Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 62-210.310 - Air General Permits

(1) Air General Permits Established.
(a) The Department has established air general permits for various types of facilities at subsections 62-210.310(4) and (5), F.A.C.
1. The air general permits provided at subsection 62-210.310(4), F.A.C., are available to specific types of facilities that elect to comply with process limitations to escape being classified as Title V sources. A facility using one (1) of the air general permits at subsection 62-210.310(4), F.A.C., shall not be entitled to use more than one (1) such air general permit for any single facility, except where all air general permits used at the facility specifically allow the use of one another at the same facility.
2. The air general permits provided at subsection 62-210.310(5), F.A.C., are available to specific types of facilities that are subject to limitations or requirements under other state or federal rules. A facility must comply with such limitations and requirements, whether it elects to use an air general permit under this subsection, or obtain an air construction or air operation permit. A facility using one (1) of the air general permits at subsection 62-210.310(5), F.A.C., shall not be entitled to use more than one (1) such air general permit for any single facility, except where all air general permits used at the facility specifically allow the use of one another at the same facility.
(b) The owner or operator of a proposed new or existing facility who registers to use an air general permit in accordance with the procedures of this rule, and who has not been notified by the Department of ineligibility to use the air general permit, is authorized to construct or operate the facility in accordance with the terms and conditions of the specific rule paragraph which constitutes the air general permit for the type of facility involved.
(2) General Procedures. This subsection sets forth general procedures for use of any of the air general permits provided at subsections 62-210.310(4) and (5), F.A.C.
(a) Determination of Eligibility. A facility is eligible to use an air general permit under this rule if it meets all specific eligibility criteria given in the applicable air general permit at subsection 62-210.310(4) or (5), F.A.C., and the following general criteria.
1. The facility shall not contain any emissions units or pollutant-emitting activities not covered by the applicable air general permit, except:
a. Units and activities that are exempt from permitting pursuant to subsection 62-210.300(3), F.A.C., or Rule 62-4.040, F.A.C.; and,
b. Units and activities that are authorized by another air general permit where such other air general permit and the air general permit of interest specifically allow the use of one another at the same facility.
2. The facility as a whole, including any emissions units or pollutant-emitting activities that are exempt from air permitting and any units or activities that are authorized under another air general permit, shall not emit nor have the potential to emit ten (10) tons per year or more of any hazardous air pollutant, twenty-five (25) tons per year or more of any combination of hazardous air pollutants, or one hundred (100) tons per year or more of any other regulated air pollutant.
3. The owner or operator of any facility shall register to use the air general permit pursuant to paragraph 62-210.310(2)(b), F.A.C.
4. The owner or operator of any facility shall re-register to use the air general permit pursuant to paragraph 62-210.310(2)(b), F.A.C., in the following cases: impending expiration of the term for air general permit use; change of ownership of all or part of the facility; proposed new construction, modification, or other equipment change that requires registration pursuant to paragraph 62-210.310(2)(e), F.A.C.; and any other change not considered an administrative correction under paragraph 62-210.310(2)(d), F.A.C.
(b) Registration. The owner or operator who intends to construct or operate an eligible facility under the authority of an air general permit shall submit a registration to the Department. The registration shall be accompanied by the appropriate air general permit processing fee pursuant to Rule 62-4.050, F.A.C. The fee and any hard copy registrations shall be sent via mail or hand delivery or courier to the Department of Environmental Protection, Attn: FDEP Air General Permits, 2600 Blair Stone Road, MS 5500, Tallahassee, Florida, 32399-2400. The registration shall include the following information.
1. The specific air general permit to be used.
2. Whether the registration is an initial registration (registration of a facility that is not currently authorized to construct or operate under the terms and conditions of an air general permit) or a re-registration (registration of a facility that is currently authorized to operate under the terms and conditions of an air general permit).
3. For initial registrations, a statement that the owner or operator surrenders all existing air operation permits for the facility upon the effective date of the air general permit, and a list of the specific permit numbers of the permits to be surrendered, if any.
4. For re-registrations, the facility identification number (if known) and the reason for re-registration (one or more of the following: impending expiration of the term for air general permit use; change of ownership of all or part of the facility; proposed new construction, modification, or other equipment change that requires registration pursuant to paragraph 62-210.310(2)(e), F.A.C.; or any other change not considered an administrative correction under paragraph 62-210.310(2)(d), F.A.C.).
5. The following general facility information: facility owner/company name (name of corporation, agency, or individual owner who or which owns, leases, operates, controls, or supervises the facility); site name (name, if any, of the facility site); facility location (physical location of the facility, not necessarily the mailing address); and, for a proposed new facility, the estimated start-up date.
6. The following information about the facility contact (plant manager or person to be contacted regarding day-to-day operations at the facility): name and position title; contact numbers (all of the following that apply: telephone number, cell phone number, fax number, and email address); and mailing address.
7. If the owner or operator requests that the Department send correspondence regarding the facility to any other person, the following information about each such person: name and position title; contact numbers (all of the following that apply: telephone number, cell phone number, fax number, and email address); and mailing address.
8. A description of the operations at the facility in sufficient detail to demonstrate the facility's eligibility for use of the air general permit and to provide a basis for tracking any future equipment or process changes at the facility. Describe all air pollutant-emitting processes and equipment at the facility, and identify any air pollution control measures or equipment used.
9. Other information required to be included in the registration by the specific air general permit, pursuant to subsection 62-210.310(4) or (5), F.A.C.
(c) Use of Air General Permit.
1. Unless the owner or operator of a facility has been notified by the Department of ineligibility to use the air general permit, the owner or operator may use the air general permit for such facility thirty (30) days after giving notice to the Department. The first day of the thirty (30) day time frame, day one, is the date the Department receives the proper registration and processing fee. The last day of the thirty (30) day time frame, day thirty (30), is the date the owner or operator may use the air general permit, provided there is no agency action to notify the owner or operator of ineligibility to use the air general permit.
2. To avoid lapse of authority to operate, an owner or operator intending to use, or continue to use, an air general permit must submit the proper registration and processing fee at least thirty (30) days prior to expiration of the facility's existing air operation permit or air general permit.
(d) Administrative Corrections. Within thirty (30) days of any minor changes requiring corrections to information contained in the registration, the owner or operator shall notify the Department in writing. Such changes shall include:
1. Any change in the name, address, or phone number of the facility or authorized representative not associated with a change in ownership or with a physical relocation of the facility or any emissions units or operations comprising the facility, or
2. Any other similar minor administrative change at the facility.
(e) Equipment Changes. The owner or operator shall maintain records of all equipment changes. In the case of installation of new process or air pollution control equipment, alteration of existing process or control equipment without replacement, or replacement of existing process or control equipment with equipment that is substantially different in terms of capacity, control efficiency, method of operation, material processed, or intended use than that noted on the most recent registration, the owner or operator shall submit a new and complete air general permit registration for the facility with the appropriate fee pursuant to Rule 62-4.050, F.A.C., to the Department at least 30 days prior to the change; provided however, that any change that would constitute a new major stationary source, major modification, or modification that would be a major modification but for the provisions of paragraph 62-212.400(2)(a), F.A.C., shall require authorization by air construction permit.
(f) Enforcement of Ineligibility. If a facility using an air general permit at any time becomes ineligible for the use of the air general permit, or if any facility using an air general permit is determined to have been initially ineligible for use of the air general permit, it shall be subject to enforcement action for constructing or operating without an air permit under subsection 62-210.300(1) or (2), F.A.C., or Chapter 62-213, F.A.C., as appropriate.
(3) General Conditions. All terms, conditions, requirements, limitations, and restrictions set forth in this subsection are "general permit conditions" and are binding upon the owner or operator of any facility using an air general permit provided at subsection 62-210.310(4) or (5), F.A.C.
