., (b)(55)(C)1.-2., (b)(56)(B), (b)(57)(B), (b)(58)(B), (b)(59)(B), (b)(60)(B), (b)(61)(A)-(B)2., (b)(62)(B), (b)(63)(B), (b)(64)(A), (b)(65)(A)-(B), (b)(66)(A)-(B), (b)(67)-(b)(67)(B), (b)(68)(A)-(B)2., (b)(69)(A)-(B), (b)(70)(A)-(B), (b)(71)(A)-(B)1., (b)(72)(B), (b)(73)(A)-(B), (b)(74)(A)-(B), (b)(75)(A)-(B), (b)(76)(A)-(B), (b)(77)(A)-(B), (b)(78)(A)-(B), (b)(79)(A)-(B), (b)(80)(A)-(B), (b)(81)(A)-(B) and (b)(82)(A)-(B), new subsections (b)(82)(B)1.-2., amendment of subsections (b)(83)(A)-(B), (b)(84)(A)-(B), (b)(85)(A)-(B) and (b)(86)(A)-(B), new subsections (b)(86)(B)1.-2., amendment of subsections (b)(87)(A)-(B), (b)(88)(A)-(B), (b)(89)(A)-(B), (b)(90)-(b)(90)(B)1., (b)(91)(A), (b)(91)(C), (b)(91)(C)2., (b)(92)(A)-(B), (b)(93)(A)-(B), (b)(94)(A)-(B), (b)(95)(A)-(B), (b)(96)(A)-(B), (b)(97)(A)-(B)1., (b)(98)(A)-(B), (b)(99)(A)-(B), (b)(100)(A)-(B), (b)(101), (b)(101)(B), (b)(102)(A), (b)(103), (b)(103)(B), (b)(104)-(b)(104)(B), (b)(105)-(b)(105)(B), (b)(106)-(b)(106)(B), (b)(107), (b)(107)(B), (b)(108), (b)(108)(B), (b)(109)-(b)(109)(B), (b)(110), (b)(110)(B), (b)(111)(B), (b)(112)(A)-(B), (b)(113)(A)-(B), (b)(114), (b)(114)(B), (b)(115)-(b)(115)(B), (b)(116)(A)-(B), (b)(117)(A)-(B), (b)(118)(A)-(B), (b)(119)(A)-(B), (b)(120)(A)-(B) and (b)(121)(A)-(B), new subsections (b)(121)(B)1.-2., amendment of subsections (b)(122)(A)-(B) and (b)(123)-(b)(123)(B), new subsections (b)(123)(B)1.-2., amendment of subsections (b)(124)-(b)(124)(B), (b)(125)-(b)(125)(B), (b)(126)-(b)(126)(B), (b)(127)-(b)(127)(B), (b)(128) and (b)(128)(B), new subsections (b)(128)(B)1.-2., amendment of subsections (b)(129)-(b)(129)(B), (b)(130)-(b)(130)(B), (b)(131)-(b)(131)(B) and (b)(132)-(b)(132)(B), new subsections (b)(132)(B)1.-2., amendment of subsections (b)(132)(C), (b)(133)(A)-(B), (b)(134)(A)-(B), (b)(135)(A)-(B), (b)(136)(A)-(B), (b)(137)(A)-(B), (b)(138)(B), (b)(139)(B), (b)(140)(B) and (b)(141)(A)-(B), new subsections (b)(141)(B)1.-2. and amendment of subsections (b)(142)(A)-(B), (b)(143)(B), (b)(144)(B), (b)(145)(A)-(B), (b)(146)(A)-(B) and (b)(147)(A)-(B) filed 2-23-2016; operative 3/1/2016 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3) (Register 2016, No. 9).
22. Amendment of subsections (b)(1)(B)2., (b)(2)(B)3. and (b)(6)(B)3. and amendment of Note filed 2-17-2017; operative 4/1/2017 (Register 2017, No. 7).
23. Editorial correction of subsection (b)(39)(A) (Register 2017, No. 20).
24. Amendment of subsections (b)(33)(A), (b)(34)(A), (b)(97)(B), (b)(98)(B), (b)(112)(B) and (b)(117)(B) filed 11-15-2018; operative 1-1-2019 (Register 2018, No. 46).
25. Amendment of subsection (b)(17) and repealer of subsections (b)(17)(A)-(C) filed 11-15-2018; operative 1/1/2019 (Register 2018, No. 46).
26. Repealer of subsection (b)(9)(B), subsection relettering, new subsections (b)(9)(C)-(b)(9)(C)1. and amendment of subsections (b)(37)(C), (b)(41)(C), (b)(42)(C) and (b)(91)(B)-(C) filed 8-19-2022; operative 8/19/2022 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3) (Register 2022, No. 33).
27. Change without regulatory effect amending subsections (a)(3), (b)(1)(B)1., (b)(6)(B)1.-2., (b)(8)(B)1.-2. and (b)(38)(B)1. filed 10-19-2023 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2023, No. 42).
28. New subsection (a)(1)(A)1., amendment of subsection (a)(1)(B), new subsections (a)(1)(C)1.-2., amendment of subsection (a)(1)(D) and new subsections (a)(1)(E) and (a)(13)-(15) filed 3-15-2024; operative 7/1/2024 (Register 2024, No. 11).

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.