1. § 096-100-1 - Actual emissions
  2. § 096-100-2 - Abutter
  3. § 096-100-3 - Adverse impact
  4. § 096-100-4 - Adverse impact on visibility
  5. § 096-100-5 - Affected states
  6. § 096-100-6 - Air contaminants
  7. § 096-100-7 - Air Quality Related Values (AQRV)
  8. § 096-100-8 - Air pollution control apparatus or air pollution control system
  9. § 096-100-9 - Allowable emissions
  10. § 096-100-10 - Ambient air
  11. § 096-100-11 - Ambient increment
  12. § 096-100-12 - Applicable requirement
  13. § 096-100-13 - As applied
  14. § 096-100-14 - Base case
  15. § 096-100-15 - Baseline actual emissions
  16. § 096-100-16 - Baseline concentration
  17. § 096-100-17 - Begin actual construction
  18. § 096-100-18 - Best Available Control Technology (BACT)
  19. § 096-100-19 - Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART)
  20. § 096-100-20 - Best Practical Treatment (BPT)
  21. § 096-100-21 - Board
  22. § 096-100-22 - Building, structure, facility or installation
  23. § 096-100-23 - Bulk gasoline plant
  24. § 096-100-24 - Bulk gasoline terminal
  25. § 096-100-25 - CAA
  26. § 096-100-26 - Capture efficiency
  27. § 096-100-27 - Capture system
  28. § 096-100-28 - Carbon adsorber
  29. § 096-100-29 - CO[2] equivalent emissions (CO[2]e)
  30. § 096-100-30 - Commence
  31. § 096-100-31 - Commissioner
  32. § 096-100-32 - Condensate
  33. § 096-100-33 - Condenser
  34. § 096-100-34 - Construction
  35. § 096-100-35 - Continuous emission monitoring System (CEMS)
  36. § 096-100-36 - Continuous Emission Rate Monitoring System (CERMS)
  37. § 096-100-37 - Continuous parameter monitoring system (CPMS)
  38. § 096-100-38 - Control system
  39. § 096-100-39 - Curtailment
  40. § 096-100-40 - Department
  41. § 096-100-41 - Dispersion technique
  42. § 096-100-42 - Double block-and-bleed system
  43. § 096-100-43 - Emergency
  44. § 096-100-44 - Emission
  45. § 096-100-45 - Emissions allowable under the Part 70 license
  46. § 096-100-46 - Emission limitation or emission standard
  47. § 096-100-47 - Emissions unit
  48. § 096-100-48 - EPA
  49. § 096-100-49 - Excessive concentration
  50. § 096-100-50 - Exempt VOC compounds
  51. § 096-100-51 - Existing Part 70 hazardous air pollutant (HAP) source
  52. § 096-100-52 - External floating roof
  53. § 096-100-53 - Federal land manager
  54. § 096-100-54 - Federally enforceable
  55. § 096-100-55 - Fuel-burning equipment
  56. § 096-100-56 - Fugitive emissions
  57. § 096-100-57 - Gaseous excess emissions
  58. § 096-100-58 - Gasoline
  59. § 096-100-59 - General process source or general process equipment
  60. § 096-100-60 - Generally Available Control Technology (GACT) emission limitation
  61. § 096-100-61 - Good engineering practice stack height
  62. § 096-100-62 - Greenhouse gases (GHGs)
  63. § 096-100-63 - HAP or Hazardous air pollutant
  64. § 096-100-64 - HAP area source
  65. § 096-100-65 - HAP emission limitation
  66. § 096-100-66 - HAP emission unit
  67. § 096-100-67 - HAP major source
  68. § 096-100-68 - Incinerator
  69. § 096-100-69 - Indian governing body
  70. § 096-100-70 - Indian reservation
  71. § 096-100-71 - Innovative control technology
  72. § 096-100-72 - Insignificant Activities
  73. § 096-100-73 - Integral vista
  74. § 096-100-74 - Intermittent Control System (ICS)
  75. § 096-100-75 - Internal floating roof
  76. § 096-100-76 - Intrafacility Emission Trading
  77. § 096-100-77 - Leak
  78. § 096-100-78 - Lowest Achievable Emission Rate (LAER)
  79. § 096-100-79 - MACT emission limitation for existing Part 70 HAP sources
  80. § 096-100-80 - MACT emission limitation for new Part 70 HAP sources
  81. § 096-100-81 - MACT floor
  82. § 096-100-82 - Major modification
  83. § 096-100-83 - Major PAL emissions unit
  84. § 096-100-84 - Marginal ozone nonattainment area
  85. § 096-100-85 - Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) emission limitation
  86. § 096-100-86 - Maximum true vapor pressure
  87. § 096-100-87 - Minor Modification
  88. § 096-100-88 - Minor Revision
  89. § 096-100-89 - Minor source
  90. § 096-100-90 - Moderate ozone nonattainment area
  91. § 096-100-91 - Modification or modified source
  92. § 096-100-92 - Nearby
  93. § 096-100-93 - Reserved
  94. § 096-100-94 - Net emissions increase
  95. § 096-100-95 - New Part 70 HAP source
  96. § 096-100-96 - New Source Review
  97. § 096-100-97 - Nitrogen oxide (NOx)
  98. § 096-100-98 - Nonattainment area
  99. § 096-100-99 - Nonattainment pollutant
  100. § 096-100-100 - Nonclassified ozone nonattainment area
  101. § 096-100-101 - Normal operation
  102. § 096-100-102 - North American Industry Classification (NAICS)
  103. § 096-100-103 - NO[x]
  104. § 096-100-104 - NO[x] Waiver
  105. § 096-100-105 - Opacity
  106. § 096-100-106 - Open burning
  107. § 096-100-107 - Open-ended valve or line
  108. § 096-100-108 - Organic compound
  109. § 096-100-109 - Overall VOC emission reduction efficiency
  110. § 096-100-110 - Owner or operator
  111. § 096-100-111 - Ozone Transport Region
  112. § 096-100-112 - PAL (Plantwide applicability limitation)
  113. § 096-100-113 - PAL effective date
  114. § 096-100-114 - PAL effective period
  115. § 096-100-115 - PAL license
  116. § 096-100-116 - PAL major modification
  117. § 096-100-117 - PAL pollutant
  118. § 096-100-118 - Part 70
  119. § 096-100-119 - Part 70 Administrative Revision
  120. § 096-100-120 - Part 70 draft license
  121. § 096-100-121 - Part 70 draft proposed license
  122. § 096-100-122 - Part 70 General license
  123. § 096-100-123 - Part 70 HAP source
  124. § 096-100-124 - Part 70 license
  125. § 096-100-125 - Part 70 major source or major stationary source
  126. § 096-100-126 - Part 70 Minor License Modification
  127. § 096-100-127 - Part 70 Section 502(b)(10) Changes
  128. § 096-100-128 - Part 70 Significant License Modification
  129. § 096-100-129 - Part 70 source
  130. § 096-100-130 - Particulate matter
  131. § 096-100-131 - Peaking Unit
  132. § 096-100-132 - Person
  133. § 096-100-133 - Petroleum liquids
  134. § 096-100-134 - PM[2.5]
  135. § 096-100-135 - PM[10]
  136. § 096-100-136 - Pollutant or air pollutant
  137. § 096-100-137 - Potential to emit
  138. § 096-100-138 - Predictive Emission Monitoring Systems (PEMS)
  139. § 096-100-139 - Pressure release
  140. § 096-100-140 - Process weight rate
  141. § 096-100-141 - Production area
  142. § 096-100-142 - Projected actual emissions
  143. § 096-100-143 - Reasonable further progress
  144. § 096-100-144 - Reasonably attributable
  145. § 096-100-145 - Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT)
  146. § 096-100-146 - Reconstruction or reconstructed
  147. § 096-100-147 - Recovery boiler
  148. § 096-100-148 - Reconstruction of a HAP major source
  149. § 096-100-149 - Region
  150. § 096-100-150 - Regulated pollutant
  151. § 096-100-151 - Responsible official
  152. § 096-100-152 - Secondary emissions
  153. § 096-100-153 - Serious ozone nonattainment area
  154. § 096-100-154 - Shake down period
  155. § 096-100-155 - SIC code
  156. § 096-100-156 - Significant emissions
  157. § 096-100-157 - Significant emissions increase
  158. § 096-100-158 - Significant PAL emissions unit
  159. § 096-100-159 - Significant impact
  160. § 096-100-160 - Significant impact area
  161. § 096-100-161 - Six (6) minute block average for Continuous Opacity Monitors (COM)
  162. § 096-100-162 - Small PAL emissions unit
  163. § 096-100-163 - Solvent
  164. § 096-100-164 - Source
  165. § 096-100-165 - Stack
  166. § 096-100-166 - Standard atmospheric conditions
  167. § 096-100-167 - Tank truck
  168. § 096-100-168 - Temporary source
  169. § 096-100-169 - Title IV source
  170. § 096-100-170 - Title IV unit
  171. § 096-100-171 - Title I Modification
  172. § 096-100-172 - True vapor pressure
  173. § 096-100-173 - Vapor control system
  174. § 096-100-174 - Virgin oil
  175. § 096-100-175 - Visibility impairment
  176. § 096-100-176 - Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)
  177. § 096-100-177 - VOC incinerator
  178. § 096-100-178 - Waste