(a) The owner or operator's use of an air general permit is limited to five (5) years. Prior to the end of the five (5) year term, the owner or operator who intends to continue using the air general permit for the facility shall re-register with the Department pursuant to paragraph 62-210.310(2)(b), F.A.C. To avoid lapse of authority to operate, the owner or operator must submit the proper registration and processing fee at least thirty (30) days prior to expiration of the facility's existing air general permit. The air general permit re-registration shall contain all current information regarding the facility.
(b) Use of an air general permit is not transferable and does not follow a change in ownership of the facility. Prior to any sale, other change of ownership, or permanent shutdown of the facility, the owner or operator is encouraged to notify the Department of the pending action. The new owner or operator who intends to continue using the air general permit for the facility shall re-register with the Department pursuant to paragraph 62-210.310(2)(b), F.A.C.
(c) The air general permit is valid only for the specific type of facility and associated emissions units and pollutant-emitting activities indicated.
(d) The air general permit does not authorize any demolition or renovation of the facility which involves asbestos removal. The air general permit does not constitute a waiver of any of the requirements of Chapter 62-257, F.A.C., or 40 C.F.R. Part 61, Subpart M, National Emission Standard for Asbestos, adopted and incorporated by reference at Rule 62-204.800, F.A.C.
(e) The general permit does not authorize any open burning.
(f) The owner or operator shall not circumvent any air pollution control device or allow the emission of air pollutants without the proper operation of all applicable air pollution control devices.
(g) The owner or operator shall maintain and operate the authorized facility consistent with manufacturer recommendations and good air pollution control practices necessary to achieve compliance. Throughout the term of air general permit use, the owner or operator shall ensure that the facility maintains its eligibility to use the air general permit and complies with all terms and conditions of the air general permit.
(h) The owner or operator shall allow a duly authorized representative of the Department access to the facility at reasonable times to inspect and test, upon presentation of credentials or other documents as may be required by law, to determine compliance with the air general permit and Department rules.
(i) If, for any reason, the owner or operator of any facility operating under an air general permit does not comply with or will be unable to comply with any condition or limitation of the air general permit, the owner or operator shall immediately provide the Department with the following information as soon as possible, but no later than one (1) business day following discovery:
1. A description of and cause of noncompliance; and,
2. The period of noncompliance, including dates and times; or, if not corrected, the anticipated time the noncompliance is expected to continue, and steps being taken to reduce, eliminate, and prevent recurrence of the noncompliance.
(j) Use of an air general permit does not relieve the owner or operator of the facility from liability and penalties when the construction or operation of the authorized facility causes harm or injury to human health or welfare; causes harm or injury to animal, plant or aquatic life; or causes harm or injury to property. It does not allow the owner or operator to cause pollution in contravention of Florida law.
(k) The air general permit conveys no title to land or water, nor does it constitute state recognition or acknowledgment of title.
(l) The air general permit does not convey any vested rights or exclusive privileges, nor does it authorize any injury to public or private property or any invasion of personal rights. It does not authorize any infringement of federal, state, or local laws or regulations.
(m) Use of the air general permit shall be effective until suspended, revoked, surrendered, expired, or nullified pursuant to this rule and Chapter 120, F.S.
(n) Use of the air general permit does not eliminate the necessity for the owner or operator to obtain any other federal, state or local permits that may be required, or relieve the owner or operator from the duty to comply with any federal, state or local requirements that may apply.
(o) Annual emissions tests required by air general permit rules.
1. An annual emissions test shall not be required for any emissions unit that operated for 400 hours or less (including during startup and shutdown) during the calendar year. If an emission unit operates for more than 400 hours during the calendar year, an emissions test shall be completed no later than 60 days after the emissions unit's annual operation exceeds 400 hours, or by the end of the calendar year, whichever is later.
2. An emissions unit shall not be required to start up for the sole purpose of conducting an emissions test. In such a case, an emissions test shall be completed no later than 60 days after the emissions unit next starts up.
3. Facilities claiming exemptions under paragraph 62-210.310(3)(o), F.A.C. shall maintain records of operational hours to demonstrate exemption eligibility.
(p) Use of an air general permit shall not preclude the Department from requiring a special compliance test pursuant to paragraph 62-297.310(8)(c), F.A.C.
(4) Air General Permits for Facilities Claiming Conditional Exemption from Title V Air Permitting.
(a) Air General Permit for Facilities Comprising a Bulk Gasoline Plant.
1. A facility comprising a bulk gasoline plant shall be eligible to use this air general permit provided it meets the general eligibility criteria of paragraph 62-210.310(2)(a), F.A.C., and the following specific criteria.
a. The facility shall use no other air general permit.
b. The facility shall not be subject to any unit-specific limitation or requirement other than any applicable provisions of Rule 62-296.418 or 62-296.516, F.A.C.
2. A facility using this air general permit shall comply with the general conditions given at subsection 62-210.310(3), F.A.C., and the following specific conditions.
a. The facility shall receive and distribute only petroleum-based lubricants, gasoline, diesel fuel, mineral spirits and kerosene.
b. The total storage capacity for gasoline at the facility shall not exceed 150, 000 gallons.
c. The facility shall not exceed a throughput rate (distribute) of 6.0 million gallons of gasoline in any consecutive twelve (12) months.
d. The owner or operator shall maintain records to document the throughput rate of gasoline on a monthly basis. The owner or operator shall retain these records, available for Department inspection, for a period of at least five (5) years.
e. The facility shall comply with all applicable provisions of Rules 62-296.418 and 62-296.516, F.A.C.
3. The registration for this air general permit shall include all the following information.
a. For initial registrations, an estimate of the facility's expected gasoline throughput rate (amount distributed) over a 12-month period.
b. For re-registrations, the highest 12-month gasoline throughput rate for the facility for the previous five years, and the 12-month period over which this usage occurred.
c. The county in which the facility is located.
d. The annual average daily throughput (gallons) of the facility.
e. The date the facility began (or is expected to begin) operation.
f. The capacity (gallons) of each gasoline storage tank at the facility.
g. For each gasoline storage tank, whether the tank is equipped for submerged filling (yes or no); whether the tank is equipped with a loading rack (yes or no); and whether the loading rack is equipped with a vapor collection and control system (yes or no).
h. A description of the loading racks and vapor collection and control system.
(b) Air General Permit for Facilities Comprising Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines.
1. A facility comprising one (1) or more stationary reciprocating internal combustion engines shall be eligible to use this air general permit provided it meets the general eligibility criteria of paragraph 62-210.310(2)(a), F.A.C., and the following specific criteria.
a. The facility shall use no other air general permit.
b. The facility shall not be subject to any unit-specific limitation or requirement other than any such limitation or requirement set forth in this air general permit.
