Chapter 32.02.01 - Certificate of Registration for Continuing Care Facilities and Providers

  1. § - Definitions
  2. § - General Requirements to Offer Continuing Care
  3. § - Preliminary Certificate of Registration
  4. § - Statement of Intent to Apply for a Preliminary Certificate
  5. § - Feasibility Study
  6. § - Application for a Preliminary Certificate of Registration
  7. § - Department Action on Feasibility Study and Application for a Preliminary Certificate of Registration
  8. § - Advertising Before an Initial Certificate of Registration Has Been Issued
  9. § - Application for an Initial Certificate of Registration
  10. § - Action of Department on Application for an Initial Certificate of Registration
  11. § - Request for Approval to Use Deposits
  12. § - Action of the Department on Request for Approval to Use Deposits
  13. § - Application for Renewal Certificate of Registration
  14. § - Action of the Department on Application for Annual Renewal Certificate of Registration
  15. § - Application for Renovation of Facility
  16. § - Action of the Department on Renovation Approval Request
  17. § - Application for Expansion of Facility
  18. § - Action of the Department on Expansion Approval Request
  19. § - Required Information Regarding Governance
  20. § - Operating Reserve Requirements
  21. § - Disclosure Statement
  22. § - Sale, Transfer, or Reorganization of Ownership or Control
  23. § - Sale, Transfer, or Other Disposition of Assets
  24. § - Financial Review Committee
  25. § - Referrals to the Financial Review Committee
  26. § - Findings of Financial Difficulty
  27. § - Deposit Agreement and Processing Fee
  28. § - Continuing Care Agreement
  29. § - Withdrawal of Application or Rescission of Agreement Before Occupancy Date
  30. § - Rescissions for Violation of the Act
  31. § - Termination of the Agreement After the Occupancy Date
  32. § - Public Information
  33. § - Inspection by the Department
  34. § - Removal of Records and Accounts
  35. § - Administrative Sanctions
  36. § - Appeals


Effective date: December 26, 1980 (7:26 Md. R. 2423)
Regulations .02B, .04A, .08, .10, and .14 amended effective March 28, 1983 (10:6 Md. R. 559)
Regulations .04A, .05A, .06, and .09 amended effective December 31, 1984 (11:26 Md. R. 2280)
Regulation .07 repealed and new Regulation .07 adopted effective December 31, 1984 (11:26 Md. R. 2280)
Regulations .01-.22 repealed and new Regulations .01-.22 adopted effective June 2, 1986 (13:11 Md. R. 1274)
Regulation .01B amended effective December 1, 1989 (16:23 Md. R. 2506); November 25, 1991 (18:23 Md. R. 2491)
Regulation .03A amended effective December 1, 1989 (16:23 Md. R. 2506); September 23, 1996 (23:19 Md. R. 1377)
Regulation .03B and C amended effective November 25, 1991 (18:23 Md. R. 2491)
Regulation .04A amended effective November 25, 1991 (18:23 Md. R. 2491)
Regulation .09 amended effective November 25, 1991 (18:23 Md. R. 2491)
Regulation .09C amended effective December 1, 1989 (16:23 Md. R. 2506); June 22, 1992 (19:12 Md. R. 1136); September 23, 1996 (23:19 Md. R. 1377)
Regulation .09E amended effective December 1, 1989 (16:23 Md. R. 2506)
Regulation .09G amended effective June 22, 1992 (19:12 Md. R. 1136)
Regulation .10A amended effective November 25, 1991 (18:23 Md. R. 2491)
Regulations .01-.22 repealed and new Regulations .01-.36 adopted effective July 27, 1998 (25:15 Md. R. 1192)
Chapter recodified from COMAR 14.11.02 to COMAR 32.02.01, October 2000
Regulation .01B amended effective November 6, 2006 (33:22 Md. R. 1734)
Regulation .02B amended effective October 6, 2008 (35:20 Md. R. 1777)
Regulation .02B, E amended effective November 6, 2006 (33:22 Md. R. 1734)
Regulation .03B amended effective March 1, 2004 (31:4 Md. R. 318)
Regulation .04 amended effective November 6, 2006 (33:22 Md. R. 1734)
Regulation .05A amended effective November 6, 2006 (33:22 Md. R. 1734); March 22, 2010 (37:6 Md. R. 481)
Regulation .06L, M amended effective November 6, 2006 (33:22 Md. R. 1734)
Regulation .07A amended effective March 22, 2010 (37:6 Md. R. 481)
Regulation .07A, B amended effective November 6, 2006 (33:22 Md. R. 1734)
Regulation .09B amended effective November 6, 2006 (33:22 Md. R. 1734)
Regulation .10A amended effective November 6, 2006 (33:22 Md. R. 1734)
Regulation .11B amended effective November 6, 2006 (33:22 Md. R. 1734)
Regulation .12D amended effective November 6, 2006 (33:22 Md. R. 1734)
Regulation .13 amended effective October 6, 2008 (35:20 Md. R. 1777); March 22, 2010 (37:6 Md. R. 481)
Regulation .13C amended effective March 1, 2004 (31:4 Md. R. 318); March 4, 2013 (40:4 Md. R. 348)
Regulation .13D amended effective December 25, 2000 (27:25 Md. R. 2283)
Regulation .14 amended effective March 22, 2010 (37:6 Md. R. 481)
Regulation .17E amended effective March 1, 2004 (31:4 Md. R. 318); June 20, 2016 (43:12 Md. R. 668)
Regulation .19 amended effective November 6, 2006 (33:22 Md. R. 1734)
Regulation .20 amended effective November 6, 2006 (33:22 Md. R. 1734)
Regulation .21C amended effective November 6, 2006 (33:22 Md. R. 1734)
Regulation .23G amended effective November 6, 2006 (33:22 Md. R. 1734)
Regulation .24B, H amended effective November 6, 2006 (33:22 Md. R. 1734)
Regulation .25 amended effective November 6, 2006 (33:22 Md. R. 1734)
Regulation .26 amended effective November 6, 2006 (33:22 Md. R. 1734)
Regulation .27A, C amended effective November 6, 2006 (33:22 Md. R. 1734)
Regulation .28C amended effective March 22, 2010 (37:6 Md. R. 481)
Regulation .28A, E amended effective November 6, 2006 (33:22 Md. R. 1734)
Regulation .28F adopted effective March 22, 2010 (37:6 Md. R. 481)
Regulation .29 amended effective November 6, 2006 (33:22 Md. R. 1734)
Regulation .32B amended effective November 6, 2006 (33:22 Md. R. 1734)
Regulation .34C amended effective November 6, 2006 (33:22 Md. R. 1734)
Regulation .35B amended effective November 6, 2006 (33:22 Md. R. 1734)
Regulation .13 amended effective August 29, 2016 (43:17 Md. R. 959)

Authority: Human Services Article, § 10-403, Annotated Code of Maryland

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