SUMMARY: This regulation provides definitions for those terms used in the air pollution control regulations and emission standards.


January 31, 1972
Amended: May 7, 1979
Amended: December 24, 1979
Amended: February 16, 1980
Amended: October 3, 1989
Amended: July 10, 1990
Amended: January 18, 1992
Amended: February 10, 1993
Amended: December 12, 1993
Amended: July 11, 1994
Amended: October 28, 1995
May 8, 1996
Amended: October 6, 1996 - Sections 9 Note; 18, 66, 76.
Amended: September 14, 1998 - items added to 154.
Amended: October 6, 1996
Amended: September 14, 1998
Amended: September 22, 2001
Amended: May 18, 2003
Amended: July 6, 2004 - filing 2004-250
Amended: December 24, 2005 - filing 2005-499
Amended: October 4, 2009 - filing 2009-516
Amended: April 3, 2011 - filing 2011-100
Amended: December 1, 2012 - filing 2012-336
Amended: May 22, 2016 - filing 2016-093, slight changes to 11(C), 149(I)(3), 156(A)(*)
Amended: November 27, 2016 - filing 2016-201, definitions 93, 175; "CFR" changed to "C. F. R. " throughout
Amended: January 14, 2019 - filing 2019-006
Amended: 2/9/2021- filing 2021- 033

AUTHORITY: 38 M. R. S. §585-A

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.