2. A facility using this air general permit shall comply with the general conditions given at subsection 62-210.310(3), F.A.C., and the following specific conditions.
a. Total fuel consumption by all stationary reciprocating internal combustion engines at the facility shall not exceed 428, 000 gallons per year of gasoline, 250, 000 gallons per year of diesel fuel, 1.15 million gallons per year of propane, 40 million standard cubic feet per year of natural gas, or an equivalent prorated amount if multiple fuels are used.
b. If multiple fuels are used, the equivalent prorated amount of each fuel burned shall not exceed the total amount of such fuel allowed to be burned, as given in sub-subparagraph a., multiplied by a fuel percentage. The fuel percentage is the percentage ratio of the amount of the fuel burned at the facility to the total amount of such fuel allowed to be burned at the facility pursuant to sub-subparagraph a. The sum of the fuel percentages for all fuels burned by the facility shall not exceed 100 percent.
c. The owner or operator shall maintain records to document the fuel consumption, by type, on an annual basis. The owner or operator shall retain these records, available for Department inspection, for a period of at least five (5) years.
d. If the stationary compression ignition reciprocating internal combustion engine is subject to 40 C.F.R. Part 60, Subpart IIII, adopted and incorporated by reference at Rule 62-204.800, F.A.C., or by modification or reconstruction becomes subject to such subpart, the owner or operator shall comply with all limitations and requirements of Subpart IIII that apply to the engine.
e. If the stationary spark ignition reciprocating internal combustion engine is subject to 40 C.F.R. Part 60, Subpart JJJJ, adopted and incorporated by reference at Rule 62-204.800, F.A.C., or by modification or reconstruction becomes subject to such subpart, the owner or operator shall comply with all limitations and requirements of Subpart JJJJ that apply to the engine.
f. If the stationary reciprocating internal combustion engine is subject to 40 C.F.R. Part 63, Subpart ZZZZ, adopted and incorporated by reference at Rule 62-204.800, F.A.C., the owner or operator shall comply with all limitations and requirements of Subpart ZZZZ that apply to the engine. If emissions testing is required pursuant to Subpart ZZZZ, all notifications of upcoming tests and reports shall be submitted to the Department in accordance with the provisions of Subpart ZZZZ.
3. The registration for this air general permit shall include all the following information.
a. For initial registrations, an estimate of the total amount of fuel expected to be consumed over a 12-month period.
b. For re-registrations, the highest 12-month total fuel consumption amount for the last five years, and the 12-month period over which this consumption occurred.
c. For each compression ignition reciprocating internal combustion engine subject to 40 C.F.R. Part 60, Subpart IIII, adopted and incorporated by reference at Rule 62-204.800, F.A.C., the engine manufacturer; model number; whether it is an emergency engine as per the definition at 40 C.F.R. Part 60, Subpart IIII, adopted and incorporated by reference at Rule 62-204.800, F.A.C. (yes or no); whether there is a manufacturer certification for the engine (yes or no); and the displacement (liters per cylinder).
d. For each spark ignition reciprocating internal combustion engine subject to 40 C.F.R. Part 60, Subpart JJJJ, adopted and incorporated by reference at Rule 62-204.800, F.A.C., the engine manufacturer; model number; whether it is an emergency engine as per the definition at 40 C.F.R. Part 60, Subpart JJJJ, adopted and incorporated by reference at Rule 62-204.800, F.A.C. (yes or no); whether there is a manufacturer certification for the engine (yes or no); and the rated capacity (horsepower).
e. For each compression ignition reciprocating internal combustion engine subject to 40 C.F.R. Part 63, Subpart ZZZZ, adopted and incorporated by reference at Rule 62-204.800, F.A.C., but not subject to 40 C.F.R. Part 60, Subpart IIII, adopted and incorporated by reference at Rule 62-204.800, F.A.C., the engine manufacturer; model number; whether it is an emergency engine or limited use engine as per the definitions at 40 C.F.R. Part 63, Subpart ZZZZ, adopted and incorporated by reference at Rule 62-204.800, F.A.C. (yes or no); engine displacement (liters per cylinder); and rated capacity (horsepower).
f. For each spark ignition internal reciprocating combustion engine subject to 40 C.F.R. Part 63, Subpart ZZZZ, adopted and incorporated by reference at Rule 62-204.800, F.A.C., but not subject to 40 C.F.R. Part 60, Subpart JJJJ, adopted and incorporated by reference at Rule 62-204.800, F.A.C., the engine manufacturer; model number; whether it is an emergency engine or limited use engine as per the definitions at 40 C.F.R. Part 63, Subpart ZZZZ, adopted and incorporated by reference at Rule 62-204.800, F.A.C. (yes or no); engine type (two stroke lean burn, four stroke lean burn, or four stroke rich burn); and rated capacity (horsepower).
(c) Air General Permit for Facilities Comprising Surface Coating Operations.
1. A facility comprising one (1) or more surface coating operations shall be eligible to use this air general permit provided it meets the general eligibility criteria of paragraph 62-210.310(2)(a), F.A.C., and the following specific criteria.
a. The facility shall use no other air general permit.
b. The facility shall not be subject to any unit-specific limitation or requirement other than any such limitation or requirement set forth in this air general permit.
2. A facility using this air general permit shall comply with the general conditions given at subsection 62-210.310(3), F.A.C., and the following specific conditions.
a. The total quantity of volatile organic compounds in all coatings used shall not exceed forty-four (44) pounds per day, averaged monthly, where coatings used shall include all solvents and thinners used in the process or for cleanup.
b. The owner or operator shall maintain records to document the VOC content and the quantity of coatings used. The owner or operator shall retain these records, available for Department inspection, for a period of at least five (5) years.
c. If the facility is subject to Rules 62-296.501 through 62-296.515, F.A.C., the facility shall comply with all applicable provisions of those rules.
3. The registration for this air general permit shall include all the following information.
a. For initial registrations, an estimate of the average quantity of volatile organic compounds in all coatings (solvents and thinners) expected to be used on a daily basis.
b. For re-registrations, the highest monthly average of the daily quantity of volatile organic compounds in all coatings (solvents and thinners) used in the last five years, and the month and year during which this usage occurred.
(d) Air General Permit for Facilities Comprising Reinforced Polyester Resin Operations.
1. A facility comprising one or more reinforced polyester resin operations shall be eligible to use this air general permit provided it meets the general eligibility criteria of paragraph 62-210.310(2)(a), F.A.C., and the following specific criteria.
a. The facility shall use no other air general permit.
b. The facility shall not be subject to any unit-specific limitation or requirement other than any such limitation or requirement set forth in this air general permit.
2. A facility using this air general permit shall comply with the general conditions given at subsection 62-210.310(3), F.A.C., and the following specific conditions.
a. The combined quantity of styrene-containing resin and gelcoat used shall not exceed 76, 000 pounds (thirty-eight (38) tons) in any consecutive twelve (12) months.
b. The facility shall comply with the objectionable odor prohibition of subsection 62-296.320(2), F.A.C.
c. The owner or operator shall maintain records to document the quantity of resin and gelcoat used on a monthly basis. The owner or operator shall retain these records, available for Department inspection, for a period of at least five (5) years.
3. The registration for this air general permit shall include all the following information.
a. For initial registrations, an estimate of the total quantity, in pounds, of styrene-containing materials (resin and gelcoat) expected to be used over a 12-month period.
b. For re-registrations, the highest 12-month total quantity, in pounds, of styrene-containing materials (resin and gelcoat) used in the last five years, and the 12-month period over which this usage occurred.
(e) Air General Permit for Facilities Comprising Cast Polymer Operations.
1. A facility comprising one (1) or more cast polymer operations shall be eligible to use this air general permit provided it meets the general eligibility criteria of paragraph 62-210.310(2)(a), F.A.C., and the following specific criteria.
a. The facility shall use no other air general permit.
b. The facility shall not be subject to any unit-specific limitation or requirement other than any such limitation or requirement set forth in this air general permit.
2. A facility using this air general permit shall comply with the general conditions given at subsection 62-210.310(3), F.A.C., and the following specific conditions.
a. The combined quantity of styrene-containing resin and gel coat used shall not exceed 284, 000 pounds (142 tons) in any consecutive twelve (12) months.
b. The facility shall comply with the objectionable odor prohibition of subsection 62-296.320(2), F.A.C.
c. The owner or operator shall maintain records to document the quantity of resin and gel coat used on a monthly basis. The owner or operator shall retain these records, available for Department inspection, for a period of at least five (5) years.
