- § 1816.11 - Signs and Markers
- § 1816.13 - Casing and Sealing of Drilled Holes: General Requirements
- § 1816.14 - Casing and Sealing of Drilled Holes: Temporary
- § 1816.15 - Casing and Sealing of Drilled Holes: Permanent
- § 1816.21 - Topsoil: General Requirements (Repealed)
- § 1816.22 - Topsoil and Subsoil
- § 1816.23 - Topsoil: Storage (Repealed)
- § 1816.24 - Topsoil: Redistribution (Repealed)
- § 1816.25 - Topsoil: Nutrients and Soil Amendments (Repealed)
- § 1816.41 - Hydrologic Balance Protection
- § 1816.42 - Hydrologic Balance: Water Quality Standards and Effluent Limitations
- § 1816.43 - Diversions
- § 1816.44 - Hydrologic Balance: Stream Channel Diversions (Repealed)
- § 1816.45 - Hydrologic Balance: Sediment Control Measures
- § 1816.46 - Hydrologic Balance: Siltation Structures
- § 1816.47 - Hydrologic Balance: Discharge of Structures
- § 1816.48 - Hydrologic Balance: Acid-Forming and Toxic-Forming Spoil (Repealed)
- § 1816.49 - Impoundments
- § 1816.50 - Hydrologic Balance: Ground Water Protection (Repealed)
- § 1816.51 - Hydrologic Balance: Protection of Ground Water Recharge Capacity (Repealed)
- § 1816.52 - Hydrologic Balance: Surface and Ground Water Monitoring (Repealed)
- § 1816.53 - Hydrologic Balance: Transfer of Wells (Repealed)
- § 1816.54 - Hydrologic Balance: Water Rights and Replacement (Repealed)
- § 1816.55 - Hydrologic Balance: Discharge of Water Into an Underground Mine (Repealed)
- § 1816.56 - Post-Mining Rehabilitation of Sedimentation Ponds, Diversions, Impoundments, and Treatment Facilities
- § 1816.57 - Hydrologic Balance: Stream Buffer Zones
- § 1816.59 - Coal Recovery
- § 1816.61 - Use of Explosives: General Requirements
- § 1816.62 - Use of Explosives: Pre-Blasting Survey
- § 1816.64 - Use of Explosives: Public Notice of Blasting Schedule
- § 1816.65 - Use of Explosives: Surface Blasting Requirements (Repealed)
- § 1816.66 - Use of Explosives: Blasting Signs, Warnings, and Access Control
- § 1816.67 - Use of Explosives: Control of Adverse Effects
- § 1816.68 - Use of Explosives: Records of Blasting Operations
- § 1816.71 - Disposal of Excess Spoil: General Requirements
- § 1816.72 - Disposal of Excess Spoil: Valley Fills/Head-of-Hollow Fills
- § 1816.73 - Disposal of Excess Spoil: Head-of-Hollow Fills (Repealed)
- § 1816.74 - Disposal of Excess Spoil: Durable Rock Fills
- § 1816.75 - Disposal of Excess Spoil: Preexisting Benches
- § 1816.79 - Protection of Underground Mining
- § 1816.81 - Coal Mine Waste: General Requirements
- § 1816.82 - Coal Processing Waste Banks: Site Inspection (Repealed)
- § 1816.83 - Coal Mine Waste: Refuse Piles
- § 1816.84 - Coal Mine Waste: Impounding Structures
- § 1816.85 - Coal Processing Waste Banks: Construction Requirements (Repealed)
- § 1816.86 - Coal Processing Waste: Burning (Repealed)
- § 1816.87 - Coal Mine Waste: Burned Waste Utilization
- § 1816.88 - Coal Processing Waste: Return to Underground Workings (Repealed)
- § 1816.89 - Disposal of Noncoal Mine Wastes
- § 1816.91 - Coal Processing Waste: Dams and Embankments: General Requirements (Repealed)
- § 1816.92 - Coal Processing Waste: Dams and Embankments: Site Preparation (Repealed)
- § 1816.93 - Coal Processing Waste: Dams and Embankments: Design and Construction (Repealed)
- § 1816.94 - Coal Processing Waste: Time and Requirements for Completion of Covering (Repealed)
- § 1816.95 - Stabilization of Surface Areas
- § 1816.97 - Protection of Fish, Wildlife, and Related Environmental Values
- § 1816.99 - Slides and Other Damage
- § 1816.100 - Contemporaneous Reclamation
- § 1816.101 - Backfilling and Grading: General Requirements
- § 1816.102 - Backfilling and Grading: General Grading Requirements
- § 1816.103 - Backfilling and Grading: Covering or Treating Coal and Acid- and Toxic-Forming Materials (Repealed)
- § 1816.104 - Backfilling and Grading: Thin Overburden
- § 1816.105 - Backfilling and Grading: Thick Overburden
- § 1816.106 - Backfilling and Grading: Previously Mined Areas
- § 1816.107 - Backfilling and Grading: Steep slopes
- § 1816.111 - Revegetation: General Requirements
- § 1816.112 - Revegetation: Use of Introduced Species (Repealed)
- § 1816.113 - Revegetation: Timing
- § 1816.114 - Revegetation: Mulching and Other Soil Stabilizing Practices
- § 1816.115 - Revegetation: Grazing (Repealed)
- § 1816.116 - Revegetation: Standards for Success
- § 1816.117 - Revegetation: Tree, Shrub, and Herbaceous Wildlife Vegetation
- § 1816.131 - Cessation of Operations: Temporary
- § 1816.132 - Cessation of Operations: Permanent
- § 1816.133 - Post-Mining Land Capability
- § 1816.150 - Roads: General
- § 1816.151 - Primary Roads
- § 1816.180 - Utility Installations
- § 1816.181 - Support Facilities
- § 1816.190 - Affected Acreage Map
- Appendix A - Agricultural Lands Productivity Formula (Repealed), version 3
- Table A - Subsoil Adjustments (Repealed)
- Table B - Soil Variance Codes (Repealed)
- Table C - County Numbering System (Repealed)
- Table D - Sample Points Per Crop Acres (Repealed)
- Table E - Soil Master File (Repealed)
- Table F - Country Cropped Acreage File (Repealed)
- Exhibit A - County Crop Yields by Soil Mapping Unit (Repealed)
Adopted at 4 Ill. Reg. 37, p. 1, effective June 1, 1982; amended at 6 Ill. Reg. 1, effective June 1, 1982; amended at 6 Ill. Reg. 15024, effective December 30, 1982; codified at 8 Ill. Reg. 8224; amended at 9 Ill. Reg. 13310, effective October 10, 1985; amended at 10 Ill. Reg. 8985, effective July 1, 1986; amended at 11 Ill. Reg. 8131, effective July 1, 1987; amended at 14 Ill. Reg. 11830, effective January 1, 1991; amended at 15 Ill. Reg. 17166, effective January 1, 1992; amended at 17 Ill. Reg. 11001, effective July 1, 1993; amended at 20 Ill. Reg. 2027, effective January 19, 1996; amended at 22 Ill. Reg. 20228, effective November 5, 1998; amended at 24 Ill. Reg. 5967, effective March 21, 2000; amended at 26 Ill. Reg. 4232, effective March 6, 2002; amended at 27 Ill. Reg. 4690, effective February 26, 2003; amended at 29 Ill. Reg. 10599, effective July 7, 2005.
AUTHORITY: Implementing and authorized by the Surface Coal Mining Land Conservation and Reclamation Act [225 ILCS 720 ].
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.