Utah Admin. Code R309-215-9 - Turbidity Monitoring and Reporting

Public water systems utilizing surface water and ground water under the direct influence of surface water shall monitor for turbidity in accordance with this section. Small surface water systems serving a population less than 10,000 shall monitor in accordance with subsections (1), (2), (3), (5) and (6). Large surface water systems serving 10,000 or more population shall monitor in accordance with subsections (1), (2), (3), (4) and (6).

(1) Routine Monitoring Requirements for Treatment Facilities utilizing surface water sources or ground water sources under the direct influence of surface water.
(a) All public water systems which use a treatment technique to treat water obtained in whole or in part from surface water sources or ground water sources under the direct influence of surface water shall monitor for turbidity at the treatment plant's clearwell outlet. This monitoring shall be independent of the individual filter monitoring required by R309-525-15(4)(b)(vi) and R309-525-15(4)(c)(vii). Where the plant facility does not have an internal clearwell, the turbidity shall be monitored at the inlet to a finished water reservoir external to the plant provided such reservoir receives only water from the treatment plant and, furthermore, is located before any point of consumer connection to the water system. If such external reservoir does not exist, turbidity shall then be monitored at a location immediately downstream of the treatment plant filters.
(b) All treatment plants, with the exception of those utilizing slow sand filtration and other conditions indicated in section (c) below, shall be equipped with continuous turbidity monitoring and recording equipment for which the direct responsible charge operator will validate the continuous measurements for accuracy in accordance with paragraph (d) below. These plants shall continuously record the finished water turbidity of the combined filter effluent as well as each individual filter. All systems shall be equipped to continuously monitor the turbidity at each filter unless the treatment plant is only equipped with two filters and the turbidity is measured at the combined filter effluent (CFE). If there is a failure in continuous monitoring equipment the system shall conduct grab sampling every 4 hours in lieu of continuous monitoring, but for no more than five working days following the failure of equipment. Systems serving less than 10,000 population shall have no more than 14 days to conduct grab samples in lieu of continuous monitoring in order to correct any failing equipment. All surface water systems shall monitor the turbidity results of individual filters at a frequency no greater than every 15 minutes.
(c) Turbidity measurements, as outlined below, shall be reported to the Division within ten days after the end of each month that the system serves water to the public. Systems are required to mark and interpret turbidity values from the recorded charts at the end of each four-hour interval of operation (or some shorter regular time interval) to determine compliance with the turbidity performance criterion. For systems using slow sand filtration the Director may reduce the sampling frequency to as little as once per day if the Director determines that less frequent monitoring is sufficient to indicate effective filtration performance. For systems serving 500 or fewer persons, the Director may reduce the turbidity sampling frequency to as little as once per day, regardless of the type of filtration treatment used, if the Director determines that less frequent monitoring is sufficient to indicate effective filtration performance.

The following shall be reported and the required percentage achieved for compliance:

(i) The total number of interpreted filtered water turbidity measurements taken during the month;
(ii) The number and percentage of interpreted filtered water turbidity measurements taken during the month which are less than or equal to the turbidity limits specified in R309-200-5(5)(a)(ii) (or increased limit approved by the Director). The percentage of measurements which are less than or equal to the turbidity limit shall be 95 percent or greater for compliance; and
(iii) The date and value of any turbidity measurements taken during the month which exceed 5 NTU. The system shall inform the Division as soon as practical, but no later than 24 hours after the exceedance is known, in accordance with R309-220-6(2)(c) if any turbidity measurements exceed 5 NTU.
(d) The analytical method which shall be followed in making the required determinations shall be Nephelometric Method - Nephelometric Turbidity Unit as set forth in the latest edition of Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater, 1985, American Public Health Association et al., (Method 214A, pp. 134-136 in the 16th edition). Continuous turbidity monitoring equipment shall be checked for accuracy and recalibrated using methods outlined in the above standard at a minimum frequency of monthly. The direct responsible charge operator will note on the turbidity report form when these recalibrations are conducted. For systems that practice lime softening, the representative combined filter effluent turbidity sample may be acidified prior to analysis with prior approval by the Director as to the protocol.
(2) Procedures if a Filtered Water Turbidity Limit is Exceeded
(a) Resampling -

If an analysis indicates that the turbidity limit has been exceeded, the sampling and measurement shall be confirmed by resampling as soon as practicable and preferably within one hour.