3. The registration for this air general permit shall include all the following information.
a. For initial registrations, an estimate, in pounds, of the total quantity of styrene-containing materials (resin and gelcoat) expected to be used over a 12-month period.
b. For re-registrations, the highest 12-month total quantity, in pounds, of styrene-containing materials (resin and gelcoat) used in the last five years, and the 12-month period over which this usage occurred.
(f) Air General Permit for Facilities Comprising Printing Operations.
1. A facility comprising one (1) or more printing operations shall be eligible to use this air general permit provided it meets the general eligibility criteria of paragraph 62-210.310(2)(a), F.A.C., and the following specific criteria.
a. The facility shall use no other air general permit.
b. The facility shall not be subject to any unit-specific limitation or requirement other than any such limitation or requirement set forth in this air general permit.
2. A facility using this air general permit shall comply with the general conditions given at subsection 62-210.310(3), F.A.C., and the following specific conditions, provided, however, that the facility shall comply with the limitations of either sub-subparagraph 62-210.310(4)(f) 2.a. or b., F.A.C. The facility may change method of compliance between sub-subparagraphs 62-210.310(4)(f) 2.a. and b., F.A.C., provided the owner or operator maintains records to demonstrate compliance with the appropriate requirement at the time of change and thereafter.
a. The facility shall not emit eighty (80) tons or more of volatile organic compounds, eight (8) tons or more of any individual hazardous air pollutant, or twenty (20) tons or more of any combination of hazardous air pollutants in any consecutive twelve (12) months. The facility shall not rely upon add-on controls to meet these limitations. The owner or operator shall keep records of material usage and calculate, using a mass balance approach, for each calendar month and each consecutive twelve (12) months, the emissions of volatile organic compounds, individual hazardous air pollutants and total combined hazardous air pollutants. The owner or operator shall retain these records, available for Department inspection, for a period of at least five (5) years, or
b. The facility shall use less than 1, 333 gallons of materials containing any hazardous air pollutants and not exceed the following material usage limitations in any consecutive twelve (12) months. The owner or operator shall keep records of material usage for each calendar month and each consecutive twelve (12) months to demonstrate compliance with such limitations. The owner or operator shall retain these records, available for Department inspection, for a period of at least five (5) years. Specifically, the facility shall:
(I) Operate only heatset offset lithographic printing lines and use less than 100, 000 pounds, combined, of inks, cleaning solvents, fountain solution concentrate and fountain solution additives,
(II) Operate only non-heatset offset lithographic printing lines and use less than 14, 250 gallons, combined, of cleaning solvents, fountain solution concentrate and fountain solution additives,
(III) Operate only digital printing lines and use less than 12, 100 gallons, combined, of solvent based inks, clean-up solutions and other solvent-containing materials,
(IV) Operate only screen or letterpress printing lines and use less than 14, 250 gallons, combined, of solvent based inks, clean-up solutions and other solvent-containing materials,
(V) Operate only water-based or ultraviolet-cured material flexographic or rotogravure printing lines and use less than 400, 000 pounds, combined, of water-based inks, coatings and adhesives,
(VI) Operate only solvent-based material flexographic or rotogravure printing lines and use less than 100, 000 pounds, combined, of inks, dilution solvents, coatings, cleaning solutions and adhesives, or
(VII) Operate any combination of heatset lithographic, non-heatset lithographic, digital, screen or letterpress, rotogravure or flexographic printing lines and use no more than the most stringent of the material usage limitations contained in sub-sub-subparagraphs 62-210.310(4)(f) 2.b.(I) through (VI), F.A.C., for the type of printing lines at the facility. For purposes of determining which limit is the most stringent, the pounds of materials used for heatset offset lithographic lines and flexographic lines shall be converted to the equivalent gallons by dividing by 8.5 pounds per gallon and shall be compared with the limits for non-heatset offset lithographic, digital, screen and letterpress lines, as applicable, for the type of printing lines at the facility. The most stringent limit shall apply to the total of all solvent-containing material used.
c. The facility shall comply with the objectionable odor prohibition of subsection 62-296.320(2), F.A.C.
d. If the facility is subject to Rule 62-296.515, F.A.C., the facility shall comply with all applicable provisions of that rule.
3. The registration for this air general permit shall include all the following information.
a. For initial registrations, the method (mass balance or material usage rates) expected to be used to demonstrate compliance with subparagraph 62-210.310(4)(f) 2., F.A.C., and the estimated amount of materials containing hazardous air pollutants and solvent-containing materials expected to be used over a 12-month period.
b. For re-registrations of facilities where compliance is demonstrated through mass balance, the calculations to show compliance with sub-subparagraph 62-210.310(4)(f) 2.a., F.A.C.
c. For re-registrations of facilities where compliance is demonstrated through material usage rates, the highest 12-month total quantity of materials containing hazardous air pollutants and the highest 12-month total quantity of solvent-containing materials used in the last five years to show compliance with sub-subparagraph 62-210.310(4)(f) 2.b., F.A.C.
d. For re-registrations of facilities where compliance is demonstrated through both mass balance and material usage rates, the information specified above in sub-subparagraphs 62-210.310(4)(f) 3.a. and 62-210.320(4)(f)3.b., F.A.C.
e. A description of the number and types of printing processes, presses, and ink systems being used at the facility (one or more of the following: heatset offset lithographic; screen or letterpress; flexographic; non-heatset offset lithographic; water based; rotogravure; digital; or ultraviolet cured).
(g) Air General Permit for Facilities Comprising Asphalt Concrete Plants.
1. For purposes of this air general permit, the terms "asphalt" and "asphalt concrete plant" shall have the meaning given at Rule 62-210.200, F.A.C., and the term "site" shall mean one or more contiguous or adjacent properties under control of the same person (or persons under common control).
2. A facility comprising one relocatable asphalt concrete plant or one or more stationary asphalt concrete plants shall be eligible to use this air general permit provided it meets the general eligibility criteria of paragraph 62-210.310(2)(a), F.A.C.
3. A facility using this air general permit shall comply with the general conditions given at subsection 62-210.310(3), F.A.C., and the following specific conditions:
a. The production rate of asphaltic concrete shall not exceed 600, 000 tons in any consecutive twelve-month period for a drum mix process or 300, 000 tons in any consecutive twelve-month period for a batch mix process or an equivalent prorated amount if multiple processes are used.
b. Fuel oil or on-specification used oil shall not exceed 0.5 percent sulfur content, by weight. The owner shall maintain records to demonstrate that each shipment of fuel oil or on-specification used oil contains 0.5 sulfur percent or less. The on-specification used oil shall meet the standards and requirements in 40 CFR 279.10, and, 40 CFR 761.20, as adopted and incorporated by reference in Rule 62-710.210, F.A.C. The owner shall document that the used oil meets the specifications in these regulations. Records of these documents shall be kept onsite and made available if requested by the Department. All records shall be maintained for at least 5 years.
c. The particulate matter (PM) emissions shall not exceed 0.04 grains per dry standard cubic foot averaged over a three-hour period.
d. If the facility is subject to 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart I, as adopted and incorporated by reference in rule 62-204.800, F.A.C., the owner or operator shall comply with all limitations and requirements of 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart I.
e. Fugitive PM emissions shall be controlled in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 62-296.320(4)(c), F.A.C.
f. Visible emissions (VE) shall not be equal to or greater than 20 percent opacity.
g. The owner or operator shall maintain records to document the monthly and the twelve-month rolling totals of tons of asphaltic concrete produced, the gallons of fuel oil and on-specification used oil consumed, and the hours of operation. Such records shall be retained for five years.
h. The owner or operator shall conduct a stack test using EPA Reference Method 5 or 5A and a visible emission (VE) test using EPA Reference Method 9, adopted and incorporated by reference in Rule 62-204.800, F.A.C., to demonstrate compliance with the applicable PM and VE standards, respectively, no later than 60 days after the facility commences initial operation. The owner or operator shall conduct PM and VE tests annually thereafter, unless exempted pursuant to paragraph 62-210.310(3)(o), F.A.C.. All annual compliance tests and initial tests for facilities not subject to 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart I shall be noticed, conducted, and reported to the Department in accordance with the requirements of Rule 62-297.310, F.A.C.
i. At least one (1) business day prior to relocation, the owner or operator of any relocatable asphalt concrete plant proposing to change location shall submit to the Department a Facility Relocation Notification Form (DEP Form No. 62-210.900(6)), adopted and incorporated by reference herein (http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-09535).