(b) If the result of resampling confirms that the turbidity limit has been exceeded, the system shall collect and have analyzed at least one bacteriologic sample near the first service connection from the source as specified in R309-211-4(4). The system shall collect this bacteriologic sample within 24 hours of the turbidity exceedance. Sample results from this monitoring shall be included in determining bacteriologic compliance for that month.
(c) Initial Notification of the Director -

If the repeat sample confirms that the turbidity limit has been exceeded, the supplier shall report this fact to the Director as soon as practical, but no later than 24 hours after the exceedance is known in accordance with the public notification requirements under R309-220-6(2)(c). This reporting is in addition to reporting the incident on any monthly reports.

(3) For the purpose of individual plant evaluation and establishment of pathogen removal credit for the purpose of lowering the required "CT" value assigned a plant, plant management may do additional turbidity monitoring at other points to satisfy criteria in R309-215-7(2).
(4) Additional reporting and recordkeeping requirements for large surface water systems (serving greater than 10,000 population) reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

In addition to the reporting and recordkeeping requirements sub-sections (1), (2) and (3) above, a large surface water system that provides conventional filtration treatment or direct filtration shall report monthly to the Division the information specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section. In addition to the reporting and recordkeeping requirements above, a public water system subject to the requirements of this subpart that provides filtration approved under R309-530-8 or R309-530-9 shall report monthly to the Division the information specified in paragraphs (a) of this section. The reporting in paragraph (a) of this section is in lieu of the reporting specified above.

(a) Turbidity measurements, as required in R309-200-5(5)(a), shall be reported within 10 days after the end of each month the system serves water to the public. Information that shall be reported includes:
(i) The total number of filtered water turbidity measurements taken during the month.
(ii) The number and percentage of filtered water turbidity measurements taken during the month which are less than or equal to 0.3 NTU or those levels established under R309-200-5(5)(a)(ii).
(iii) The date and value of any turbidity measurements taken during the month which exceed 1 NTU for systems using conventional filtration treatment or direct filtration, or which exceed the maximum level set by the Director under R309-530-8 or R309-530-9.
(b) Systems shall maintain the results of individual filter monitoring taken under R309-215-9(1)(b) for at least three years. Systems shall record the results of individual filter monitoring every 15 minutes. Systems shall report that they have conducted individual filter turbidity monitoring within 10 days after the end of each month the system serves water to the public. Systems shall report individual filter turbidity measurement results within 10 days after the end of each month the system serves water to the public only if measurements demonstrate one or more of the conditions in paragraphs (b)(i) through (iv) of this section. Systems that use lime softening may apply to the Director for alternative exceedance levels for the levels specified in paragraphs (b)(i) through (iv) of this section if they can demonstrate that higher turbidity levels in individual filters are due to lime carryover only and not due to degraded filter performance.
(i) For any individual filter that has a measured turbidity level of greater than 1.0 NTU in two consecutive measurements taken 15 minutes apart, the system shall report the filter number, the turbidity measurement, and the date(s) on which the exceedance occurred. In addition, the system shall either produce a filter profile for the filter within 7 days of the exceedance (if the system is not able to identify an obvious reason for the abnormal filter performance) and report that the profile has been produced or report the obvious reason for the exceedance.
(ii) For any individual filter that has a measured turbidity level of greater than 0.5 NTU in two consecutive measurements taken 15 minutes apart at the end of the first four hours of continuous filter operation after the filter has been backwashed or otherwise taken offline, the system shall report the filter number, the turbidity, and the date(s) on which the exceedance occurred. In addition, the system shall either produce a filter profile for the filter within 7 days of the exceedance (if the system is not able to identify an obvious reason for the abnormal filter performance) and report that the profile has been produced or report the obvious reason for the exceedance.
(iii) For any individual filter that has a measured turbidity level of greater than 1.0 NTU in two consecutive measurements taken 15 minutes apart at any time in each of three consecutive months, the system shall report the filter number, the turbidity measurement, and the date(s) on which the exceedance occurred. In addition, the system shall conduct a self-assessment of the filter within 14 days of the exceedance and report that the self-assessment was conducted. The self assessment shall consist of at least the following components: assessment of filter performance; development of a filter profile; identification and prioritization of factors limiting filter performance; assessment of the applicability of corrections; and preparation of a filter self-assessment report.
(iv) For any individual filter that has a measured turbidity level of greater than 2.0 NTU in two consecutive measurements taken 15 minutes apart at any time in each of two consecutive months, the system shall report the filter number, the turbidity measurement, and the date(s) on which the exceedance occurred. In addition, the system shall arrange for and conduct a comprehensive performance evaluation by the Director or a third party approved by the Director no later than 30 days following the exceedance and have the evaluation completed and submitted to the Division no later than 90 days following the exceedance.
(5) Additional reporting and recordkeeping requirements for surface water systems serving less than 10,000 population.

In addition to the reporting and recordkeeping requirements sub-sections (1), (2) and (3) above, a surface water system that provides conventional filtration treatment or direct filtration shall report monthly to the Division the information specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section. In addition to the reporting and recordkeeping requirements above, a public water system subject to the requirements of this subpart that provides filtration approved under R309-530-8 or R309-530-9 shall report monthly to the Division the information specified in paragraphs (a) of this section. The reporting in paragraph (a) of this section is in lieu of the reporting specified above.

(a) Turbidity measurements, as required in R309-200-5(5)(a), shall be reported within 10 days after the end of each month the system serves water to the public. Information that shall be reported includes:
(i) The total number of filtered water turbidity measurements taken during the month.
(ii) The number and percentage of filtered water turbidity measurements taken during the month which are less than or equal to 0.3 NTU or those levels established under R309-200-5(5)(a)(ii).
(iii) The date and value of any turbidity measurements taken during the month which exceed 1 NTU for systems using conventional filtration treatment or direct filtration, or which exceed the maximum level set by the Director under R309-530-8 or R309-530-9.
(b) Systems shall maintain the results of individual filter monitoring taken under R309-215-9(1)(b) for at least three years. Systems shall record the results of individual filter monitoring every 15 minutes. Systems shall report that they have conducted individual filter turbidity monitoring within 10 days after the end of each month the system serves water to the public. Systems shall report individual filter turbidity measurement results within 10 days after the end of each month the system serves water to the public only if measurements demonstrate one or more of the conditions in paragraphs (b)(i) through (iv) of this section. Systems that use lime softening may apply to the Director for alternative exceedance levels for the levels specified in paragraphs (b)(i) through (iv) of this section if they can demonstrate that higher turbidity levels in individual filters are due to lime carryover only and not due to degraded filter performance.
(i) For any individual filter (or CFE for systems with 2 filters that monitor CFE in lieu of individual filters) that has a measured turbidity level of greater than 1.0 NTU in two consecutive measurements taken 15 minutes apart, the system shall report the filter number(s), the corresponding date(s), the turbidity values which exceeded 1.0 NTU, and the cause (if known) for the exceedance(s), to the Director by the 10th of the following month.
(ii) If a system was required to report to the Director for three months in a row and turbidity exceeded 1.0 NTU in two consecutive recordings taken 15 minutes apart at the same filter (or CFE for systems with 2 filters that monitor CFE in lieu of individual filters), the system shall conduct a self-assessment of the filter within 14 days of the day the filter exceeded 1.0 NTU in two consecutive measurements for the third straight month unless a CPE as specified in paragraph (iii) of this section was required. Systems with 2 filters that monitor CFE in lieu of individual filters must conduct a self assessment on both filters. The self-assessment must consist of at least the following components: assessment of filter performance; development of a filter profile; identification and prioritization of factors limiting filter performance; assessment of the applicability of corrections; and preparation of a filter self-assessment report. If a self-assessment is required, the date that it was triggered and the date that it was completed.
(iii) If a system was required to report to the Director for two months in a row and turbidity exceeded 2.0 NTU in two consecutive measurements taken 15 minutes apart at the same filter (or CFE for systems with 2 filters that monitor CFE in lieu of individual filters), the system shall arrange to have a comprehensive performance evaluation (CPE) conducted by the Director or a third party approved by the Director no later than 60 days following the day the filter exceeded 2.0 NTU in two consecutive measurements for the second straight month. If a CPE is required, the system must report a CPE required and the date it was triggered. If a CPE has been completed by the Director or a third party approved by the Director within the 12 prior months or the system and Division are jointly participating in an ongoing Comprehensive Technical Assistance (CTA) project at the system, a new CPE is not required. If conducted, a CPE must be completed and submitted to the Division no later than 120 days following the day the filter exceeded 2.0 NTU in two consecutive measurements for the second straight month.
(6) Additional reporting requirements.
(a) If at any time the turbidity exceeds 1 NTU in representative samples of filtered water in a system using conventional filtration treatment or direct filtration, the system shall inform the Division as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the next business day.
(b) If at any time the turbidity in representative samples of filtered water exceeds the maximum level set by the Director under R309-530-8 or R309-530-9 for filtration technologies other than conventional filtration treatment, direct filtration, slow sand filtration, or diatomaceous earth filtration, the system shall inform the Division as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the next business day.


Utah Admin. Code R309-215-9
Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2016-10, effective 5/1/2016

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.