4. A facility using this air general permit may collocate with other facilities that separately registered for, and are also using an asphalt concrete plant, concrete batching plant, or nonmetallic mineral processing plant air general permits at paragraph 62-210.310(5)(b) or (e), F.A.C., even if under the control of different persons, provided the following conditions are met.
a. The collocation site does not contain any emissions units and pollutant-emitting activities other than asphalt concrete plants, concrete batching plants, and nonmetallic mineral processing plants using air general permits, and other emissions units and pollutant-emitting activities exempted from permitting pursuant to subsection 62-210.300(3), F.A.C., or Rule 62-4.040, F.A.C.
b. The total production of asphalt concrete of collocated asphalt concrete plants shall not exceed 600, 000 tons in any consecutive twelve-month period for a drum mix process or 300, 000 tons in any consecutive twelve-month period for a batch mix process or an equivalent prorated amount if multiple processes are used.
c. The total fuel consumption by any collocated concrete batching plant and nonmetallic mineral processing plants shall not exceed 350, 000 gallons per year of gasoline, 200, 000 gallons per year of diesel fuel, 900, 000 gallons per year of propane, 32 million standard cubic feet per year of natural gas, or an equivalent prorated amount if multiple fuels are used.
d. If multiple fuels are used by any of the collocated concrete batching plant and nonmetallic mineral processing plants, the equivalent prorated amount of each fuel burned shall not exceed the total amount of such fuel allowed to be burned, as given in sub-subparagraph c., multiplied by a fuel percentage. The fuel percentage is the percentage ratio of the amount of the fuel burned at the facility to the total amount of such fuel allowed to be burned at the facility pursuant to sub-subparagraph c. The sum of the fuel percentages for all fuels burned by the facility shall not exceed 100 percent.
e. The owners or operators of all collocated asphalt concrete plants, concrete batching plants and nonmetallic mineral processing plants shall maintain records to account for site-wide asphalt concrete production and fuel consumption for each collocated unit for each calendar month and each consecutive twelve months. The owners or operators shall retain these records, available for Department inspection, for a period of at least five years.
5. Under the authority of this air general permit, a relocatable asphalt concrete plant may perform a non-routine task, such as making asphalt concrete for a construction project, at a facility with authorization by individual air construction or air operation permit, without revision to the facility's individual air permit. The owner or operator of such asphalt concrete plant shall keep records to indicate how long the plant has been at the permitted facility.
6. The registration for this air general permit shall include all the following information.
a. The type of facility (stationary or relocatable).
b. The type of registration (initial or re-registration).
c. For initial registrations, an estimate of the total production rate of asphaltic concrete, in tons, expected for the initial 12-month period.
d. For re-registrations, the highest 12-month total production rate of asphaltic concrete, in tons, in the last five years, and the 12-month period over which this production occurred.
e. If the asphalt concrete plant was at any time a collocated facility, include fuel consumption by any other asphalt concrete plant, concrete batching or nonmetallic mineral processing plants.
f. The precautions to be used to prevent unconfined emissions of particulate matter from roads, parking areas, stock piles, and yards (one or more of the following: pave roads; pave parking areas; pave yards; maintain roads/parking/yards; use water application; use dust suppressant; remove particulate matter; reduce stock pile height; or install wind breaks).
g. The precautions to be used to prevent unconfined emissions of particulate matter from drop points to trucks (one or more of the following: spray bar; chute; enclosure; or partial enclosure).
h. For each silo, weigh hopper, batcher, and other enclosed storage and conveying equipment at the facility, provide the process equipment type (silo, weigh hopper, batcher, or other); an identifier specific to each piece of equipment (location, numeric designation, capacity, product, or other); control device (baghouse, vent filter, or other); and control device manufacturer and model number.
i. For each asphalt concrete plant, identify if the plant is subject to 40 C.F.R. Part 60, Subpart I, adopted and incorporated by reference at Rule 62-204.800, F.A.C. (yes or no.)
j. For each asphalt concrete plant, identify if the plant is subject to Rule 62-296.704, F.A.C. (yes or no.)
(5) Air General Permits for Miscellaneous Facilities.
(a) Air General Permit for Facilities Comprising Volume Reduction, Mercury Recovery, and Mercury Reclamation Processes.
1. For purposes of this air general permit, the terms "volume reduction process, " "mercury recovery process, " and "mercury reclamation process" have the meanings given at Rule 62-296.417, F.A.C.
2. A facility comprising one (1) or more volume reduction, mercury recovery, and mercury reclamation processes shall be eligible to use this air general permit provided it meets the general eligibility criteria of paragraph 62-210.310(2)(a), F.A.C.
3. A facility using this air general permit shall comply with the general conditions given at subsection 62-210.310(3), F.A.C., and all applicable provisions of Rule 62-296.417, F.A.C.
4. The registration for this air general permit shall include all the following information.
a. The type of process (one or more of the following: volume reduction, mercury recovery, or mercury reclamation).
b. For facilities with dual air handling systems pursuant to paragraph 62-296.417(1)(c), F.A.C., a description of the air pollution control equipment on the primary and secondary air handling systems; the number, type, and capacity of the filters; the make and model numbers of the air pollution control equipment on the primary and secondary air handling systems; and the type of adsorbent used, the number and location of filters, and the filter capacity and replacement frequency.
c. For facilities with a single air handling system with redundant mercury controls pursuant to paragraph 62-296.417(1)(d), F.A.C., a description of the redundant air pollution control equipment; the number, type, and capacity of filters; the make and model numbers of the air pollution control equipment; and the type of adsorbent used, the number and location of filters, and the filter capacity and replacement frequency.
(b) Air General Permit for Facilities Comprising Concrete Batching Plants.
1. For purposes of this air general permit, the term "concrete batching plant" shall have the meaning given at Rule 62-296.414, F.A.C., and the term "site" shall mean one or more contiguous or adjacent properties under control of the same person (or persons under common control).
2. A facility comprising one (1) or more stationary or relocatable concrete batching plants shall be eligible to use this air general permit provided it meets the general eligibility criteria of paragraph 62-210.310(2)(a), F.A.C.
3. A facility using this air general permit shall comply with the general conditions given at subsection 62-210.310(3), F.A.C., and the following specific conditions.
a. The facility shall comply with all applicable provisions of Rule 62-296.414, F.A.C.
b. At least one (1) business day prior to relocation, the owner or operator of any relocatable concrete batching plant or equipment used to mix cement and soil for onsite soil augmentation or stabilization proposing to change location shall submit to the Department a Facility Relocation Notification Form (DEP Form No. 62-210.900(6)), adopted and incorporated by reference herein (http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-09535).
4. A facility using this air general permit may collocate with other facilities that separately registered for, and are also using, the concrete batching plant air general permit, with facilities using the nonmetallic mineral processing plant air general permit at paragraph 62-210.310(5)(e), F.A.C., and with facilities using the asphalt concrete plant air general permit at paragraph 62-210.310(4)(g), F.A.C., even if under the control of different persons, provided the following conditions are met.
a. The collocation site does not contain any emissions units and pollutant-emitting activities other than concrete batching plants using air general permits, nonmetallic mineral processing and asphalt concrete plants using air general permits, and nonmetallic mineral processing plants or other emissions units and pollutant-emitting activities exempted from permitting pursuant to subsection 62-210.300(3) or Rule 62-4.040, F.A.C.
b. The total fuel consumption by all emissions units authorized by the air general permit at the collocation site shall not exceed 275, 000 gallons of diesel fuel, 428, 000 gallons per year of gasoline, 44 million standard cubic feet per year of natural gas, or 1.3 million gallons per year of propane, or an equivalent prorated amount if multiple fuels are used. If the collocation site includes an asphalt concrete plant using an air general permit, the fuel usage limitation of sub-subparagraph 62-210.310(4)(g) 4.c., F.A.C., shall apply.
c. If multiple fuels are used, the equivalent prorated amount of each fuel burned shall not exceed the total amount of such fuel allowed to be burned, as given in sub-subparagraph b., multiplied by a fuel percentage. The fuel percentage is the percentage ratio of the amount of the fuel burned at the facility to the total amount of such fuel allowed to be burned at the facility pursuant to sub-subparagraph b. The sum of the fuel percentages for all fuels burned by the facility shall not exceed one hundred percent (100%).
d. The owners or operators of all collocated concrete batching plants, asphalt concrete plants, and nonmetallic mineral processing plants shall maintain records to account for site-wide fuel consumption for each calendar month and each consecutive twelve (12) months. The owners or operators shall retain these records, available for Department inspection, for a period of at least five (5) years.
5. Under the authority of this air general permit, a relocatable concrete batching plant may perform a non-routine task, such as making concrete for a construction project, at a facility with authorization by individual air construction or air operation permit, without revision to the facility's individual air permit. The owner or operator of such concrete batching plant shall keep records to indicate how long the plant has been at the permitted facility.
6. The registration for this air general permit shall include all the following information.
a. The type of facility (stationary or relocatable).
b. The precautions to be used to prevent unconfined emissions of particulate matter from roads, parking areas, stock piles, and yards (one or more of the following: pave roads; pave parking areas; pave yards; maintain roads/parking/yards; use water application; use dust suppressant; remove particulate matter; reduce stock pile height; or install wind breaks).
c. The precautions to be used to prevent unconfined emissions of particulate matter from drop points to trucks (one or more of the following: spray bar; chute; enclosure; or partial enclosure).
d. For each silo, weigh hopper, batcher, and other enclosed storage and conveying equipment that is limited to a visible emissions of 5 percent opacity pursuant to subsection 62-296.414(1), F.A.C., the process equipment type (silo, weigh hopper, batcher, or other); an identifier specific to each piece of equipment (location, numeric designation, capacity, product, or other); control device (baghouse, vent filter, or other); and control device manufacturer and model number.
(c) Air General Permit for Facilities Comprising Human Crematories.
1. A facility comprising one (1) or more human crematories shall be eligible to use this air general permit provided it meets the general eligibility criteria of paragraph 62-210.310(2)(a), F.A.C.
2. A facility using this air general permit shall comply with the general conditions given at subsection 62-210.310(3), F.A.C., and the following specific conditions.
a. The facility shall comply with all applicable provisions of subsection 62-296.401(5), F.A.C.
b. The owner or operator may use a human crematory air general permit and an animal crematory air general permit at the same facility, provided all human crematory units operate under a single human crematory air general permit and all animal crematory units operate under a single animal crematory air general permit.
3. The registration for this air general permit shall include all the following information.
a. For an initial registration for a proposed new human crematory unit, design calculations to confirm a sufficient volume in the secondary chamber combustion zone to provide for at least a 1.0 second gas residence time at 1800 degrees F.
b. For each crematory unit, the manufacturer, model number, serial number, and rated capacity.
(d) Air General Permit for Facilities Comprising Animal Crematories.
1. A facility comprising one (1) or more animal crematories shall be eligible to use this air general permit provided it meets the general eligibility criteria of paragraph 62-210.310(2)(a), F.A.C., and no animal crematory unit at the facility exceeds a design capacity of 500 pounds per hour cremated.
2. A facility using this air general permit shall comply with the general conditions given at subsection 62-210.310(3), F.A.C., and the following specific conditions.
a. The facility shall comply with all applicable provisions of subsection 62-296.401(6), F.A.C.
b. The owner or operator may use an animal crematory air general permit and a human crematory air general permit at the same facility, provided all animal crematory units operate under a single animal crematory air general permit and all human crematory units operate under a single human crematory air general permit.
3. The registration for this air general permit shall include all the following information.
a. For an initial registration for a proposed new animal crematory unit, design calculations to confirm a sufficient volume in the secondary chamber combustion zone to provide for at least a 1.0 second gas residence time at 1, 800 degrees F.
b. For each crematory unit, the manufacturer, model number, serial number, and rated capacity.
(e) Air General Permit for Facilities Comprising Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants (Crushing Operations).
1. For purposes of this air general permit, the definitions at 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOO, adopted and incorporated by reference at rule 62-204.800, F.A.C., shall apply, and the term "site" shall mean one or more contiguous or adjacent properties under control of the same person (or persons under common control). A facility need not be subject to 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOO, to be eligible for use of this air general permit. If a facility using this air general permit later becomes subject to 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOO, the owner or operator shall re-register with the Department.
2. A stationary or relocatable facility comprising one (1) or more nonmetallic mineral processing plants shall be eligible to use this air general permit provided it meets the general eligibility criteria of paragraph 62-210.310(2)(a), F.A.C.
3. A facility using this air general permit shall comply with the general conditions given at subsection 62-210.310(3), F.A.C., and the following specific conditions.
a. The total fuel consumption by the facility shall not exceed 428, 000 gallons per year of gasoline, 275, 000 gallons per year of diesel fuel, 1.3 million gallons per year of propane, 44 million standard cubic feet per year of natural gas, or an equivalent prorated amount if multiple fuels are used.
b. If multiple fuels are used, the equivalent prorated amount of each fuel burned shall not exceed the total amount of such fuel allowed to be burned, as given in sub-subparagraph a., multiplied by a fuel percentage. The fuel percentage is the percentage ratio of the amount of the fuel burned at the facility to the total amount of such fuel allowed to be burned at the facility pursuant to sub-subparagraph a. The sum of the fuel percentages for all fuels burned by the facility shall not exceed 100 percent.
c. Pursuant to Rule 62-296.320, F.A.C., the following reasonable precautions shall be employed to control unconfined emissions of particulate matter.
(I) Unconfined emissions from all relocatable nonmetallic mineral processing plants, except those located at mines or quarries and processing only material from onsite natural deposits, and all stationary nonmetallic mineral processing plants that process dry material shall be controlled by using a water suppression system with spray bars located wherever unconfined emissions occur at the feeder(s), the entrance and exit of the crusher(s), the classifier screens, and the conveyor drop points.
(II) Unconfined emissions generated by vehicular traffic or wind shall be controlled by applying water (by water trucks equipped with spray bars) or effective dust suppressant(s) on a regular basis to all stockpiles, roadways and work yards where the nonmetallic mineral processing plant is located.
d. Visible emissions from any crusher, grinding mill, screening operation, bucket elevator, transfer point on belt conveyors, bagging operation, storage bin, enclosed truck or railcar loading station, or any other affected emission point at a nonmetallic mineral processing plant not subject to 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOO, shall be less than twenty percent (20%) opacity, pursuant to Rule 62-296.320, F.A.C.
e. Nonmetallic mineral processing plants subject to 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOO, shall comply with all applicable standards, limitations, and requirements of Subpart OOO. Such facilities shall conduct initial performance tests for particulate matter and visible emissions in accordance with all requirements of Subpart OOO and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart A, adopted and incorporated by reference at rule 62-204.800, F.A.C. Thereafter, such facilities shall conduct performance tests for visible emissions annually, in accordance with the test methods and procedures set forth in 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOO, unless exempted pursuant to paragraph 62-210.310(3)(o), F.A.C. All annual visible emissions performance tests shall be noticed and reported to the Department in accordance with the requirements of Rule 62-297.310, F.A.C.
f. At least one (1) business day prior to relocation, the owner or operator of any relocatable nonmetallic mineral processing plant proposing to change location shall submit to the Department a Facility Relocation Notification Form (DEP Form No. 62-210.900(6), adopted and incorporated by reference herein (http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-09535).
4. A facility using this air general permit may collocate with other facilities that separately registered for, and are also using, the nonmetallic mineral processing plant air general permit, with facilities using the concrete batching plant air general permit at paragraph 62-210.310(5)(b), F.A.C., and with facilities using the asphalt concrete plant air general permit at paragraph 62-210.310(4)(g), F.A.C., even if under the control of different persons, provided the following conditions are met.
a. The collocation site shall not contain any emissions units and pollutant-emitting activities other than concrete batching plants using air general permits, nonmetallic mineral processing plants using air general permits, and nonmetallic mineral processing plants or other emissions units and pollutant-emitting activities exempted from permitting pursuant to subsection 62-210.300(3), F.A.C., or Rule 62-4.040, F.A.C.
b. The fuel usage limitations of sub-subparagraphs 62-210.310(5)(e) 3.a. and b., F.A.C., shall apply to the collocation site, unless the collocation site includes an asphalt concrete plant using an air general permit, in which case the fuel usage limitation of sub-subparagraph 62-210.310(4)(g) 4.c., F.A.C., shall apply. The owners or operators of all collocated concrete batching, asphalt concrete, and nonmetallic mineral processing plants shall maintain records to account for site-wide fuel consumption for each calendar month and each consecutive twelve (12) months. The owners or operators shall retain these records, available for Department inspection, for a period of at least five (5) years.
5. Under the authority of this air general permit, a relocatable nonmetallic mineral processing plant may perform a non-routine task, such as crushing concrete for a demolition project, at a facility with authorization by individual air construction or air operation permit, without revision to the facility's individual air permit. The owner or operator of such nonmetallic mineral processing plant shall keep records to indicate how long the plant has been at the permitted facility. No nonmetallic mineral processing plant using this air general permit shall perform a task routinely done at the individually permitted facility, such as crushing recycled asphalt pavement (rap) at an asphalt plant, unless operation of the nonmetallic mineral processing plant is authorized by the air construction or air operation permit, as applicable, for the permitted facility.
6. The registration for this air general permit shall include all the following information.
a. The type of facility (stationary or relocatable).
b. The precautions to be used to prevent unconfined emissions of particulate matter from roads, parking areas, stock piles, and yards (one or more of the following: pave roads; pave parking areas; pave yards; maintain roads/parking/yards; use water application; use dust suppressant; remove particulate matter; reduce stock pile height; or install wind breaks).
c. The location of spray bars (one or more of the following: feeders; entrance to crushing operation; exit of crushing operation; classifier screens; or conveyor drop points).
d. For each emission unit, component description (primary crusher, secondary crusher, screener, conveyor, reciprocating internal combustion engine, or other fuel burning equipment), manufacturer, date of manufacture, model number, serial number, and rated capacity (tons per hour material throughput or horsepower).
e. A diagram with a list and description of each emission point subject to a visible emissions test pursuant to Rule 62-210.310(5)(e) 3.e., F.A.C.
(f) Air General Permit for Facilities Comprising Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaning Systems.
1. For the purposes of this air general permit, the definitions at 40 C.F.R. Part 63, Subparts A and M, adopted and incorporated by reference at rule 62-204.800, F.A.C., shall apply.
2. A facility comprising one or more perchloroethylene dry cleaning systems shall be eligible to use this air general permit provided it meets the general eligibility criteria of paragraph 62-210.310(2)(a), F.A.C.
3. A facility using this air general permit shall comply with the general conditions given at subsection 62-210.310(3), F.A.C., and with all requirements of 40 C.F.R. Part 63, Subparts A and M, adopted and incorporated by reference at Rule 62-204.800, F.A.C., as applicable, except as follows.
a. In lieu of the provisions of 40 C.F.R. § 63.6(e)(3) and 40 C.F.R. § 63.10(d)(5), the owner or operator shall maintain onsite a startup, shutdown, malfunction plan for the facility that describes, in detail, procedures for operating and maintaining the equipment during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction. The plan may be in the form of an equipment operation manual and shall also specify corrective action for malfunctioning process and air pollution control equipment.
b. During periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction, the owner or operator shall operate and maintain equipment in accordance with the procedures specified in the plan. Records of compliance with the plan shall be kept onsite for a minimum of five years and shall contain a certification statement signed by the owner or operator that the documentation is true, accurate, and complete, based upon information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry.
c. If any action is taken which is inconsistent with the plan, the owner or operator shall record and report the actions taken to the Department during facility inspections. The record shall explain the circumstances of the event, the reason for not following the startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan, and whether any excess emissions or parameter monitoring exceedances are believed to have occurred. Taking actions inconsistent with those in the plan constitutes a violation of a general permit condition.
4. The registration for this air general permit shall include all the following information.
a. The number of dry-to-dry machines onsite, and for each onsite dry-to-dry machine, the date the machine was installed, whether the machine is new or existing as defined at 40 C.F.R. Part 63, Subpart M, whether the control device is refrigerated condenser or carbon adsorber, and the date the control device was installed.
b. Whether the facility is a co-residential dry cleaning facility as defined at 40 C.F.R. Part 63, Subpart M.
c. For each dry-to-dry machine at a co-residential dry cleaning facility, whether the machine is a perchloroethylene dry cleaning machine (yes or no), and whether the machine has a vapor barrier enclosure (yes or no).
d. Gallons of perchloroethylene used within the most recent 12 months.
e. The horsepower and fuel type (propane, no. 2 fuel oil, no. 4 fuel oil, no. 6 fuel oil, natural gas, electric, or other) for all steam and hot water generating units (boilers) onsite, or a statement that there are no boilers onsite.
(g) Air General Permit for Facilities Comprising Ethylene Oxide Sterilizers. Effective July 1, 2023, authorizations under the Air General Permit for Facilities Comprising Ethylene Oxide Sterilizers will no longer be available. Ethylene Oxide Sterilizer facilities operating under the authorization of an existing air general permit may continue to operate until the expiration of the facility's existing air general permit, or, if the facility applies for an air construction permit prior to the expiration of its existing air general permit, until the Department issues an air construction permit to the facility. After July 1, 2023, any modification at a facility to expand operations, capture fugitive emissions, or install air pollution control equipment will require authorization through a facility-specific air construction permit and air operation permit. The owner or operator of a facility operating under the authority of this air general permit shall apply for an air operation permit at least 180 days prior to the expiration of the facility's existing air general permit.
1. For the purposes of this air general permit, the definitions at 40 C.F.R. Part 63, Subparts A and O, as applicable, adopted and incorporated by reference at Rule 62-204.800, F.A.C., shall apply.
2. A facility comprising one or more ethylene oxide sterilizers shall be eligible to use this air general permit provided it meets the general eligibility criteria of paragraph 62-210.310(2)(a), F.A.C.
3. A facility using this air general permit shall comply with the requirements of 40 C.F.R. Part 63, Subparts A, and O, adopted and incorporated by reference in Rule 62-204.800, F.A.C., as applicable, and the general conditions given at subsection 62-210.310(3), F.A.C.
4. The registration for this air general permit shall include all the following information.
a. The number of ethylene oxide sterilization units onsite.
b. For each unit onsite, the following information: vent type (sterilization chamber, chamber exhaust, or aeration room); date initially purchased from manufacturer; status (new or existing as defined at 40 C.F.R. Part 63, Subpart O); control device required (yes or no); and date control installed, if applicable.
c. The total amount of ethylene oxide purchased in the most recent 12 months, in tons.
d. Indicate all control technologies that are required for sterilization units pursuant to this air general permit (one or more of the following: acid-water scrubber, catalytic oxidation unit, thermal oxidation unit, other, or none required).
(h) Air General Permit for Facilities Comprising Halogenated Solvent Degreasers.
1. For the purposes of this air general permit, the definitions at 40 C.F.R. Part 63, Subparts A and T, adopted and incorporated by reference at Rule 62-204.800, F.A.C., shall apply.
2. A facility comprising one or more halogenated solvent degreasers shall be eligible to use this air general permit provided it meets the general eligibility criteria of paragraph 62-210.310(2)(a), F.A.C.
3. A facility using this air general permit shall comply with the requirements of 40 C.F.R. Part 63, Subparts A and T, adopted and incorporated by reference in rule 62-204.800, F.A.C., as applicable, and the general conditions given at subsection 62-210.310(3), F.A.C.
4. The registration for this air general permit shall include all the following information.
a. For each halogenated solvent degreaser, the type of machine (batch vapor solvent; batch cold; or in-line); the date initially purchased from the manufacturer; whether the machine is new or existing as defined at 40 C.F.R. Part 63, Subpart T; and the date the control device was installed, if applicable.
b. The total amount of halogenated solvents used in the most recent 12 months, in gallons.
c. The halogenated solvents used at the facility (one or more of the following: perchloroethylene, methylene chloride, trichloroethylene, 1, 1, 1-trichloroethane, carbon tetrachloride, or chloroform).
d. The method of compliance (complying with an alternative solvent emission limit; implementing a control device combination/work practice standards; meeting an idling emission limit/work practice standards; or meeting the requirements for batch cold cleaning machines).
e. If implementing a control device combination, the controls that apply to the facility (one or more of the following: 1.0 freeboard ratio; carbon adsorber; dwell time; reduced room draft; working mode cover; super-heated vapor; or freeboard refrigeration device).
(i) Air General Permit for Facilities Comprising Chromium Electroplaters and Anodizers.
1. For the purposes of this air general permit, the definitions at 40 C.F.R. Part 63, Subparts A and N, adopted and incorporated by reference at Rule 62-204.800, F.A.C., shall apply.
2. A facility comprising one or more chromium electroplaters and anodizers shall be eligible to use this air general permit provided it meets the general eligibility criteria of paragraph 62-210.310(2)(a), F.A.C.
3. A facility using this air general permit shall comply with the requirements of 40 C.F.R. Part 63, Subparts A and N, adopted and incorporated by reference in Rule 62-204.800, F.A.C., as applicable, and the general conditions given at subsection 62-210.310(3), F.A.C.
4. The registration for this air general permit shall include all the following information.
a. For each hard chromium electroplating tank, whether the tank is existing or new as defined at 40 C.F.R. Part 63, Subpart N; whether the tank is open surface or enclosed as defined at 40 C.F.R. Part 63, Subpart N; date of purchase; date of control device installation; type of control device (packed-bed scrubber, composite mesh pad, packed-bed scrubber and composite mesh pad, fume suppressant, fume suppressant with a wetting agent, fiber-bed mist eliminator, or wetting agent); applicable 40 C.F.R. Part 63, Subpart N standard or an alternative emission rate as determined in 40 C.F.R. 63.344; and whether the facility's cumulative potential rectifier capacity is greater than or equal to 60 million ampere-hours per year (yes or no).
b. For each decorative chromium electroplating or chromium anodizing tank, whether the tank is existing or new as defined at 40 C.F.R. Part 63, Subpart N; date of purchase; date of control device installation; type of control device (packed-bed scrubber, composite mesh pad, packed-bed scrubber and composite mesh pad, fume suppressant, fume suppressant with a wetting agent, fiber-bed mist eliminator, or wetting agent); and applicable 40 C.F.R. Part 63, Subpart N standard or, for trivalent chromium bath decorative electroplating tanks only, records of bath components.
c. The compliance demonstration method (initial performance test, use of a wetting agent to reduce emissions so as to meet the existing surface tension limit, or, for trivalent chromium bath decorative electroplating tanks only, records of bath components).
(j) Air General Permit for Facilities Comprising Asbestos Manufacturers and Fabricators.
1. For the purposes of this air general permit, the definitions at 40 C.F.R. Part 61, Subparts A and M, adopted and incorporated by reference at Rule 62-204.800, F.A.C., shall apply.
2. A facility comprising one or more asbestos manufacturers or fabricators shall be eligible to use this air general permit provided it meets the general eligibility criteria of paragraph 62-210.310(2)(a), F.A.C.
3. A facility using this air general permit shall comply with the requirements of 40 C.F.R. Part 61, Subparts A and M adopted and incorporated by reference in Rule 62-204.800, F.A.C., as applicable, and the general conditions given at subsection 62-210.310(3), F.A.C.
4. The registration for this air general permit shall indicate whether the facility is classified as asbestos manufacturing, asbestos fabrication, or both.
(k) Air General Permit for Facilities Comprising Secondary Aluminum Sweat Furnaces.
1. For the purposes of this air general permit, the definitions at 40 C.F.R. Part 63, Subparts A and RRR, adopted and incorporated by reference at Rule 62-204.800, F.A.C., shall apply.
2. A facility comprising one or more secondary aluminum sweat furnaces shall be eligible to use this air general permit provided it meets the general eligibility criteria of paragraph 62-210.310(2)(a), F.A.C.
3. A facility using this air general permit shall comply with the requirements of the general conditions given at subsection 62-210.310(3), F.A.C., and 40 C.F.R. Part 63, Subparts A and RRR, adopted and incorporated by reference in Rule 62-204.800, F.A.C., as applicable, except that:
a. In lieu of conducting a performance test to demonstrate compliance with the emission standard of 40 C.F.R. § 63.1505(f)(2), the owner or operator shall comply with the residence time and operating temperature requirements of 40 C.F.R. § 63.1505(f)(1); and,
b. In lieu of submitting a written operation, maintenance, and monitoring plan to the Department, the owner or operator shall prepare and implement a plan that meets the criteria of 40 C.F.R. § 63.1510(b), operate the sweat furnaces(s) in compliance with the operation, maintenance and monitoring plan at all times, and maintain the plan onsite and available for inspection by the Department.
4. The registration for this air general permit shall include all the following information.
a. The number of secondary aluminum sweat furnaces, scrap shredders, degreasers, paint shops, boilers, and emergency generators onsite.
b. A description of any other process operations at the site that may emit air pollutants.


Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 62-210.310

Rulemaking Authority 403.061 FS. Law Implemented 403.031, 403.061, 403.087, 403.814 FS.

New 1-10-07, Amended 5-9-07, 10-12-08, 6-29-11, Amended by Florida Register Volume 43, Number 070, April 11, 2017 effective 4/26/2017, Amended by Florida Register Volume 44, Number 119, June 19, 2018 effective 7/3/2018, Amended by Florida Register Volume 46, Number 180, September 15, 2020 effective 9/29/2020, Amended by Florida Register Volume 48, Number 051, March 15, 2022 effective 3/27/2022, Amended by Florida Register Volume 49, Number 095, May 16, 2023 effective 6/1/2023.

New 1-10-07, Amended 5-9-07, 10-12-08, 6-29-11, 4-26-17, 7-3-18, 9-29-20, 3-27-22, 6-1-23.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.